24 research outputs found


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    This paper is aimed at determining the prospects for an increase in the quality of teaching lawyers-criminologists with the help of engineering support by technologies of Industry 4.0 to ensure the security of the biosocial essence of a person within the formation of a socially oriented society. The performed modelling of the econometric dependence of the safety index on the human development index showed that the quality of services to ensure the security of the biosocial essence of a person is by 50.61% explained by the quality of education of lawyers-criminologists. The main conclusion of this paper is that the education of lawyers-criminologists plays an important role in the support for the security of the biosocial essence of a person. Based on this, a new – educational – approach to ensuring the security of the biosocial essence of a person was proposed. The advantage of the educational approach is a more targeted influence on offenders and the preventive effect of the security of the biosocial essence of a person. The key conclusion as a result of this research is that technologies of Industry 4.0 are necessary for the modern model of an increase in the quality of teaching lawyers-criminologists to ensure the security of the biosocial essence of a person within the creation of a socially oriented society. The practical significance of this paper consists in the fact that the proposed new - educational – approach to ensuring the security of the biosocial essence of a person allows raising the effectiveness of the quality of the model of education of lawyers-criminologists and increasing the quality of the services to ensure the security of the biosocial essence of a person, thus stimulating the accelerated formation of a socially oriented society


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    The research aims to investigate the role of education in the security of the biosocial essence of a person in the implementation of the socio-investment model of economic growth. This research focuses on the concept of the biosocial perspective in the unity of the well-being of humans as a biological species (satisfaction of biological needs) and their position in society (satisfaction of social needs). In the social and investment model of economic growth, the management tool is investments in the increase in the quality ofhigher education services, and the process of human developmentis comprised of biosocial phenomena, social connections (social lifts through obtaining higher education) and context (return of investments in higher education).The authors conducted an econometric study based on correlation analysis. This method is used to determine the relationship between the quality of higher education and official employment, the accessibility of employment and career building for young people (absence of ageism), the gender neutrality of society and the economy, and the absence of poverty. The key conclusion of the research is that the quality of higher education plays an important role in the security of the biosocial essence of a person during the implementation of the socio-investment model of economic growth.This paper also discovered challenges for the engineering of Industry 4.0 technologies, which are connected with the necessity for technologicalsupport for the most successful execution of the role ofthe quality ofeducation in the employment of youth as the central element of ensuring the security ofbiosocial essencein the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.The novelty of the research lies in the clarification of the causal links between sustainable development and the disclosure of human potential from the perspective of the security of the biosocial essence of a person in support of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The contribution of the research consists of developing a toolkit to implement the socio-investment model of economic growth and thereby improve the manageability and efficiency of this process. The social significance of the research is that it demonstrated the possibility and feasibility and provided a scientific and methodological basis for the systemic implementation of SDG 1, SDG 4, SDG 5, and SDG 8

    Legal regulation of technologically improved people in the United States and China

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    As humanity improves its use of technologies that can replace parts of a biological organism with ones containing mechanical or electronic components, it raises important legal and political issues. For example, the successful implantation of devices in human bodies could lead to the emergence of new cognitive and motor abilities, thereby resulting in the creation of a new class of people. Undoubtedly, this new class of people with extraordinary abilities would require a legal and governmental response. However, the question that arises is what legal rights might be given to these people, considering that they are more similar to machines than to men or women. The following legal aspects are of the utmost importance: the legal rights and responsibilities of cyborgs; the regulation of access to neuroprosthetic devices by third parties; and the limitation of the illegal use of the damaging capabilities of cyborgs. This article examines a number of laws and regulations from various jurisdictions in the United States, the European Union, South Korea and China that apply to cyborg technologies, with a particular focus on a legal doctrine that applies to neuroprostheses

    Analytical description of the Coherent State Model for near vibrational and well deformed nuclei

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    Analytical formulas for the excitation energies as well as for the electric quadrupole reduced transition probabilities in the ground, beta and gamma bands were derived within the coherent state model for the near vibrational and well deformed nuclei. Numerical calculations were performed for 42 nuclei exhibiting various symmetries and therefore with specific properties. Comparison of the calculation results with the corresponding experimental data shows a good agreement. The parameters involved in the proposed model satisfy evident regularities being interpolated by smooth curves. Few of them, which fall out of the curves, are interpreted as signatures for a critical point in a specific phase transition. This is actually supported also by the figures showing the excitation energy dependence on the angular momentum. The formulas provided for energies and B(E2) values are very simple, being written in a compact form, and therefore easy to be handled to explain the new experimental data.Comment: 9 figures, 50 page

    Ways of solving and modern view of tactics for acute diseases of scrotum organs in children

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    To date, there is no consensus on tactics for acute diseases of the scrotum in children. Acute diseases of the testis, epididymis and spermatic cord in children are one of the most dangerous situations for a male child. The pool of all acute diseases of the scrotum in a single term, acute diseases of the scrotum organs (ADSO), is explained by the similarity of their clinical picture during the first 6-12 hours and the difficulty of differential diagnosis. The purpose of the work is to analyze the treatment and diagnostic tactics for acute diseases of the scrotum in boys and adolescents in the clinic of pediatric surgery in a major metropolis. In retrospect, 716 clinical charts of boys and adolescents with ADSO who were treated in the children's surgical department No. 1 of Children's Clinical Hospital No. 9 in Yekaterinburg from 2016 to 2018 at the age of 6 months to 17 years were studied. The structure of ADSO nosologies is typical: torsion of Morgagni hydatides — 72.5%, testicular torsion — 14.4%, orthoepididymitis — 8%, allergic scrotal edema — 3.2%, scrotal organ damage (closed wounds, rhegma) — 1.9%. A complete clinical sonographic examination is the basis of differential diagnosis, which was carried out in a sequence justified by the risk of reproductive health loss. Conservative and surgical treatment of ADSO requires sonographic monitoring, which is performed for all children in the near and distant period and allows timely detection of hypo - and atrophic changes in the testicle.До настоящего времени не существует единого мнения относительно тактики при острых заболеваниях органов мошонки у детей. Острые заболевания яичка, придатка и семенного канатика представляют собой одну из самых опасных ситуаций для ребенка мужского пола. Объединение всех острых заболеваний органов мошонки единым термином ОЗОМ объясняется схожестью их клинической картины в течение первых 6-12 часов и трудностью дифференциальной диагностики. Цель работы — анализ лечебно-диагностической тактики при острых заболеваниях органов мошонки у мальчиков и подростков в клинике детской хирургии крупного мегаполиса. Ретроспективно были изучены 716 историй болезни мальчиков и подростков с ОЗОМ в возрасте с 6 месяцев до 17 лет, находившихся на лечении в хирургическом отделении № 1 ДГКБ № 9 с 2016 по 2018 г. Структура нозологий ОЗОМ типична: перекрут гидатиды Морганьи — 72,5%, заворот яичка — 14,4%, орхоэпидидимит — 8%, аллергический отек мошонки — 3,2%, повреждения органов мошонки (разрывы, ушибы) — 1,9%. Полное клинико-сонографическое обследование является базисом дифференциальной диагностики, которую проводили в последовательности, обоснованной риском потери репродуктивного здоровья. Консервативное и оперативное лечение ОЗОМ требует сонографического мониторинга, что выполнено всем детям в ближайший и отдаленный период и позволяет своевременно выявить гипо- и атрофические изменения яичка

    Impact of the regulatory reserve and capacity demand on the process of justification of the generating sources in respect of the UES Russia management development

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    An analysis is made of the regulatory documents used to justify the capacity demand and one of its components - the normative capacity reserve. The methodological principles for considering energy availability at hydroelectric power stations from the standpoint of justification of reserve funds are justified. For the price zones of the UES Russia, retrospective information on the forecast values of maximum loads and power generation at hydroelectric power stations has been compared with their actual values. The article gives the practical results of influence of the identified regulatory documents inconsistencies and deviations of the maximum load forecasts and hydroelectric power generation from the actual power demand values and the justification of the generating sources to cover it under a competitive power selection procedure

    Components of the power balance consumption and their influence on the procedure of competitive power selection UES of Russia

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    The impact of the time aspect in planning of the maximum load and the standard capacity reserve on determination of the price for the power capacity while the competitive power selection procedure is described. The article illustrates the fundamental differences between the concepts of the load forecasting error caused by the temperature factor and forecast volume of power consumption, considering it in power capacity demand formation. The results of the impact made by these factors on the competitive power selection procedure are presented

    Excited Nuclear States for Th-238 (Thorium)

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    Influence of generation representation on reliability balance indicators and their support means in managing the development of electric power systems

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    The issues of presentation generating equipment when solving the problem of substantiating the operational reserve of power in the UES of Russia are considered. The influence of the adopted composition of equipment, various modeling of capital and medium repairs, accounting for the energy supply of hydroelectric power plants on the values of indicators balance reliability and means their support is given