23 research outputs found

    Growth and structure of WC/Si multilayer x-ray mirror

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    WC/Si multilayer X-ray mirrors (MXMs) with nominal layers thicknesses of 0.2…30.3 nm (periods: 0.7…38.9 nm) were deposited by direct current magnetron sputtering and studied by X-ray diffraction and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Carbide and silicon layers are amorphous throughout the studied thickness range. The WC layers interact with Si layers with formation of tungsten silicides (WSi₂, W₅Si₃) and silicon carbide in as-deposited state. The bottom interlayer (WC-on-Si) consists of two subzones of approximately equal thickness. An estimation of the thickness, density, and composition of all layers is made. Based on the experimental data, a five-layer model of the WC/Si MXM structure is suggested.Методами рентгенівської дифракції та просвічувальної електронної мікроскопії досліджені багатошарові рентгенівські дзеркала (БРД) WC/Si, що виготовлені методом прямоточного магнетронного розпилення з фіксованими швидкостями осадження з номінальними товщинами шарів у діапазоні 0,2…30,3 нм (періоди 0,7…38,9 нм). У всьому діапазоні досліджуваних товщин шари WC та Si являються аморфними. Шари WC та Si взаємодіють з утворенням силіцидів вольфраму (WSi₂, W₅Si₃) та карбіду кремнію в початковому стані. Нижня перемішана зона складається з двох перемішаних підзон приблизно рівної товщини. Зроблена оцінка товщини, щільності та складу всіх шарів. Спираючись на експериментальні результати запропонована п’ятишарова модель будови БРД WC/Si.Методами рентгеновской дифракции и просвечивающей электронной микроскопии исследованы особенности роста многослойных рентгеновских зеркал (МРЗ) WC/Si, изготовленных методом прямоточного магнетронного распыления с номинальными толщинами слоев в диапазоне 0,2…30,3 нм (периоды 0,7…38,9 нм). Во всем диапазоне исследуемых толщин слои WC и Si находятся в аморфном состоянии. Установлено взаимодействие слоев WC и Si с образованием силицидов вольфрама (WSi₂, W₅Si₃) и карбида кремния в исходном состоянии. Нижняя перемешанная зона состоит из двух подзон примерно равной толщины. Сделана оценка толщины, плотности и состава всех слоев. На основе определенных параметров предложена пятислойная модель строения МРЗ WC/Si

    Study of molecular mechanisms of proapoptotic action of novel heterocyclic 4-thiazolidone derivatives

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    Цель. Исследовать механизмы индукции апоптических сигнальных путей новыми гетероциклическими производными 4-тиазолидонов со структурно отличающимися боковыми группами в злокачественных клетках млекопитающих. Методы. Окрашивание клеток аннексином V, иодидом пропидия, DAPI, Вестерн-блот анализ. Результаты. Структурно различающиеся производные 4тиазолидонов обладают схожей цитотоксической активностью (ІС50 = 5 мкМ) и индуцируют апоптоз в лейкозных (Jurkat, CCRF-CEM) и карциномных (MCF-7, MDA-MD-231) клетках. Вестерн-блот анализом с использованием ряда антител к белкам, функционирующим на разных стадиях апоптоза, показано, что структура боковых групп 4-тиазолидонов может непосредственно влиять на биологическую активность этих проапоптических белков в лейкозных клетках-мишенях. В частности, соединения Les-3120 (пиразолин-замещенный тиазолидинон) и Les-3166 (конъюгат тиазолидинона и бензтиазола) индуцируют рецептор-опосредованный апоптоз в клетках Т-лейкемии человека линии Jurkat. 4-Иминотиазолидинон Les-3372 предопределяет апоптоз митохондриального типа, опосредованный белком AIF. Выводы. Установлены структурно-функциональные взаимосвязи между специфическими боковыми группами в молекулах 4-тиазолидонов и сигнальными путями апоптоза, что позволяет конструировать новые, «гибридные» препараты с потенциальной способностью одновременно запускать несколько апоптических каскадов в клетках-мишенях. Ключевые слова: опухолевые клетки, апоптоз, 4-тиазолидоны, каспазы, AIF, структурно-функциональные взаимосвязи.Мета. Дослідити механізми індукції апоптичних сигнальних шляхів новими гетероциклічними похідними 4-тіазолідонів зі структурно відмінними бічними групами у злоякісних клітинах ссавців. Методи. Фарбування клітин аннексином V, йодидом пропідію, DAPI, Вестерн-блот аналіз. Результати. Структурно відмінним похідним 4-тіазолідонів притаманна схожа цитотоксична активність (ІС50 = 5 мкМ), вони також індукують апоптоз у лейкозних (Jurkat, CCRF-CEM) і карциномних (MCF-7, MDA-MD-231) клітинах. Вестерн-блот аналізом із використанням низки антитіл до білків, функціонуючих на різних стадіях апоптозу, показано, що структура бічних груп 4-тіазолідонів може безпосередньо впливати на біологічну активність цих апоптичних білків у лейкозних клітинах-мішенях. Зокрема, сполуки Les-3120 (піразолін-заміщений тіазолідинон) та Les-3166 (кон’югат тіазолідинону і бензтіазолу) індукують рецептор-опосередкований апоптоз у клітинах Т-лейкемії людини лінії Jurkat. 4-Імінотіазолідинон Les-3372 зумовлює апоптоз мітохондріального типу, опосередкований білком AIF. Висновки. Встановлено структурно-функціональні взаємозв’язки між специфічними бічними групами у молекулах 4-тіазолідонів та сигнальними шляхами апоптозу, що дозволяє конструювати нові, «гібридні» препарати з потенційною здатністю одночасно запускати кілька апоптичних каскадів у клітинах-мішенях. Ключові слова: пухлинні клітини, апоптоз, 4-тіазолідони, каспази, AIF, структурно-функціональні взаємозв'язки.Aim. Mechanisms of induction of apoptosis signaling pathways in mammalian tumor cells treated by novel heterocyclic 4-thiazolidones with different side groups were studied. Methods. Annexin V/propidium iodide and DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining of cells, Western-blot analysis of specific proteins. Results. 4-Thiazolidone derivatives of various structure possess similar cytotoxic activity in vitro (IC50 = 5 µM), and induce apoptosis in both leukemia (Jurkat, CCRF-CEM) and carcinoma (MCF-7, MDA-MD-231) cells. Western-blot analysis of the expression of several proteins of apoptosis signaling showed that the structure of lateral groups of 4-thiazolidones may directly affect biological activity of these proteins in leukemia cells. In particular, compounds Les-3120 (pyrazoline-substituted thiazolidinone) and Les-3166 (thiazolidinone-benzothiazole conjugate) induced receptor-mediated apoptosis in Jurkat T-leukemia cells. 4-Iminothiazolidinone Les-3372 caused mitochondrial type apoptosis, mediated by AIF protein. Conclusions. Structure-functional relationships between the presence of specific side groups in novel 4-thiazolidones and the signaling apoptotic pathways induced by these compounds have been established. The obtained results allow designing new, «hybrid» compounds which can simultaneously induce more than one apoptotic pathway in tumor cells. Keywords: tumor cells, apoptosis, 4-thiazolidones, caspases, AIF, structure-functional relationships

    Legal Consolidation of the Principles of Local Self-Government in Conditions of Sustainable Development

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    The article defines the essence and peculiarities of legal consolidation of the principles of local self-government in the conditions of sustainable development. It is noted that ensuring personal safety of citizens, protection of rights and freedoms, legitimate interests, prevention of offenses and their termination, protection and maintenance of public order, detection and disclosure of crimes, search for persons who committed them, ensuring road traffic, protection of property from illegal encroachments and other tasks of the administrative activity of internal affairs bodies can be achieved only on the basis of compliance with its principles. The study of regulatory support of local self-government activities in conditions of sustainable development and legal consolidation of the principles of local self-government activities in conditions of sustainable development, has scientific and practical importance, since there are currently no comprehensive studies of this problem. It is emphasized that the legal regulation of the principles of local self-government in conditions of sustainable development is ensured by a significant number of normative legal acts, which differ from each other in terms of name, order of adoption, legal force, etc. It is emphasized that the system of normative legal acts that regulate the principles of local self-government in conditions of sustainable development can be divided into four groups: the Constitution of Ukraine, international legal acts. Laws of Ukraine. Normative acts of Local Self-Government

    Legal Consolidation of the Principles of Court Activity in the Context of Reforming the State's Judicial System

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    <p>The article defines the legal consolidation of the principles of the activity of courts in the conditions of reforming the judicial system of the state.</p><p>It is noted that the legal regulation of the principles of administrative activity of courts is provided by a significant number of normative legal acts, which differ from each other in terms of name, order of adoption, legal force, etc.</p><p>It is emphasized that in the part of international legal acts related to the activity of courts, in most of them, the concept of "principles" means mandatory rules of conduct. To one degree or another, various interpretations reflect different categories of principles that, in our opinion, must be established at the legislative level in our country, because proper legal regulation of the principles of activity, in particular the administrative one, will contribute to the optimization of the functioning of the court system as a whole.</p><p>It was emphasized that the most important role in the system of legislative acts regulating the administrative activity of courts is played by the Law of Ukraine "On the Judicial System and the Status of Judges". The Law defines and enshrines concepts, its main tasks, principles of activity, basic duties and rights, legal and social protection of courts. The Law of Ukraine "On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges" defines the organization of the judiciary and the administration of justice in Ukraine, which operates on the principles of the rule of law in accordance with European standards and ensures everyone's right to a fair trial.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>legal consolidation, principles, administrative activity, courts, reformation, judicial system of the state, Ukraine.</p&gt

    Organizational and Legal Model of the Activities of the Police of Germany regarding Anti-Smuggling: Prospects for the Implementation of the Positive Experience in Ukraine

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    It is emphasized that the Police of the Federal Republic of Germany works as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has a much wider competence than the Ministry of Internal Affairs of other countries. In fact, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany controls all the main areas of the country's internal life. It was determined that the main functions of the Federal Police are as follows: 1. Ensuring border security, combating smuggling, including coastal protection. 2. Protection of federal buildings and diplomatic missions located in the city of Berlin and the former capital of Bonn, as well as the two highest courts of Germany - the Federal Constitutional Court and the Supreme Federal Court in Karlsruhe. 3. Organization of mobile response forces of the Federal Government for the purpose of protecting officials during events within the country. 4. Ensuring security at international airports and railways. 5. Organization of counter-terrorism forces (unit GSG9). 6. Airspace protection. It is noted that the Federal Criminal Office of the Criminal Police of Germany is the central body responsible for coordinating the actions of federal and state structures in all matters related to police activity; acts as the main intelligence agency and repository of information about the activities of the German police; is the founder of the National Central Bureau of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol). It was emphasized that in accordance with its functional duties, the Federal Criminal Office of the German Criminal Police carries out: maintenance of official relations between German police authorities (both federal and state level) and justice, other partners abroad; providing support to federal and state police structures in activities related to the prevention and fight against crime, the fight against smuggling at the interregional and international levels and the detection of particularly serious crimes; criminal prosecution of members of Germany's constitutional bodies; protection of witnesses, their family members and relatives

    Application of carbon as a barrier layer in Sc/Si multilayer X-ray mirrors

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    X-ray reflectometry in the hard X-ray region (λ = 0.154 nm) was used to investigate the barrier properties of carbon layers 0.2-1.3 nm thick in Sc/Si multilayer X-ray mirrors (MXMs) deposited by DC magnetron sputtering. Precise measurement of the MXM period makes it possible to record volumetric changes in the Sc/C/Si MXM with an accuracy better than 0.01 nm, thus the interaction of the carbon layers with the material of the matrix layers was revealed. The formation of carbide (Si-on-Sc interface) and carbide-silicide (Sc-on-Si nterface) layers was found. The reflectivity of the Sc/C/Si mirrors at the wavelength of ~ 46.9 nm was estimated

    Electret properties of Ca₅Nb₄TiO₁₇ with five-layered perovskite-like structure

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    It is found that ceramic thermoelectret based on Ca₅Nb₄TiO₁₇ with five-layered slab perovskite-like structure is characterized by high values of potential external electric field VS which demonstrates enchanced stability in time both under normal and high humidity conditions. In particular, the initial value VSo of the surface potential for Ca₅Nb₄TiO₁₇ polarized ceramics (Fpol. = 15 kV/cm, Tpol. = 493 K, τpol. = 2 h) is equal to 480 V, the decreasing of VS/VSo under normal conditions does not exceed 20 % for 316 days and under 100 % of humidity reaches 73 % for 7 days

    Doses of Ukrainian female clean-up workers with diagnosed breast cancer.

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    The Chernobyl reactor accident in 1986 has caused significant exposure to ionizing radiation of the Ukrainian population, in particular clean-up workers and evacuees from the exclusion zones. A study aiming at the discovery of radiation markers of the breast cancer was conducted from 2008 to 2015 within a collaborative project by HZM, LMU, and NRCRM. In this study, post-Chernobyl breast cancer cases both in radiation-exposed female patients diagnosed at age less than 60 from 1992 to 2014 and in non-exposed controls matched for residency, tumor type, age at diagnosis, TNM classification as well as tumor grading were investigated for molecular changes with special emphasis to copy number alterations and miRNA profiles. Cancer registry and clinical archive data were used to identify 435 breast cancer patients among female clean-up workers and 14 among evacuees from highly contaminated territories as candidates for the study. Of these, 129 breast cancer patients fit study inclusion criteria and were traced for individual reconstruction of the target organ (breast) doses. The doses were estimated for 71 exposed cases (clean-up workers and evacuees from which biomaterial was available for molecular studies and who agreed to participate in a dosimetric interview) by the use of the well-established RADRUE method, which was adjusted specifically for the assessment of breast doses. The results of 58 female clean-up workers showed a large inter-individual variability of doses in a range of about five orders of magnitude: from 0.03 to 929 mGy, with median of 5.8 mGy. The study provides the first quantitative estimate of exposures received by female clean-up workers, which represent a limited but very important group of population affected by the Chernobyl accident. The doses of 13 women evacuated after the accident who did not take part in the clean-up activities (from 4 to 45 mGy with median of 19 mGy) are in line with the previous estimates for the evacuees from Pripyat and the 30-km zone