19 research outputs found

    Correlated Phases of Population Imbalanced Fermi-Fermi Mixtures on an Optical Lattice

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    We study a two species fermion mixture with different populations on a square lattice modeled by a Hubbard Hamiltonian with on-site inter-species repulsive interaction. Such a model can be realized in a cold atom system with fermionic atoms in two different hyperfine states loaded on an optical lattice and with tunable inter-species interaction strength via external fields. For a two-dimensional square lattice, when at least one of the fermion species is close to half-filling, the system is highly affected by lattice effects. With the majority species near half-filling and varying densities for the minority species, we find that several correlated phases emerge as the ground state, including a spin density wave state, a charge density wave state with stripe structure, and various p-wave BCS pairing states for both species. We study this system using a functional renormalization group method, determine its phase diagram at weak coupling, discuss the origin and characteristics of each phase, and provide estimates for the critical temperatures.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, figures update

    Resonant tunneling in fractional quantum Hall effect: superperiods and braiding statistics

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    We study theoretically resonant tunneling of composite fermions through their quasi-bound states around a fractional quantum Hall island, and find a rich set of possible transitions of the island state as a function of the magnetic field or the backgate voltage. These considerations have possible relevance to a recent experimental study, and bring out many subtleties involved in deducing fractional braiding statistics.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    Unconventional superconducting phases on a two-dimensional extended Hubbard model

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    We study the phase diagram of the extended Hubbard model on a two-dimensional square lattice, including on-site (U) and nearest-neighbor (V) interactions, at weak couplings. We show that the charge-density-wave phase that is known to occur at half-filling when 4V > U gives way to a d_{xy} -wave superconducting instability away from half-filling, when the Fermi surface is not perfectly nested, and for sufficiently large repulsive and a range of on-site repulsive interaction. In addition, when nesting is further suppressed and in presence of a nearest-neighbor attraction, a triplet time-reversal breaking (p_x + ip_y)-wave pairing instability emerges, competing with the d_{x2+y2} pairing state that is known to dominate at fillings just slightly away from half. At even smaller fillings, where the Fermi surface no longer presents any nesting, the (p_x +ip_y)-wave superconducting phase dominates in the whole regime of on-site repulsions and nearest-neighbor attractions, while d_{xy}-pairing occurs in the presence of on-site attraction. Our results suggest that zero-energy Majorana fermions can be realized on a square lattice in the presence of a magnetic field. For a system of cold fermionic atoms on a two-dimensional square optical lattice, both an on-site repulsion and a nearest-neighbor attraction would be required, in addition to rotation of the system to create vortices. We discuss possible ways of experimentally engineering the required interaction terms in a cold atom system

    Proximity-induced superconductivity in nanowires: Mini-gap state and differential magnetoresistance oscillations

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    We study proximity-induced superconductivity in gold nanowires as a function of the length of the nanowire, magnetic field, and excitation current. Short nanowires exhibit a sharp superconducting transition, whereas long nanowires show nonzero resistance. At intermediate lengths, however, we observe two sharp transitions; the normal and superconducting regions are separated by what we call the mini-gap phase. Additionally, we detect periodic oscillations in the differential magnetoresistance. We provide a theoretical model for the mini-gap phase as well as the periodic oscillations in terms of the coexistence of proximity-induced superconductivity with a normal region near the center of the wire, created either by temperature or application of a magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Phase diagram for bilayer quantum Hall effect at total filling nuT=5

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    We evaluate the phase diagram of the bilayer quantum Hall effect at total filling nuT=5, which is a bilayer phase coherent state at small separations and two uncoupled 5/2 states at large separations. Based on a combination of variational and exact calculations, we estimate that the transition between these states occurs at a layer separation of approximately one magnetic length. The composite fermion Fermi sea is not found to be relevant for any parameters

    Phase diagram for bilayer quantum Hall effect at total filling nuT=5

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    We evaluate the phase diagram of the bilayer quantum Hall effect at total filling nuT=5, which is a bilayer phase coherent state at small separations and two uncoupled 5/2 states at large separations. Based on a combination of variational and exact calculations, we estimate that the transition between these states occurs at a layer separation of approximately one magnetic length. The composite fermion Fermi sea is not found to be relevant for any parameters

    The retardation effects of lamellar slip or/and chain slip on void initiation during uniaxial stretching of oriented iPP

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    Cavitation is frequently encountered during the deformation of semi-crystalline polymers. Although abundant works have been performed to reveal the cavitation behavior in detail, the relationship between void formation and the plastic deformation of crystalline phase is still unclear. In this work, by in-situ synchrotron X-ray scattering, the void formation and the slip process in crystalline phase during uniaxial stretching of oriented isotactic polypropylene (iPP) were investigated. Results proved clearly that lamellae slip or/and chain slip presents a retardation effect on void formation. As the Deviation Angle (DA, defined as the angle between stretching direction and lamellae normal) was 0°, voids were initiated at a Hencky strain (εHε_H) of 0.04 and the longitude direction of voids was perpendicular to lamellae normal. Meanwhile, no slip process happened when voids were induced. As DA was 15°, lamellae slip took place once the stretching was started and voids were formed at εH of 0.09. When DA was further enlarged to 30° and 45°, both lamellae slip and chain slip could be found as voids were induced. The εHε_H of voids formation were 0.29 and 0.31, respectively. Interestingly, it is worth noting that as DA was increased from 0° to 45°, although the orientation degree of voids was decreased, the longitude direction of voids stayed perpendicular to the normal of lamellae. When DA was enlarged further to 90°, voids were formed at εHε_H of 0.1 and the longitude direction of voids coincided with lamellae normal. Additionally, neither lamellae slip nor chain slip existed once voids appeared. Combining the value of micro-strain of lamellae stacks and crystal lattice, it is proposed that voids were formed either in the amorphous phase on the normal side of lamellae (0° ≤ DA ≤ 45°) or in the amorphous phase on the lateral side of lamellae (DA = 90°)

    Candidate Source of Flux Noise in SQUIDs: Adsorbed Oxygen Molecules.

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    A major obstacle to using superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) as qubits is flux noise. We propose that the heretofore mysterious spins producing flux noise could be O_{2} molecules adsorbed on the surface. Using density functional theory calculations, we find that an O_{2} molecule adsorbed on an α-alumina surface has a magnetic moment of ~1.8 μ_{B}. The spin is oriented perpendicular to the axis of the O-O bond, the barrier to spin rotations is about 10 mK. Monte Carlo simulations of ferromagnetically coupled, anisotropic XY spins on a square lattice find 1/f magnetization noise, consistent with flux noise in Al SQUIDs