52 research outputs found

    Immersion: interpretation and development of the concept in pedagogy

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    The article traces the development of the immersion concept from the suggestive pedagogy of R. M. Granovskaya and G. K. Lozanov, methods of immersion of Russian teachers-innovators to the formation of immersive educational environments in contemporary professional educationПрослеживается развитие понятия иммерсивности от суггестивной педагогики Р. М. Грановской и Г. К. Лозанова, методик погружения российских педагогов-инноваторов до формирования иммерсивных образовательных сред в современном профессиональном образовани

    The acmeological conditions of personal and professional person’s development

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    The article deals with the conditions of personal and professional development of a person as the determinants of his top achievements. Subjective and objective conditions of reaching the top in activity, as well as conditions associated with the individual characteristics of a person, his personal potential and activity in crisis periods of life are analyzedВ статье рассматриваются условия личностно-профессионального развития человека как детерминанты его вершинных достижений. Анализируются субъективные и объективные условия достижения вершин в деятельности, а также условия, связанные с индивидуальными особенностями человека, его личностным потенциалом и активностью в кризисные периоды жизн

    The acmeological meaning of personal and professional potential

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    The personal and professional potential of personality is presented as the acmeological definition. The differences between the definitions: potential, abilities, activity are proved in the article. The author describes potential as a person self-managed system of internal renewable resources, reflecting during socially important activity. The allocation of potential, the fluidity of its structure during implementation are described from the point of acmeological view. The resume about possibility to evaluer the potential from the acmeological view is given in the articleВ статье личностно-профессиональный потенциал личности рассматривается как акмеологическое понятие. Вводятся различия между понятиями: потенциал, способности, деятельность. Потенциал описывается как самоуправляемая система возобновляемых внутренних ресурсов человека, проявляющихся в социально значимой деятельности. С позиции акмеологии рассматривается распределение потенциала, текучесть его структуры в ходе реализации и делается вывод о возможности его акмеологической оценк


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    В статье раскрыто содержание новейших компетенций, предлагаемых в зарубежных и отечественных исследованиях. Представлены для анализа структурная модель компетентности Дж. Равена, концепция «Навыки XXI века» П.Гриффина, четырехмерная модель Ч. Фаделя, кластерная модель HR-клуба СколковоThe article reveals the content of the latest competencies offered in foreign and Russian researches. The J. Raven structural model of competence, the P. Griffin concept of "Skills of the XXI Century", four-dimensional model of Ch. Fadel, cluster model of SKOLKOVO HR-club are presented for the analysi

    Formation of corporate culture of employees of enterprises with state participation

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    The results of survey dedicated to the state participation enterprises corporative culture forming process are presented in the article. The special features of motivation, aiming, style of communication and moral culture having influence on typology of such enterprises corporative culture are described in the articleВ статье представлены результаты исследования процесса формирования корпоративной культуры предприятия с государственным участием. Описаны особенности мотивации, целеполагания, стиля взаимодействия и нравственной культу-ры, влияющие на типологию корпоративной культуры, формирующейся на подобных предприятия

    The influence of reflexive educational environment on students’ reflection development in the process of social adaptation

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    The topicality of the research is caused by the necessity to overcome contradictions between the traditional environment of educational institutions and the socialization of future graduates related to their mental world creation, to finding their identity in terms of civilization change and the rapid development of digital technologies. The aim of the study lies in defining the additional functions of the reflexive educational environment and its influence in the formation of students’ reflexive abilities and their understanding of the relationship between reflection and adaptation process in society. The leading method to investigate this problem (issue) is the reflexive method, including introspection, self-analysis, existential techniques of ‘self-exploration’, a dialogical communicative technique that allowed identifying, through content analysis of reflexive and analytical essays of students, the types of adaptive orientations (and the reflexive repertoires based on them) from which, as they integrate, a reflexive personality style is developed. It is established that the reflexive repertoires used in the process of self-identification correspond to the four adaptive attitudes of the person: homeostatic, hedonistic, rationalistic and pragmatic. Social adaptation is manifested in a conscious change in behavior and one’s own life support system, in creating a new environment of social existence, and is accompanied by a transformation of consciousness and self-awareness. In this case, reflection is the main means of these changes and the integration of reflexive repertoires and of formed reflection levels (narrative, dialogical, cognitive and axiological) are the factors influencing the outcome of social adaptation. The results of the research are aimed at solving the problem of creating a reflexive educational environment for students’ personal development and at choosing effective ways and mechanisms for their adaptation and self-realization in society. The materials of the study can prove useful both for theoretical research of reflexive thinking development in a specially created educational environment and for the teaching activities, including a foreign language.Keywords: reflexive educational environment, reflexive orientation, reflexive repertoires, social adaptation

    The role of acmeological technologies in shaping the cultural competency self-development and self-realization

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    The article discusses the possibility of using acmeological diagnostic and developmental technologies for the formation of common cultural competency self-development and self-realization graduates, the listener refresher courses, training and retrainingВ статье рассматриваются возможности использования акмеологических диагностических и развивающих технологий для формирования общекультурных компетенций саморазвития и самореализации выпускников вузов, слушателей курсов повышения квалификации, подготовки и переподготовки кадро

    Methodological and pedagogical potential of reflection in development of contemporary didactics

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    Applicability of the issue under research is preconditioned by the need of practical pedagogics to expand methodological and methodical tools of contemporary didactics. The purpose of the article is to detect the methodological core of reflection as a form of thinking and to provide insight thereinto on the basis of systematic attributes of the didactic method. The leading approach to research into this issue is a conceptual genetic approach which enables comprehensive examination of reflection as a form of thinking that provides for generation of new ideas, knowledge and transformation of activity. The main deliverables of the work are that the main interpretations of reflection, its ontological attributes are provided, the core of the method as a way of research into the object and management of activity is described, the didactic method is defined, and the attributes thereof which enable substantiating the reflexive method as a didactic one and describing reflexive techniques are detected, thus allowing introduction of reflection into the categorical framework of the pedagogics. The contents of the article may be of use for theoretic research and are of practical value for pedagogues as they enable developing techniques on the basis of the reflexive method and introducing them into the pedagogical practice. © 2016 Chupina, Pleshakova and Konovalova

    The role acmeological technology in enhancing the effectiveness of professional self-development of public servants

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    The article describes the potentiality of acmeological technologies within the system of continuous education aimed at enhancing professional self-development of public servantsВ статье рассматриваются возможности использования акмеологических технологий в рамках системы непрерывного образования с целью повышения эффективности профессионального саморазвития государственных служащи