60 research outputs found

    On Revelation Transforms that Characterize Probability Distributions

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    A characterization of exponential, geometric and of distributions with almost-lack-of-memory property, based on the revelation transform of probability distributions and relevation of random variables is discussed. Known characterizations of the exponential distribution on the base of relevation transforms given by Grosswald et al. [4], and Lau and Rao [7] are obtained under weakened conditions and the proofs are simplified. A characterization the class of almost-lack-of-memory distributions through the relevation is specified

    Two-dimensional Warranty Cost Analysis for Second-hand Products

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    In spite of the recent steady increase of the volume of the second-hand markets, often customers remain in doubt regarding the quality and durability of the secondhand products. Aiming to reduce and share this uncertainty, dealers offer warranty on their products. Offering warranty for second-hand products is a relatively new marketing strategy employed by dealers of used electronic equipment, furniture, automobiles, etc. Usually, for used products, the dealer’s expected warranty cost is a function of product reliability, past age and usage, servicing strategy and conditions and terms of the warranty policy/contract. Sometimes the offered policy is limited by two parameters, typically the product age and usage after the sale. This type of policies is referred to as two-dimensional warranty policies. In this article, we develop statistical models for estimating the dealer’s expected warranty cost for second-hand products sold with two-dimensional free repair/replacement warranty

    Maintenance Models in Warranty: A Literature Review

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    Along with increasing the warranty period for complex systems, reducing the warranty servicing costs has become an issue of great importance to the manufacturers. One possible way to reduce the expected warranty servicing cost is by making sound decision on the product warranty and maintenance strategies. Therefore, warranties (basic warranty and extended warranty) and maintenance (corrective and preventive) are strongly interlinked and of great interest to both manufacturers and customers. This paper is the first identifiable academic literature review to deal with warranty and maintenance. It provides a classification scheme for the articles that link warranty and maintenance published between 2001 and 2011 covering 44 journals and proposes a taxonomy scheme to classify these articles. Nine hundred articles were identified for their relevance to warranty and were carefully reviewed. One-hundred and twenty-two articles were subsequently selected for their relevance to maintenance and included in the classification

    A Finite Capacity Resequencing Model with Markovian Arrivals

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    In this paper, we consider a two-server finite capacity queuing model in which messages should leave the system in the order in which they entered the system. Messages arrive according to a Markovian arrival process (MAP) and any message finding the buffer full is considered lost. Out-of-sequence messages are stored in a (finite) buffer and may lead to blocking when a processed message cannot be placed in the buffer. The steady state analysis of the model is performed by exploiting the structure of the coefficient matrices. The departure process is characterized and two interesting optimization problems along with illustrative numerical examples are discussed. Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S021759590500061

    Robust decomposable Markov decision processes motivated by allocating school budgets

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    Motivated by an application to school funding, we introduce the notion of a robust decomposable Markov decision process (MDP). A robust decomposable MDP model applies to situations where several MDPs, with the transition probabilities in each only known through an uncertainty set, are coupled together by joint resource constraints. Robust decomposable MDPs are different than both decomposable MDPs, and robust MDPs and can not be solved by a direct application of the solution methods from either of those areas. In fact, to the best of our knowledge, there is no known method to tractably compute optimal policies in robust, decomposable MDPs. We show how to tractably compute good policies for this model, and apply the derived method to a stylized school funding example.Stanko Dimitrov would like to acknowledge the funding he received from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) that partially supported his work on this manuscrip

    On the Analysis of Reliability Data

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    Fitting models to observed failure data is an important topic in reliability. The resulting models can be useful both for the manufacturer, as well as for the end-user of the observed system. In this study, we first provide a summary of some useful results from reliability theory. We then present two procedures, which have been developed by extracting methods from the existing literature, that can be used as a starting point when analysing and fitting models to failure data. In particular we focus on obtaining an analytical estimates of the lifetime distribution (for data from nonrepairable systems) and of the intensity of a NHPP (for data from a repairable system). Simulated data and claims data from the warranty database of a major car manufacturer are used to illustrate selected methods and tests from these procedures