9 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of the Ukrainian medical device market

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    The Ukrainian medical device market is gradually following the path of harmonization with the market of the European Union. Although there was a number of amendments to the Ukrainian regulations in accordance with the existing European directives, the overall legislative part is probably the simplest portion of the homework. To bring the state of the market up to the next level the government of Ukraine will need to take a new and reformatory approach in dealing with the peculiarities of this industry, consisting mostly of out-of-date equipment, shortage of high-value devices, general poor treatment conditions in state clinics and many more. Considering the above-mentioned, scrutiny of current market issues is a key means of identifying and prioritizing critical points that require repair actions

    Convergence and Divergence in Europe: Polish and Ukrainian Cases

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    The all-round aspects of bilateral relations are considered in the common Ukrainian-Polish monograph. Authors uncover important features of social-andeconomic systems convergence under conditions of globalization and European integration, as well as the further transformation of Central- and East European countries. The focus of the monograph is to analyze the characteristic features of the evolution of Polish and Ukrainian economic models. The research interest of the authors of the monograph has been concentrated on the diversification of bilateral economic relations and subject to the fundamental objective – the co-integration of Ukraine and the EU, as well as the possibility of adapting the Polish experience of systemic transformation of the national social and economic model. The monograph is addressed to scientists, politicians, public activists, diplomats, international experts, and to all those, who are not indifferent to the European prospect of Ukraine

    Convergence and Divergence in Europe: Polish and Ukrainian Cases

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    The all-round aspects of bilateral relations are considered in the common Ukrainian-Polish monograph. Authors uncover important features of social-andeconomic systems convergence under conditions of globalization and European integration, as well as the further transformation of Central- and East European countries. The focus of the monograph is to analyze the characteristic features of the evolution of Polish and Ukrainian economic models. The research interest of the authors of the monograph has been concentrated on the diversification of bilateral economic relations and subject to the fundamental objective – the co-integration of Ukraine and the EU, as well as the possibility of adapting the Polish experience of systemic transformation of the national social and economic model. The monograph is addressed to scientists, politicians, public activists, diplomats, international experts, and to all those, who are not indifferent to the European prospect of Ukraine

    Interregional diversification of Ukraine's foreign trade

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    This paper introduces a framework for studying regions in post-socialist countries, in particular Ukraine. The author identifies patterns in the gross state products (GSP), the concentration of foreign direct investments (FDI) and diversification of foreign trade of Ukraine’s regions. Kyiv and the DonetskDnipropetrovsk-Zaporizhia industrial triangle have leading in foreign economic diversification over the past few years. Considering that production is not diversified and exports are primarily in ferrous metal products, the author identifies a degree of «regional susceptibility» resulting from the application of European and American frameworks, i.e. producer price index, consumer price index, openand RCA- (revealed comparative advantage) export method, for studying regional foreign trade diversification in Ukraine. In concluding he proposes new methods to raise the quality of foreign trade forecasts of Ukraine’s regions

    Methodological Background of Post-Soviet Regionalism: The Case of Ukraine

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    The transformational 1990s significantly differentiated the regional model of Ukraine, which eventually began to resemble a system of uncontrolled chronic economic decline, as the existing planning and regulatory methods had become redundant, the market-based approaches being not actualized. The methodological vacuum in which Ukraine found itself did not allow regions to solve the existing problems by means of European economic convergence instruments. Despite the fact that more and more theories and concepts appeared in the leading developed countries (regional competitiveness, city- region, beautiful places, creative city, localization, etc.), national science used outdated ideas of planned regulation, inappropriate in market economy. The effect of government policies resembled core measures of the neoliberal model, while maintaining a high degree of administrative centralization

    Modernization of the EU agrarian policy

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    There have been studied the modern tools and mechanisms of CAP regulation, identified the positions of different European organizations concerning future changes and found out the driving forces of further CAP transformation

    Strukturalny model rozwoju współpracy w regionie Morza Czarnego

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    The development of international economic cooperation at the Azov-Black Sea region is an essen-tial component of continental “East-West” cooperation and can serve as a bridge of complex diffusion of economic, social and political systems of Eurasia. However, there are several confrontation zones and conflicting ambitions of the biggest participants in the BSEC (The Black Sea Economic Cooperation) which serve as a condition to development of good neighborly relations including economic sphere. An effective cooperation of three EU countries neighbouring each other (Bulgaria, Romania, Greece) could have a positive influence on the development of economic cooperation in the Black and the Azov Seas, the feasibility of this trend towards interaction stems from the theory of localism. Thus, it appears that levels of using all advantages of European regionalism can be summarized as interaction of the BSEC in the formation of common recreational areas, obtaining minerals and dividing areas for fishing, because the part of the EU fisheries policy applies also in this area. The necessary background for further development of the region is synchronizing the cycles of economic growth, the BSEC Member States that require the corresponding convergence of country models within a Free Trade Area (FTA +) and in the near future and harmonization of customs agreements with the EU (Turkey already has such agreement with the European Union). However, further development of this infrastructure will strengthen the Baltic-Black Sea corridor, whose importance shall not be overestimated.Rozwój międzynarodowej współpracy gospodarczej w regionie Morza Czarnego i Azow-skiego jest kluczowy dla pogłębiania współpracy kontynentalnej „Wschód-Zachód” i może służyć jako pomost dla kompleksowej dyfuzji systemów gospodarczych, społecznych i politycznych w Eura-zji. Jednakże pomiędzy największymi państwami członkowskimi BSEC (The Black Sea Economic Cooperation) istnieje wiele spornych obszarów i kwestii, które istotnie warunkują (utrudniają) rozwój dobrosąsiedzkich stosunków w sferze gospodarczej. Sąsiedztwo i efektywna kooperacja z trzema krajami członkowskimi UE (Bułgarią, Rumunią i Grecją) może mieć pozytywny wpływ na rozwój współpracy gospodarczej w rejonie Morza Czarnego i Azowskiego – takie przesłanki wypływają z teorii lokalizmu. Korzyści płynące z euro-pejskiego regionalizmu sprowadzają się przede wszystkim do zaangażowania organizacji BSEC w tworzenie wspólnych terenów rekreacyjnych, pozyskiwanie minerałów oraz wyznaczanie obsza-rów połowów, ponieważ polityka rybołówstwa UE ma zastosowanie także w tym rejonie. Dla dalszego rozwoju regionu niezbędna jest synchronizacja cykli wzrostu gospodarczego państw członkowskich BSEC, co wymaga m.in. odpowiedniej zbieżności modeli państw w ramach strefy wolnego handlu (SWH +) oraz harmonizacji umów celnych z UE w najbliższej przyszłości (Turcja ma już taką umowę z Unią Europejską)

    Mechanisms and Instruments for Realizing the Environmental-Economic Policies of Eastern European Post-Socialist Countries

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    This article addresses the issue of creating effective mechanisms and instruments for the formation of the environmental-economic policy of European CIS countries. The author points up a convergence in approaches to ecological planning between Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Belarus, Moldova, and a number of new EU members. That said, the author reveals that the pace of rapprochement has been quite slow, and, instead of the unification of economic activities, we are witnessing an increase in disproportions in the process of regulating common ecological systems. The author proposes ways to optimize the environmental-economic policy of the countries within the region in conjunction with that pursued in EU countries

    Anticrisis Budgetary Management in the EU

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    Розглянуто наслідки глобальної економічної кризи для країн ЄС та особливості антикризового бюджетного менеджменту, що реалізувався впродовж останніх трьох років як на національному, так і на наднаціональному рівнях ЄС.Preconditions of the 2008–2010 global economic crisis and its impact on the economy of the European Union are considered. The anticrisis measures of the EU member-states as well as of the EU institutions are systemized and described. The conclusions on what EU anticrisis experience should be implied in Ukraine are made