11,969 research outputs found

    Effects of motion on jet exhaust noise from aircraft

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    The various problems involved in the evaluation of the jet noise field prevailing between an observer on the ground and an aircraft in flight in a typical takeoff or landing approach pattern were studied. Areas examined include: (1) literature survey and preliminary investigation, (2) propagation effects, (3) source alteration effects, and (4) investigation of verification techniques. Sixteen problem areas were identified and studied. Six follow-up programs were recommended for further work. The results and the proposed follow-on programs provide a practical general technique for predicting flyover jet noise for conventional jet nozzles

    Charge trapping and detrapping in polymeric materials: Trapping parameters

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    Space charge formation in polymeric materials can cause some serious concern for design engineers as the electric field may severely be distorted, leading to part of the material being overstressed. This may result in material degradation and possibly premature failure at the worst. It is therefore important to understand charge generation, trapping, and detrapping processes in the material. Trap depths and density of trapping states in materials are important as they are potentially related to microstructure of the material. Changes in these parameters may reflect the aging taken place in the material. In the present paper, characteristics of charge trapping and detrapping in low density polyethylene (LDPE) under dc electric field have been investigated using the pulsed electroacoustic (PEA) technique. A simple trapping and detrapping model based on two trapping levels has been used to qualitatively explain the observation. Numerical simulation based on the above model has been carried out to extract parameters related to trapping characteristics in the material. It has been found that the space charge decaying during the first few hundred seconds corresponding to the fast changing part of the slope was trapped with the shallow trap depth 0.88 eV, with trap density 1.47 × 1020 m-3 in the sample volume measured. At the same time, the space charge that decays at longer time corresponding to the slower part of the slope was trapped with the deep trap depth 1.01 eV, with its trap density 3.54 × 1018 m-3. The results also indicate that trap depths and density of both shallow and deep traps may be used as aging markers as changes in the material will certainly affect trapping characteristics in terms of trap depth and density

    A Two Energy Gap Preformed-Pair Scenario For the Cuprates: Implications for Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

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    We show how, within a preformed pair scenario for the cuprate pseudogap, the nodal and antinodal responses in angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy necessarily have very different temperature TT dependences. We examine the behavior and the contrasting TT dependences for a range of temperatures both below and above TcT_c. Our calculations are based on a fully microscopic TT-matrix approach for addressing pairing correlations in a regime where the attraction is stronger than BCS and the coherence length is anomalously short. Previously, the distinct nodal and anti-nodal responses have provided strong support for the "two-gap scenario" of the cuprates in which the pseudogap competes with superconductivity. Instead, our theory supports a picture in which the pseudogap derives from pairing correlations, identifying the two gap components with non-condensed and condensed pairs. It leads to reasonably good agreement with a range of different experiments in the moderately underdoped regime and we emphasize that here there is no explicit curve fitting. Ours is a microscopic rather than a phenomenological theory. We briefly address the more heavily underdoped regime in which the behavior is more complex.Comment: 12 pages; 10 figure

    Quintessential Kination and Leptogenesis

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    Thermal leptogenesis induced by the CP-violating decay of a right-handed neutrino (RHN) is discussed in the background of quintessential kination, i.e., in a cosmological model where the energy density of the early Universe is assumed to be dominated by the kinetic term of a quintessence field during some epoch of its evolution. This assumption may lead to very different observational consequences compared to the case of a standard cosmology where the energy density of the Universe is dominated by radiation. We show that, depending on the choice of the temperature T_r above which kination dominates over radiation, any situation between the strong and the super--weak wash--out regime are equally viable for leptogenesis, even with the RHN Yukawa coupling fixed to provide the observed atmospheric neutrino mass scale ~ 0.05 eV. For M< T_r < M/100, i.e., when kination stops to dominate at a time which is not much later than when leptogenesis takes place, the efficiency of the process, defined as the ratio between the produced lepton asymmetry and the amount of CP violation in the RHN decay, can be larger than in the standard scenario of radiation domination. This possibility is limited to the case when the neutrino mass scale is larger than about 0.01 eV. The super--weak wash--out regime is obtained for T_r << M/100, and includes the case when T_r is close to the nucleosynthesis temperature ~ 1 MeV. Irrespective of T_r, we always find a sufficient window above the electroweak temperature T ~ 100 GeV for the sphaleron transition to thermalize, so that the lepton asymmetry can always be converted to the observed baryon asymmetry.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Relation between phase and dwell times for quantum tunneling of a relativistically propagating particle

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    The general and explicit relation between the phase time and the dwell time for quantum tunneling of a relativistically propagating particle is investigated and quantified. In analogy with previously obtained non-relativistic results, it is shown that the group delay can be described in terms of the dwell time and a self-interference delay. Lessons concerning the phenomenology of the relativistic tunneling are drawn
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