16 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Study of the Enzymatic Catalysis of the Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) by Immobilized Copper Efflux Oxidase (CueO) From Escherichia coli

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    In recent years, enzymatic fuel cells have experienced a great development promoted by the availability of novel biological techniques that allow the access to a large number of enzymatic catalysts. One of the most important aspects in this area is the development of biocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). Laccases from the group of enzymes called blue multi-cooper oxidases have received considerable attention because of their ability to catalyze the electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction to water when immobilized on metallic or carbonaceous electrode materials. In this paper we report a comprehensive study of the electrocatalytic activity of the enzyme Copper efflux oxidase (CueO) from Escherichia coli immobilized on different electrode materials. The influence of the electrode substrate employed for protein immobilization was evaluated using glassy carbon, gold or platinum electrodes. Gold and platinum electrodes were modified using different self-assembled monolayers (SAM) able to tune the electrostatic interaction between the protein and the substrate, depending on the nature of the terminal functional group in the SAM. The effects of protein immobilization time, electrode potential, solution pH and temperature, protein and O2 concentration have been carefully investigated. Finally, direct electron transfer (DET) was investigated in the presence of the following inhibitors: fluoride (F−), chloride (Cl−) and azide (N3-)

    Nuevos materiales didácticos para descubrir los aspectos más cotidianos de la Electroquímica

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    A pesar del amplio abanico de aplicaciones que posee la electroquímica, con importantes repercusiones en muchos aspectos de la vida cotidiana, los egresados de química de las universidades españolas poseen en general un notable desconocimiento de esta materia. Con objeto de hacer más atractivo el aprendizaje de esta parte de la química, al tiempo que se revelan algunas de sus aplicaciones menos conocidas, se han preparado nuevos materiales didácticos. En ellos se describen de manera divulgativa algunas de las aplicaciones más importantes de la electroquímica, como son las baterías, síntesis de aluminio, o su uso en biosensores. Los nuevos materiales se han suministrado al alumnado del primer curso del grado de química de la Universidad de Alicante y se ha pedido su opinión a través de una encuesta. En general la recepción ha sido buena, aunque la respuesta de los estudiantes ha sido algo escasa. Para dar mayor difusión, se está creando una página web con estos mismos contenidos. Esta página web se ha puesto a disposición de los alumnos de la asignatura Electroquímica de 4º curso de la licenciatura (plan a extinguir) de Química y de nuevo se pedirá su opinión a través de un formulario web

    Electrochemical reactions of catechol, methylcatechol and dopamine at tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) thin film electrodes

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    The electrochemical reactions of dopamine, catechol and methylcatechol were investigated at tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) thin film electrodes. In order to better understand the reaction mechanisms of these molecules, cyclic voltammetry with varying scan rates was carried out at different pH values in H2SO4 and PBS solutions. The results were compared to the same redox reactions taking place at glassy carbon (GC) electrodes. All three catechols exhibited quasi-reversible behavior with sluggish electron transfer kinetics at the ta-C electrode. At neutral and alkaline pH, rapid coupled homogeneous reactions followed the oxidation of the catechols to the corresponding o-quinones and led to significant deterioration of the electrode response. At acidic pH, the extent of deterioration was considerably lower. All the redox reactions showed significantly faster electron transfer kinetics at the GC electrode and it was less susceptible toward surface passivation. An EC mechanism was observed for the oxidation of dopamine at both ta-C and GC electrodes and the formation of polydopamine was suspected to cause the passivation of the electrodes.Authors wish to acknowledge the financial support by the Finnish Parkinson Foundation (T.P.), the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation (grant number 211488) (T.P., S.S. and T.L.), the Academy of Finland (grant number 285015) (T.L.) and MINECO project CTQ2013-44083-P (J.F.M.)

    La elaboración del informe científico: los artículos científicos como referencia para la elaboración de informes de prácticas

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    El análisis, elaboración y presentación de resultados tanto experimentales como teóricos es una parte extremadamente importante en la investigación científica. Según nuestra experiencia docente, existe una notable carencia entre los estudiantes en su capacidad para la preparación de informes a partir de los trabajos experimentales realizados en el laboratorio. A veces esa carencia se agrava por no disponer de unos criterios claros de lo que debe aparecer en un informe científico. Por tanto, el trabajo de esta red será la búsqueda de metodologías para incentivar la obtención de competencias por parte del alumnado en lo que respecta a la preparación de informes de resultados de trabajos científicos, sean experimentales o de cálculo teórico. Se tomarán como guía los modelos universalmente utilizados en la bibliografía científica. De esta forma se logrará también familiarizar al alumnado en los cauces habituales de publicación de la investigación, usando ejemplos relacionados con el ámbito de la asignatura escogida (Cinética Química, 3er curso del Grado de Química)

    Un nuevo enfoque didáctico para acercar la Electroquímica al alumnado a través de experiencias cotidianas

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    La electroquímica es una parte importante de la química, incluida en la mayoría de los temarios de diversas ciencias experimentales. Las reacciones químicas con transferencia de electrones aparecen en numerosas situaciones de la vida cotidiana y constituyen un aspecto muy importante en las reacciones biológicas. A pesar de su importancia, la electroquímica suele ser percibida por los estudiantes con dificultad pues incluye conceptos algo abstractos, como el de potencial eléctrico, que combinados con los propios conceptos de química, tienden a desconcertar al alumno. El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación docente es la elaboración de un portafolio de ejemplos en los que aparece la electroquímica en el ámbito cotidiano. El uso de baterías y acumuladores es ampliamente conocido. Sin embargo, es menos conocido el papel de la electroquímica en síntesis de gran importancia industrial como la del cloro, el aluminio o el nylon. La electroquímica aparece también entre los principios de funcionamiento de diversos biosensores, como los sistemas de control de alcoholemia o glucosa en sangre. Los ejemplos seleccionados servirán para introducir diversos aspectos de la electroquímica, pretendiendo despertar el interés por esta parte de la ciencia

    Efficacy and Safety of Oral Administration of a Mixture of Probiotic Strains in Patients with Psoriasis: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.

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    The aim of this 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was to determine the efficacy and safety of a probiotic mixture in the reduction of psoriasis severity. Ninety 18-70-year-old adults with plaque psoriasis were randomized into probiotic and placebo groups. At 12-week follow-up, 66.7% of patients in the probiotic group and 41.9% in the placebo group showed a reduction in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index of up to 75% (p < 0.05). A clinically relevant difference was observed in Physician Global Assessment index: 48.9% in the probiotic group achieved a score of 0 or 1, compared with 30.2% in the placebo group. The results of follow-up 6 months after the end of the study showed a lower risk of relapse after the intake of the probiotic mixture. Analysis of gut microbiota confirmed the efficacy of the probiotic in modulation of the microbiota composition

    Bioelectrocatálisis enzimáticas sobre superficies electródicas bien definidas

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    Los neurotransmisores, las quinonas y las enzimas redox desempeñan un papel muy importante en muchos procesos biológicos. Todos ellos tienen en común su importante papel en diferentes reacciones redox biológicas. Los neurotransmisores participan en los procesos de transmisión de impulsos nerviosos de organismos multicelulares; las enzimas redox actúan como catalizadores de un gran número de procesos biológicos basados en reacciones de transferencia de electrones que permiten obtener la energía necesaria para el sustento de la vida, tales como la reducción de oxígeno (O2) a agua (H2O) durante la respiración, la oxidación de azúcares a CO2 u otras vías metabólicas como la glicólisis o la fosforilación oxidativa. Esta tesis se centra en la caracterización de neurotransmisores (dopamina), quinonas (4-etilcatecol, 4-metilcatecol y catecol) y enzimas redox (CueO, lacasa perteneciente al grupo de las multicobre oxidasas) desde un punto de vista fundamental utilizando la electroquímica como herramienta de trabajo. Para ello, se han empleado como principales técnicas experimentales la voltametría cíclica (CV), el desplazamiento de carga con CO, las espectroscopías infrarroja (FTIR y ATR), Ultravioleta-Visible (UV-vis) y Raman, así como la microscopía de efecto túnel (STM). En el primer capítulo el trabajo de la tesis se contextualiza dentro del campo de la bioelectrocatálisis y de las biopilas de combustible. Además, se describen también los diferentes procedimientos utilizados para la funcionalización de electrodos y la inmovilización de enzimas. De la misma forma, también se resumen las propiedades de las catecolaminas y multicobre oxidasas, así como sus estructuras típicas, reacciones, mecanismos de transferencia de electrones y métodos de síntesis. Los contenidos principales de la tesis están estructurados en dos partes diferentes. La primera parte describe la reactividad de las catecolaminas sobre electrodos de oro, platino y carbón tipo diamante, prestando especial atención a los procesos de adsorción y oxidación registrados a bajos y altos potenciales, respectivamente. La segunda parte describe las condiciones óptimas para la catálisis de la reacción de reducción de O2 por parte de la CueO y su comportamiento electroquímico y espectroscópico. El efecto de compuestos comúnmente descritos en la literatura como inhibidores también está recogido en los capítulos 6 y 8

    Analysis of catechol, 4-methylcatechol and dopamine electrochemical reactions on different substrate materials and pH conditions

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    The electrochemical behavior of several structurally related catecholamine molecules has been investigated on different electrode materials with cyclic voltammetry, infrared spectroscopy and scanning tunnelling microscopy. Emphasis was on the identification of subsequent chemical processes that follow the main electron transfer step and complicate the interpretation of the mechanism, including the polymerization reaction and fouling of the electrode surface. Among the materials investigated, gold was found out to be the most active for the oxidation of catechol, 4-methylcatechol and dopamine. At the same time, it was also the electrode least sensitive to fouling after voltammetric cycling, exhibiting the highest reversibility. The effect of pH was also investigated. Increase in pH enhanced the processes of quinone hydroxylation and polymerization. Spectroscopic measurements allowed detection of both solution and adsorbed species participating in the oxidation and polymerization processes. Finally, STM results showed the formation of polydopamine granules on gold surfaces, which grew in size as the number of cycles increased. Measured height of the granules, less than 0.5 nm, suggests a flat orientation of the molecules conforming the polymer.The authors thankfully acknowledge financial support from the UA-FPU 2013-5796 grant (University of Alicante, Spain), the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spain (CTQ2016-76221-P), the European Framework Program-Marie Curie Actions under the ELECTRONANOMAT Project (Grant No. PIRSES-GA-2012-318990) and Academy of Finland, Finland (Project Number #285526)

    Study of dopamine reactivity on platinum single crystal electrode surfaces

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    Dopamine is the biological molecule responsible, among other functions, of the heart beat and blood pressure regulation. Its loss, in the human body, can result in serious diseases such as Parkinson's, schizophrenia or depression. Structurally, this molecule belongs to the group of catecholamines, together with epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). The hydroquinone moiety of the molecule can be easily oxidized to quinone, rendering the electrochemical methods a convenient approach for the development of dopamine biosensors. The reactivity of similar aromatic molecules, such as catechol and hydroquinone, at well-ordered platinum surfaces, has recently been investigated in our group. In this paper, we extend these studies to the structurally related molecule dopamine. The study has been performed in neutral pH, since this is closer to the natural conditions for these molecules in biological media. Cyclic voltammetry and in situ infra-red spectroscopy have been combined to extract information about the behavior of this molecule on well-defined platinum surfaces. Dopamine appears to be electrochemically active and reveals interesting adsorption phenomena at low potentials (0.15–0.25 V vs RHE), sensitive to the single crystal orientation. The adsorption of dopamine on these surfaces is very strong, taking place at much lower potentials than the electron transfer from solution species. Specifically, the voltammetry of Pt(1 1 1) and Pt(1 0 0) in dopamine solutions shows an oxidation peak at potentials close to the onset of hydrogen evolution, which is related to the desorption of hydrogen and the adsorption of dopamine. On the other hand, adsorption on Pt(1 1 0) is irreversible and the surface appears totally blocked. Spectroscopic results indicate that dopamine is adsorbed flat on the surface. At potentials higher than 0.6 V vs RHE the three basal planes show a common redox process. The initial formation of the quinone moiety is followed by a chemical step resulting in the formation of 5,6-dihydroxyindoline quinone as final product. This oxidation process has also been investigated by vibrational spectroscopy.We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through projects CTQ2008-04492-E and CTQ2010-18570

    Analysis of catechol, 4-methylcatechol and dopamine electrochemical reactions on different substrate materials and pH conditions

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    The electrochemical behavior of several structurally related catecholamine molecules has been investigated on different electrode materials with cyclic voltammetry, infrared spectroscopy and scanning tunnelling microscopy. Emphasis was on the identification of subsequent chemical processes that follow the main electron transfer step and complicate the interpretation of the mechanism, including the polymerization reaction and fouling of the electrode surface. Among the materials investigated, gold was found out to be the most active for the oxidation of catechol, 4-methylcatechol and dopamine. At the same time, it was also the electrode least sensitive to fouling after voltammetric cycling, exhibiting the highest reversibility. The effect of pH was also investigated. Increase in pH enhanced the processes of quinone hydroxylation and polymerization. Spectroscopic measurements allowed detection of both solution and adsorbed species participating in the oxidation and polymerization processes. Finally, STM resultsshowed the formation of polydopamine granules on gold surfaces, which grew in size as the number of cycles increased. Measured height of the granules, less than 0.5 nm, suggests a flat orientation of the molecules conforming the polymer.Peer reviewe