444 research outputs found

    A generalized spherical version of the Blume-Emery-Griffits model with ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions

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    We have investigated analitycally the phase diagram of a generalized spherical version of the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model that includes ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic spin interactions as well as quadrupole interactions in zero and nonzero magnetic field. We show that in three dimensions and zero magnetic field a regular paramagnetic-ferromagnetic (PM-FM) or a paramagnetic-antiferromagnetic (PM-AFM) phase transition occurs whenever the magnetic spin interactions dominate over the quadrupole interactions. However, when spin and quadrupole interactions are important, there appears a reentrant FM-PM or AFM-PM phase transition at low temperatures, in addition to the regular PM-FM or PM-AFM phase transitions. On the other hand, in a nonzero homogeneous external magnetic field HH, we find no evidence of a transition to the state with spontaneous magnetization for FM interactions in three dimensions. Nonethelesss, for AFM interactions we do get a scenario similar to that described above for zero external magnetic field, except that the critical temperatures are now functions of HH. We also find two critical field values, Hc1H_{c1}, at which the reentrance phenomenon dissapears and Hc2H_{c2} (Hc10.5Hc2H_{c1}\approx 0.5H_{c2}), above which the PM-AFM transition temperature vanishes.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figs. Title changed, abstract and introduction as well as section IV were rewritten relaxing the emphasis on spin S=1 and Figs. 5 an 6 were improved in presentation. However, all the results remain valid. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Plasmodium falciparum translational machinery condones polyadenosine repeats

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    Plasmodium falciparum is a causative agent of human malaria. Sixty percent of mRNAs from its extremely AT-rich (81%) genome harbor long polyadenosine (polyA) runs within their ORFs, distinguishing the parasite from its hosts and other sequenced organisms. Recent studies indicate polyA runs cause ribosome stalling and frameshifting, triggering mRNA surveillance pathways and attenuating protein synthesis. Here, we show that P. falciparum is an exception to this rule. We demonstrate that both endogenous genes and reporter sequences containing long polyA runs are efficiently and accurately translated in P. falciparum cells. We show that polyA runs do not elicit any response from No Go Decay (NGD) or result in the production of frameshifted proteins. This is in stark contrast to what we observe in human cells or T. thermophila, an organism with similar AT-content. Finally, using stalling reporters we show that Plasmodium cells evolved not to have a fully functional NGD pathway

    A Way to Reopen the Window for Electroweak Baryogenesis

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    We reanalyse the sphaleron bound of electroweak baryogenesis when allowing deviations to the Friedmann equation. These modifications are well motivated in the context of brane cosmology where they appear without being in conflict with major experimental constraints on four-dimensional gravity. While suppressed at the time of nucleosynthesis, these corrections can dominate at the time of the electroweak phase transition and in certain cases provide the amount of expansion needed to freeze out the baryon asymmetry without requiring a strongly first order phase transition. The sphaleron bound is substantially weakened and can even disappear so that the constraints on the higgs and stop masses do not apply anymore. Such modification of cosmology at early times therefore reopens the parameter space allowing electroweak baryogenesis which had been reduced substantially given the new bound on the higgs mass imposed by LEP. In contrast with previous attempts to turn around the sphaleron bound using alternative cosmologies, we are still considering that the electroweak phase transition takes place in a radiation dominated universe. The universe is expanding fast because of the modification of the Friedmann equation itself without the need for a scalar field and therefore evading the problem of the decay of this scalar field after the completion of the phase transition and the risk that its release of entropy dilutes the baryon asymmetry produced at the transition.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor changes, remark added at end of section 5 and in caption of figure 1; v3: references added, version to be publishe

    Family correlations of arsenic methylation patterns in children and parents exposed to high concentrations of arsenic in drinking water.

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    We investigated the evidence of a familial contribution to urinary methylation patterns in families ingesting arsenic in drinking water. Arsenic methylation can be assessed by measuring urinary levels of inorganic arsenic (InAs) and its methylated metabolites, monomethylarsonate (MMA), and dimethylarsinate (DMA). Methylation activity is reflected in the ratios: InAs/methylated arsenic (InAs/metAs) and MMA/DMA. Eleven families from Chile were selected because of their long-term exposure to very high levels of arsenic in drinking water (735-762 microg/L). Each family consisted of a father, a mother, and two children. We measured urinary arsenic and its methylated metabolites for each participant (n = 44). The intraclass correlation coefficients showed that 13-52% of the variations in the methylation patterns were from being a member of a specific family. Family correlations were calculated for father-mother, parent-child, and sibling-sibling pairs. Methylation patterns correlated strongly between siblings [r = 0.78 for InAs/metAs, 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.34-0.94; r = 0.82 for MMA/DMA, 95%CI, 0.43-0.95] compared to lower correlations in father-mother pairs (r = 0.18, r = -0.01, respectively), after adjustment for total urinary arsenic, age, and sex. Family correlations were not notably altered when adjustments were made for specific blood micronutrients (methionine, homocysteine, folate, vitamin B6, selenium, and vitamin B12 potentially related to methylation. We also report on a family pedigree with high prevalence of arsenic-induced effects. Participants from this family had low InAs/metAs values, which is consistent with increased toxicity of trivalent methylated arsenic species. Despite our small sample size, we observed that methylation patterns aggregate in families and are correlated in siblings, providing evidence of a genetic basis for the variation in arsenic methylation. Larger studies with more extensive pedigrees will need to be conducted to confirm these findings

    Rapid generation of hypomorphic mutations

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    Hypomorphic mutations are a valuable tool for both genetic analysis of gene function and for synthetic biology applications. However, current methods to generate hypomorphic mutations are limited to a specific organism, change gene expression unpredictably, or depend on changes in spatial-temporal expression of the targeted gene. Here we present a simple and predictable method to generate hypomorphic mutations in model organisms by targeting translation elongation. Adding consecutive adenosine nucleotides, so-called polyA tracks, to the gene coding sequence of interest will decrease translation elongation efficiency, and in all tested cell cultures and model organisms, this decreases mRNA stability and protein expression. We show that protein expression is adjustable independent of promoter strength and can be further modulated by changing sequence features of the polyA tracks. These characteristics make this method highly predictable and tractable for generation of programmable allelic series with a range of expression levels

    Baryogenesis at Low Reheating Temperatures

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    We note that the maximum temperature during reheating can be much greater than the reheating temperature TrT_r at which the Universe becomes radiation dominated. We show that the Standard Model anomalous (B+L)(B+L)-violating processes can therefore be in thermal equilibrium for 1 GeV \simlt T_{r}\ll 100 GeV. Electroweak baryogenesis could work and the traditional upper bound on the Higgs mass coming from the requirement of the preservation of the baryon asymmetry may be relaxed. Alternatively, the baryon asymmetry may be reprocessed by sphaleron transitions either from a (BL)(B-L) asymmetry generated by the Affleck-Dine mechanism or from a chiral asymmetry between eRe_R and eLe_L in a BL=0B-L = 0 Universe. Our findings are also relevant to the production of the baryon asymmetry in large extra dimension models.Comment: 4 pages, version to appear in PRL: references added, new titl

    Dysregulated protocadherin-pathway activity as an intrinsic defect in induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical interneurons from subjects with schizophrenia.

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    We generated cortical interneurons (cINs) from induced pluripotent stem cells derived from 14 healthy controls and 14 subjects with schizophrenia. Both healthy control cINs and schizophrenia cINs were authentic, fired spontaneously, received functional excitatory inputs from host neurons, and induced GABA-mediated inhibition in host neurons in vivo. However, schizophrenia cINs had dysregulated expression of protocadherin genes, which lie within documented schizophrenia loci. Mice lacking protocadherin-α showed defective arborization and synaptic density of prefrontal cortex cINs and behavioral abnormalities. Schizophrenia cINs similarly showed defects in synaptic density and arborization that were reversed by inhibitors of protein kinase C, a downstream kinase in the protocadherin pathway. These findings reveal an intrinsic abnormality in schizophrenia cINs in the absence of any circuit-driven pathology. They also demonstrate the utility of homogenous and functional populations of a relevant neuronal subtype for probing pathogenesis mechanisms during development

    2003 AAPP Monograph Series

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    It is significant that the African American Professors Program (AAPP) at the University of South Carolina is producing the third edition of its annual monograph series at this time-the fifth anniversary of AAPP. The program graciously accepts the challenge of putting into place a requirement for the scholars to produce quality research papers worthy of publication. This provides widespread visibility for them and enhances their curriculum vitae concurrently. Scholars who have contributed manuscripts for this monograph are to be commended for adding this additional responsibility to their academic workload. Writing across disciplines adds to the intellectual diversity of these papers. From neophytes, relatively speaking, to an array of very experienced individuals, the chapters have been researched and comprehensively written. Founded in 1997 through the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies in the College of Education, AAPP was designed to address the underrepresentation of African American professors on college and university campuses. Its mission is to expand the pool of these professors in critical academic and research areas. Sponsored by the University of South Carolina, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, and the South Carolina General Assembly, the program recruits students with bachelor\u27s, master\u27s, and doctoral degrees for disciplines in which African Americans currently are underrepresented. An important component of the program is the mentoring experience that is provided. Each student is assigned to a mentor/professor who guides the student through a selected academic program and provides various learning experiences. When possible, the mentor serves as chair of the student\u27s doctoral committee. The mentor also provides opportunities for the student to team teach, conduct research, and co-author publications. Students have the advantage of attending committee, faculty, and professional meetings, as well as engaging in a range of activities that characterize professional life in academia. Scholars enrolled in the program also are involved in programmatic and institutional workshops, independent research, and program development. The continuation of this monograph series is seen as responding to a window of opportunity to be sensitive to an academic expectation of graduates as they pursue career placement and, at the same time, one that allows for the dissemination of AAPP products to a broader community. The importance of this monograph series has been voiced by one of our 2002 AAPP graduates, Dr. Shundelle LaTjuan Dogan, a recent Harvard Administrative Fellow at Harvard University and now Program Officer for the Southern Education Foundation, Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Dogan wrote: One thing in particular that I want to thank you for is having the African American Professors Program scholars publish articles for the monograph. I have to admit that writing the articles seemed like extra work at the time. However, in my recent interview process, organizations have asked me for samples of my writing. Including an article from a published monograph helped to make my portfolio much more impressive. You were right on target in having us do the monograph series. We hope that you will read this monograph of the African American Professors Program with enthusiasm or enlightenment. John McFadden, Ph.D. The Benjamin Elijah Mays Professor Director, African American Professors Program University of South Carolinahttps://scholarcommons.sc.edu/mcfadden_monographs/1006/thumbnail.jp