
Response of single junction GaAs/GaAs and GaAs/Ge solar cells to multiple doses of 1 MeV electrons


A comparison of the radiation tolerance of MOCVD-grown GaAs cells and GaAs/Ge cells was undertaken using 1 MeV electrons. The GaAs/Ge cells are somewhat more tolerant of 1 MeV electron irradiation and more responsive to annealing than are the GaAs/GaAs cells examined in this study. However, both types of cells suffer a greater degradation in efficiency than has been observed in other recent studies. The reason for this is not certain, but it may be associated with an emitter thickness which appears to be greater than desired. The deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) spectra following irradiation are not significantly different for the GaAs/Ge and the GaAs/GaAs cells, with each having just two peaks. The annealing behavior of these peaks is also similar in the two samples examined. It appears that no penalty in radiation tolerance, and perhaps some benefit, is associated with fabricating MOCVD GaAs cells on Ge substrates rather than GaAs substrates

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