352 research outputs found


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    Infestation of cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch) induced oxidative stress in leaves of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. “Nam Dan”) with a burst in generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) products such as superoxide anion radical (O2.-) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) recorded around 24 hours after aphid feeding. An increase in content of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in lipid peroxidation and a defined percentage of injury in aphid-infested leaves were resulted from the cellular oxidative damage. The enhanced activity of the antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC and catalase (CAT, EC in leaves of soybean “Nam Dan” functions as the antioxidative response that controlled both ROS-generation to be enough levels to play as defensive element and ROS-detoxifying to reduce aphid-induced oxidative damage. The enhancement of SOD and CAT also can improve the tolerance of soybean “Nam Dan” to impact from A. craccivora


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    We synthesized 0-3 type (1-x)PbTiO3-xNiFe2O4 (x = 0.0-0.5) multiferroic composites with two independently crystallized parent phases by the sol-gel method. Structural, surface morphology, vibrational, optical, and magnetic characteristics were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), SEM, Raman scattering, UV-vis absorption, and magnetization (M-H) measurements, respectively. The XRD result showed that the lattice parameter a of the PbTiO3 (PTO) phase decreased while lattice parameter c increased after compositing, leading to a decrease in the tetragonal ratio c/a. SEM images indicated that the NiFe2O4 (NFO) crystals that crystallized later are small and adhere to the surface of the large PTO particles. The strong cohesion between the two components was also revealed by the gradual shift of the Raman peaks to the lower wavelength and the reduction of the Raman intensity as the NFO content increased. The UV-vis absorption result showed the co-absorption spectra of the parent phases in the composites. Magnetization curves presented a sharp increase in saturation magnetization MS with NFO content from 0.014 emu/g for the PTO sample to 14.360 emu/g for the composite containing 50 mol% NFO. This study indicates an effective method in the search for multilayer composites

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    Soil Preparation, Running Highbush Blueberry (<em>Vaccinium corymbosum</em> L.) Plantation and Biological Properties of Fruits

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    Due to the pro-health properties of highbush blueberry fruit, the interest in cultivation of this species has been growing significantly, which is evidenced by the current increase in world fruit production. Therefore, the aim of our review study is to present the impact of soil and climatic conditions and cultivation methods of Vaccinium corymbosum L. on fruit yield and quality in Central and Eastern Europe. In this region, one of the most important abiotic factors determining the yield level is the minimum temperature of the winter period and short-term increases in temperature, which are conducive to the damage to flower buds. Another factor determining the success of cultivation is soil. In addition, highbush blueberry has specific soil requirements, which result from its characteristic root structure. The adverse impact of soil factors can be mitigated to a certain extent by the use of mycorrhizal fungi. In this chapter, besides the cultivation conditions of V. corymbosum, the pro-health properties of fruits resulting from the presence of bioactive compounds such as polyphenolic compounds, flavonoids, especially anthocyanins, will be presented. Besides, factors, such as environmental conditions, degree of ripeness and variety, affect the content of bioactive substances

    On uniqueness of a classical solution of the system of non-linear 1-D Saint Venant equations

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    In this paper the theorem of uniqueness of a classical solution of the system of non-linear 1-D Saint Venant equations is proved. This uniqueness theorem is setup for the system of non-linear 1-D Saint Venant equations in canonical form under respective initial and boundary conditions

    Inactivation of the particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) in Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) by acetylene

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    Acetylene (HCCH) has a long history as a mechanism-based enzyme inhibitor and is considered an active-site probe of the particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO). Here, we report how HCCH inactivates pMMO in Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) by using high-resolution mass spectrometry and computational simulation. High-resolution MALDI-TOF MS of intact pMMO complexes has allowed us to confirm that the enzyme oxidizes HCCH to the ketene (C_2H_2O) intermediate, which then forms an acetylation adduct with the transmembrane PmoC subunit. LC-MS/MS analysis of the peptides derived from in-gel proteolytic digestion of the protein subunit identifies K196 of PmoC as the site of acetylation. No evidence is obtained for chemical modification of the PmoA or PmoB subunit. The inactivation of pMMO by a single adduct in the transmembrane PmoC domain is intriguing given the complexity of the structural fold of this large membrane-protein complex as well as the complicated roles played by the various metal cofactors in the enzyme catalysis. Computational studies suggest that the entry of hydrophobic substrates to, and migration of products from, the catalytic site of pMMO is controlled tightly within the transmembrane domain. Support of these conclusions is provided by parallel experiments with two related alkynes: propyne (CH3CCH) and trifluoropropyne (CF_3CCH). Finally, we discuss the implication of these findings to the location of the catalytic site in pMMO

    Genome-wide association study of a panel of vietnamese rice landraces reveals new QTLs for tolerance to water deficit during the vegetative phase

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    Background: Drought tolerance is a major challenge in breeding rice for unfavorable environments. In this study, we used a panel of 180 Vietnamese rice landraces genotyped with 21,623 single-nucleotide polymorphism markers to perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for different drought response and recovery traits during the vegetative stage. These landraces originate from different geographical locations and are adapted to different agrosystems characterized by contrasted water regimes. Vietnamese landraces are often underrepresented in international panels used for GWAS, but they can contain original genetic determinants related to drought resistance. Results: The panel of 180 rice varieties was phenotyped under greenhouse conditions for several drought-related traits in an experimental design with 3 replicates. Plants were grown in pots for 4 weeks and drought-stressed by stopping irrigation for an additional 4 weeks. Drought sensitivity scores and leaf relative water content were measured throughout the drought stress. The recovery capacity was measured 2 weeks after plant rewatering. Several QTLs associated with these drought tolerance traits were identified by GWAS using a mixed model with control of structure and kinship. The number of detected QTLs consisted of 14 for leaf relative water content, 9 for slope of relative water content, 12 for drought sensitivity score, 3 for recovery ability and 1 for relative crop growth rate. This set of 39 QTLs actually corresponded to a total of 17 different QTLs because 9 were simultaneously associated with two or more traits, which indicates that these common loci may have pleiotropic effects on drought-related traits. No QTL was found in association with the same traits in both the indica and japonica subpanels. The possible candidate genes underlying the quantitative trait loci are reviewed. Conclusions: Some of the identified QTLs contain promising candidate genes with a function related to drought tolerance by osmotic stress adjustment

    Disinfection performance of an ultraviolet lamp: a CFD investigation

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    Ultraviolet (UV)-based devices have shown their effectiveness on various germicidal purposes. To serve their design optimisation, the disinfection effectiveness of a vertically cylindrical UV lamp, whose wattage ranges from P = 30 − 100 W, is numerically investigated in this work. The UV radiation is solved by the Finite Volume Method together with the Discrete Ordinates model. Various results for the UV intensity and its bactericidal effects against several popular virus types, i.e., Corona-SARS, Herpes (type 2), and HIV, are reported and analysed in detail. Results show that the UV irradiance is greatly dependent on the lamp power. Additionally, it is indicated that the higher the lamp wattage employed, the larger the bactericidal rate is observed, resulting in the greater effectiveness of the UV disinfection process. Nevertheless, the wattage of P ≤ 100W is determined to be insufficient for an effective disinfection performance in a whole room; higher values of power must hence be considered in case intensive sterilization is required. Furthermore, the germicidal effect gets reduced with the viruses less sensitive to UV rays, e.g, the bactericidal rate against the HIV virus is only ∼8.98% at the surrounding walls


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    GBSS1 gene regulates the biosynthesis of starch in cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, and its allelic diversity relates to variation in their starch production. In this research, genetic diversity of the recent conserved cassava germplast was estimated based on DNA polymorphism of a targeted fragment on GPSS1 gene of 14 representatives selected from 44 cassava varieties, whose genetic diversity was previously determined with SSR markers. The results from analyses of boostrap values on Neighbor Joining tree, of genetic indice from DNAsp 4.10.9 software, and of typical mutated points of 612bp-fragments on GBSS1 gene of the studied varieties revealed high genetic diversity and were in agreement to previous analyses with SSR markers. All 14 varieties were separated into 3 clusters on Neighbor Joining tree, in accordance with the variation in tuber-starch percentage and fresh root yield between groups. All three groups showed high genetic diversity with 53-99% of bootstrap values, high genetic differentiation (Kst=0.74, χ2=28; P=0.036), high number of allele (A=9) and high allenic diversity (Ad=0.91). The varieties of each group had 2-5 typical alleles. Results of this study could be applied for estimation of effectiveness of cassava germplast conservation. Together with the relevant SSR markers, the typical alleles of GBSS1 gene of different groups could be used as additional markers for selection and breeding of cassava with high starch yield in their tubers. GBSS1 (Granule bound starch synthase 1) là gen điều khiển sinh tổng hợp tinh bột ở cây sắn (Manihot esculenta Crantz) và đa dạng alen của gen phản ánh đa dạng về năng suất và chất lượng tinh bột. Trong nghiên cứu này đa dạng di truyền của tập đoàn giống sắn đang lưu giữ được đánh giá dựa vào đa hình trình tự ADN dọc đoạn đích trên gen GBSS1 của 14 giống đại diện trong 44 giống sắn đã đươc đánh giá bằng chỉ thị SSR. Kết quả phân tích dựa vào giá trị bootstrap trên cây phát sinh chủng loại theo phương pháp Neighbor Joining, dựa vào hệ số di truyền trên phần mềm DNAsp4.10.9 và dựa vào đột biến điểm dọc đoạn đích 612bp trên gen GBSS1 của các giống sắn nghiên cứu đều phản ánh đa dạng di truyền cao và phù hợp với kết quả đánh giá bằng chỉ thị SSR. Các giống sắn được phân thành 3 nhánh tách biệt trên cây phát sinh chủng loại theo tỷ lệ tinh bột và năng suất củ tươi trung bình đặc trưng của từng nhóm. Giữa các nhóm có giá trị bootstrap từ 53-99% và khác biệt di truyền tin cậy (Kst= 0,74, χ2=28; P=0,036) với số lượng alen (A=9) và đa dạng alen (Ad =0,91) cao. Mỗi nhóm sắn có 2-5 alen đặc trưng. Kết quả nghiên cứu có thể áp dụng để đánh giá hiệu quả công tác lưu giữ nguồn gen các giống sắn. Các alen đặc trưng của từng nhóm có thể sử dụng kết hợp với chỉ thị SSR liên quan làm cơ sở để chọn lọc hiệu quả các dòng sắn có tỷ lệ tinh bột cao

    Flow analysis from multiparticle azimuthal correlations

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    We present a new method for analyzing directed and elliptic flow in heavy ion collisions. Unlike standard methods, it separates the contribution of flow to azimuthal correlations from contributions due to other effects. The separation relies on a cumulant expansion of multiparticle azimuthal correlations, and includes corrections for detector inefficiencies. This new method allows the measurement of the flow of identified particles in narrow phase-space regions, and can be used in every regime, from intermediate to ultrarelativistic energies.Comment: 31 pages, revtex. Published version (references added