37,180 research outputs found

    Gravity Waves as a Probe of Hubble Expansion Rate During An Electroweak Scale Phase Transition

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    Just as big bang nucleosynthesis allows us to probe the expansion rate when the temperature of the universe was around 1 MeV, the measurement of gravity waves from electroweak scale first order phase transitions may allow us to probe the expansion rate when the temperature of the universe was at the electroweak scale. We compute the simple transformation rule for the gravity wave spectrum under the scaling transformation of the Hubble expansion rate. We then apply this directly to the scenario of quintessence kination domination and show how gravity wave spectra would shift relative to LISA and BBO projected sensitivities.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures

    Spatial Mixing of Coloring Random Graphs

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    We study the strong spatial mixing (decay of correlation) property of proper qq-colorings of random graph G(n,d/n)G(n, d/n) with a fixed dd. The strong spatial mixing of coloring and related models have been extensively studied on graphs with bounded maximum degree. However, for typical classes of graphs with bounded average degree, such as G(n,d/n)G(n, d/n), an easy counterexample shows that colorings do not exhibit strong spatial mixing with high probability. Nevertheless, we show that for q≥αd+βq\ge\alpha d+\beta with α>2\alpha>2 and sufficiently large β=O(1)\beta=O(1), with high probability proper qq-colorings of random graph G(n,d/n)G(n, d/n) exhibit strong spatial mixing with respect to an arbitrarily fixed vertex. This is the first strong spatial mixing result for colorings of graphs with unbounded maximum degree. Our analysis of strong spatial mixing establishes a block-wise correlation decay instead of the standard point-wise decay, which may be of interest by itself, especially for graphs with unbounded degree

    Response of single junction GaAs/GaAs and GaAs/Ge solar cells to multiple doses of 1 MeV electrons

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    A comparison of the radiation tolerance of MOCVD-grown GaAs cells and GaAs/Ge cells was undertaken using 1 MeV electrons. The GaAs/Ge cells are somewhat more tolerant of 1 MeV electron irradiation and more responsive to annealing than are the GaAs/GaAs cells examined in this study. However, both types of cells suffer a greater degradation in efficiency than has been observed in other recent studies. The reason for this is not certain, but it may be associated with an emitter thickness which appears to be greater than desired. The deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) spectra following irradiation are not significantly different for the GaAs/Ge and the GaAs/GaAs cells, with each having just two peaks. The annealing behavior of these peaks is also similar in the two samples examined. It appears that no penalty in radiation tolerance, and perhaps some benefit, is associated with fabricating MOCVD GaAs cells on Ge substrates rather than GaAs substrates

    Quintessential Kination and Leptogenesis

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    Thermal leptogenesis induced by the CP-violating decay of a right-handed neutrino (RHN) is discussed in the background of quintessential kination, i.e., in a cosmological model where the energy density of the early Universe is assumed to be dominated by the kinetic term of a quintessence field during some epoch of its evolution. This assumption may lead to very different observational consequences compared to the case of a standard cosmology where the energy density of the Universe is dominated by radiation. We show that, depending on the choice of the temperature T_r above which kination dominates over radiation, any situation between the strong and the super--weak wash--out regime are equally viable for leptogenesis, even with the RHN Yukawa coupling fixed to provide the observed atmospheric neutrino mass scale ~ 0.05 eV. For M< T_r < M/100, i.e., when kination stops to dominate at a time which is not much later than when leptogenesis takes place, the efficiency of the process, defined as the ratio between the produced lepton asymmetry and the amount of CP violation in the RHN decay, can be larger than in the standard scenario of radiation domination. This possibility is limited to the case when the neutrino mass scale is larger than about 0.01 eV. The super--weak wash--out regime is obtained for T_r << M/100, and includes the case when T_r is close to the nucleosynthesis temperature ~ 1 MeV. Irrespective of T_r, we always find a sufficient window above the electroweak temperature T ~ 100 GeV for the sphaleron transition to thermalize, so that the lepton asymmetry can always be converted to the observed baryon asymmetry.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Persistent Homology in Sparse Regression and its Application to Brain Morphometry

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    Sparse systems are usually parameterized by a tuning parameter that determines the sparsity of the system. How to choose the right tuning parameter is a fundamental and difficult problem in learning the sparse system. In this paper, by treating the the tuning parameter as an additional dimension, persistent homological structures over the parameter space is introduced and explored. The structures are then further exploited in speeding up the computation using the proposed soft-thresholding technique. The topological structures are further used as multivariate features in the tensor-based morphometry (TBM) in characterizing white matter alterations in children who have experienced severe early life stress and maltreatment. These analyses reveal that stress-exposed children exhibit more diffuse anatomical organization across the whole white matter region.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Medical Imagin

    Quantum criticality in Kondo quantum dot coupled to helical edge states of interacting 2D topological insulators

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    We investigate theoretically the quantum phase transition (QPT) between the one-channel Kondo (1CK) and two-channel Kondo (2CK) fixed points in a quantum dot coupled to helical edge states of interacting 2D topological insulators (2DTI) with Luttinger parameter 0<K<10<K<1. The model has been studied in Ref. 21, and was mapped onto an anisotropic two-channel Kondo model via bosonization. For K<1, the strong coupling 2CK fixed point was argued to be stable for infinitesimally weak tunnelings between dot and the 2DTI based on a simple scaling dimensional analysis[21]. We re-examine this model beyond the bare scaling dimension analysis via a 1-loop renormalization group (RG) approach combined with bosonization and re-fermionization techniques near weak-coupling and strong-coupling (2CK) fixed points. We find for K -->1 that the 2CK fixed point can be unstable towards the 1CK fixed point and the system may undergo a quantum phase transition between 1CK and 2CK fixed points. The QPT in our model comes as a result of the combined Kondo and the helical Luttinger physics in 2DTI, and it serves as the first example of the 1CK-2CK QPT that is accessible by the controlled RG approach. We extract quantum critical and crossover behaviors from various thermodynamical quantities near the transition. Our results are robust against particle-hole asymmetry for 1/2<K<1.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, more details added, typos corrected, revised Sec. IV, V, Appendix A and

    On the gravitational production of superheavy dark matter

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    The dark matter in the universe can be in the form of a superheavy matter species (WIMPZILLA). Several mechanisms have been proposed for the production of WIMPZILLA particles during or immediately following the inflationary epoch. Perhaps the most attractive mechanism is through gravitational particle production, where particles are produced simply as a result of the expansion of the universe. In this paper we present a detailed numerical calculation of WIMPZILLA gravitational production in hybrid-inflation models and natural-inflation models. Generalizing these findings, we also explore the dependence of the gravitational production mechanism on various models of inflation. We show that superheavy dark matter production seems to be robust, with Omega_X h^2 ~ (M_X / (10^11 GeV))^2 (T_RH / (10^9 GeV)), so long as M_X < H_I, where M_X is the WIMPZILLA mass, T_RH is the reheat temperature, and H_I is the expansion rate of the universe during inflation.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures; LaTeX; submitted to Physical Review D; minor typographical error correcte

    Chimney Foundation on Drilled Piers

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    This paper describes the design and compares predicted performance to actual responses of a drilled pier foundation supporting a 305m high chimney. The purpose was to evaluate laboratory and empirical side friction and end bearing criteria used in the pier design. Based on results of a subsurface exploration program, and consideration of vibration effects on nearby structures, a foundation system was designed consisting of 38 drilled piers capped with a concrete mat. The piers had an average diameter of 1.37m in soil and 1.22m in rock. The average length of pier was 15.63m including a rock socket 2.44m deep. Each pier was designed to support a maximum compressional load of 1,362 tons. The side friction and end bearing capacity was analyzed from data accumulated under construction and service conditions. A comparison of this analysis with criteria suggested by others indicated compliance with accepted design standards
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