149 research outputs found
Elektrické zvlákňování: koncept výroby nanovláken a mikrovláken, možné aplikace vlákenných materiálů
Habilitační práce je předložena ve formě komentovaného souboru prací dle Zákona č. 111/1998
Sb. Publikované výsledky přibližují význačný svět nanovláken a mikrovláken, zároveň také
samotné technologie vedoucí k jejich přípravě. Habilitační práce je sepsána jako komentovaný
soubor sebraných vědeckých prací. Jedná se o soubor impaktovaných článků, které jsou
zaznamenány v databázích WoS nebo Scopus. Všechny publikované články jsou podpořeny
uveřejněnými patenty, užitnými vzory, nebo přijatými patentovými přihláškami. Propojení
všech těchto vědeckých a inženýrských prací může být důkazem, že aplikace nanovlákenných
i mikrovlákenných materiálů směřují do průmyslové praxe. Dle zákona č. 111/1998 Sb je nutné
uvádět také výstupy vědecko-pedagogické činnosti. Kvantifikace výsledků VaV bude uvedena
v přehledné souhrnné tabulce v kapitole soubor vědeckých prací.
Habilitační práce je orientována na textilní technologie výroby vlákenných i nanovlákenných
materiálů vhodných pro zdravotnické i technické aplikace. V práci jsou uveřejněny výsledky
technického i biologického zaměření. Originalita práce spočívá zejména v propojení vědeckých
publikací přímo s uveřejněnými patenty nebo užitnými vzory. V současné době je cíleno na
možnou komercionalizaci vědeckých výstupů ve formě spolupráce s výrobním subjektem. V
práci je uvedena přímá návaznost vědeckých článků a jejich propojení s průmyslovou sférou.
Přínosem podaných výsledků je zejména novost vytvořených nanovlákenných materiálů a
jejich následný aplikační potenciál. Příkladem může být nanovlákenný kožní kryt pro léčbu
kožních poranění, který je ve fázi klinického testování. Pedagogická činnost zahrnuje výuku
dvou předmětů, Zdravotnické textilie a předmětu Termické a chemické technologie.The habilitation thesis is presented in the form of a commented work file according to Act No.
111/1998 Coll. The published results illustrate the prominent world of nanofibers and
microfibers as well as the technology itself leading to their preparation. Habilitation thesis is
written as a commented collection of collected scientific papers. These are impacted articles
that are recorded in WoS or Scopus databases. All published articles are supported by published
patents, utility models, or accepted patent applications. The continuity of all these scientific and
engineering work may be evidence that the application of nanofibrous and microfibre materials
leads to industrial practice. According to the law, it is also necessary to include scientific and
pedagogical activities. Quantification of the R & D results will be presented in a synoptical
summary table in the chapter of scientific work.
The habilitation thesis is oriented on the textile technology of production of fiber and
nanofibrous materials suitable for medical and technical applications. In the work are published
the results of the technical and biological focus. The originality of the work is mainly the linking
of scientific publications directly with published patents or utility models. At present, there is
a pressure on the possible commercialization of scientific outputs in the form of cooperation
with the manufacturing entity. There is a direct link between the scientific articles and their
links with the industrial sphere. The benefit of the results is the novelty of the created
nanofibrous materials and their future application potential. An example can be a nanofibrous
skin cover for the treatment of skin injuries that is in the clinical trial phase. Pedagogical activity
is supported by the teaching of two subjects: Medical Textiles and Thermal and Chemical
Effect of solvent on electrospinnability of kopolymer PLGA
katedra: KNT; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 59s.This thesis described an effect of solvent on electrospinnability of kopolymer PLGA. In teoretical part it was described electrostatical spinning of polymers. After that it focused on biocompatibility and biodegradability of polymer materials and used polymers PLA, PGA and copolymer PLGA. In experimental part equipments, used solvent and effect of this solvent on electrospinnability were defined. At the end it was discussed about diameter of fibers and effect of geomety on elektrospinnability.Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vlivem rozpouštědel na proces elektrostatického zvlákňování. V teoretické části práce byl zhodnocen současný stav vývoje elektrostatického zvlákňování polymerů. Dále zde také byly zmíněny biodegradabilní a biokompatibilní materiály, použité polymery PLA, PGA a kopolymer PLGA. V experimentální části práce byla definována zařízení, použitá rozpouštědla, vlivy rozpouštědel na proces zvlákňování, průměr vláken a vliv geometrie válečku na samotný proces elektrostatického zvlákňování
Production of Poly(vinylalcohol) Nanoyarns Using a Special Saw-like Collector
This work introduces an electrospinning method for laboratory-scale production of nanofibrous materials from polyvinylalcohol (PVA) nanofibres. A procedure for the subsequent production of twisted yarns from the aligned nanofibrous strand is introduced as well. Both needle and needleless electrospinning variants were employed Mechanical properties of the nanoyarns produced were tested using a VIBRODYN 400 and their morphology was investigated by light and electron microscopy. The work also introduces a simple analysis of the field strength that causes the prevailing unidirectional fiber deposition between neighbouring lamellae of a special saw-like collector The field strength analysis was carried out both analytically and by modelling based on the software COMSOL Multiphysics.MSMT project CARSILA [ME10145]; [GACR: P208/12/0105
The combination of meltblown technology and electrospinning - The influence of the ratio of micro and nanofibers on cell viability
This study describes the production, testing and characterization of biodegradable scaffolds for bone tissue, which consist of the exact ratio of meltblown microfibers and nanofibers produced through the electrostatic field. All fibrous materials were produced from polycaprolactone. Three kinds of materials were prepared in the experiment with the same area density and with different well-defined ratio of microfibers as a mechanical component and nanofibers as a cells adherent component. All prepared materials showed optimum porosity of the inner structure for cell proliferation and in comparison to the materials with nanofibers they had good mechanical properties. Important structural properties and homogenity of each material were observed by electron microscopy and analyzed by image analysis. The effect of various ratios of microfibers and nanofibers on adhesion and proliferation of osteoblasts in-vitro was characterized. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Hydrogel Containing Anti-CD44-Labeled Microparticles, Guide Bone Tissue Formation in Osteochondral Defects in Rabbits
Hydrogels are suitable for osteochondral defect regeneration as they mimic the viscoelastic environment of cartilage. However, their biomechanical properties are not sufficient to withstand high mechanical forces. Therefore, we have prepared electrospun poly-ε-caprolactone-chitosan (PCL-chit) and poly(ethylene oxide)-chitosan (PEO-chit) nanofibers, and FTIR analysis confirmed successful blending of chitosan with other polymers. The biocompatibility of PCL-chit and PEO-chit scaffolds was tested; fibrochondrocytes and chondrocytes seeded on PCL-chit showed superior metabolic activity. The PCL-chit nanofibers were cryogenically grinded into microparticles (mean size of about 500 µm) and further modified by polyethylene glycol–biotin in order to bind the anti-CD44 antibody, a glycoprotein interacting with hyaluronic acid (PCL-chit-PEGb-antiCD44). The PCL-chit or PCL-chit-PEGb-antiCD44 microparticles were mixed with a composite gel (collagen/fibrin/platelet rich plasma) to improve its biomechanical properties. The storage modulus was higher in the composite gel with microparticles compared to fibrin. The Eloss of the composite gel and fibrin was higher than that of the composite gel with microparticles. The composite gel either with or without microparticles was further tested in vivo in a model of osteochondral defects in rabbits. PCL-chit-PEGb-antiCD44 significantly enhanced osteogenic regeneration, mainly by desmogenous ossification, but decreased chondrogenic differentiation in the defects. PCL-chit-PEGb showed a more homogeneous distribution of hyaline cartilage and enhanced hyaline cartilage differentiation
Hydrogel Containing Anti-CD44-Labeled Microparticles, Guide Bone Tissue Formation in Osteochondral Defects in Rabbits
Hydrogels are suitable for osteochondral defect regeneration as they mimic the viscoelastic environment of cartilage. However, their biomechanical properties are not sufficient to withstand high mechanical forces. Therefore, we have prepared electrospun poly-ε-caprolactone-chitosan (PCL-chit) and poly(ethylene oxide)-chitosan (PEO-chit) nanofibers, and FTIR analysis confirmed successful blending of chitosan with other polymers. The biocompatibility of PCL-chit and PEO-chit scaffolds was tested; fibrochondrocytes and chondrocytes seeded on PCL-chit showed superior metabolic activity. The PCL-chit nanofibers were cryogenically grinded into microparticles (mean size of about 500 µm) and further modified by polyethylene glycol–biotin in order to bind the anti-CD44 antibody, a glycoprotein interacting with hyaluronic acid (PCL-chit-PEGb-antiCD44). The PCL-chit or PCL-chit-PEGb-antiCD44 microparticles were mixed with a composite gel (collagen/fibrin/platelet rich plasma) to improve its biomechanical properties. The storage modulus was higher in the composite gel with microparticles compared to fibrin. The Eloss of the composite gel and fibrin was higher than that of the composite gel with microparticles. The composite gel either with or without microparticles was further tested in vivo in a model of osteochondral defects in rabbits. PCL-chit-PEGb-antiCD44 significantly enhanced osteogenic regeneration, mainly by desmogenous ossification, but decreased chondrogenic differentiation in the defects. PCL-chit-PEGb showed a more homogeneous distribution of hyaline cartilage and enhanced hyaline cartilage differentiation
Acute kidney injury in sepsis: phatophysiological and therapeutical aspects
Sepsis and septic shock remain major cause of mortality in non-coronary intenisve care units. Prognosis of septic patiens worsens further in case of concomitant acute kidney injury. Pathophysiological pathways leading to renal dysfunction in sepsis remain unclear despite of enormous experimental and clinical research. Similarly, the role of extracorporeal blood purification techniques as an adjunctive treatment in sepsis is highly controversial. The aim of our study was to dynamically assess renal haemodynamic, microvascular and metabolic responses in a porcine clinically relevant model of septic shock. The same experimental model was used in experiments elucidating potential benefit effects of two distinct haemopurification methods on different biological responses to infectious insult
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