13 research outputs found

    Genome-Wide Prediction of DNA Methylation Using DNA Composition and Sequence Complexity in Human

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    DNA methylation plays a significant role in transcriptional regulation by repressing activity. Change of the DNA methylation level is an important factor affecting the expression of target genes and downstream phenotypes. Because current experimental technologies can only assay a small proportion of CpG sites in the human genome, it is urgent to develop reliable computational models for predicting genome-wide DNA methylation. Here, we proposed a novel algorithm that accurately extracted sequence complexity features (seven features) and developed a support-vector-machine-based prediction model with integration of the reported DNA composition features (trinucleotide frequency and GC content, 65 features) by utilizing the methylation profiles of embryonic stem cells in human. The prediction results from 22 human chromosomes with size-varied windows showed that the 600-bp window achieved the best average accuracy of 94.7%. Moreover, comparisons with two existing methods further showed the superiority of our model, and cross-species predictions on mouse data also demonstrated that our model has certain generalization ability. Finally, a statistical test of the experimental data and the predicted data on functional regions annotated by ChromHMM found that six out of 10 regions were consistent, which implies reliable prediction of unassayed CpG sites. Accordingly, we believe that our novel model will be useful and reliable in predicting DNA methylation

    The gene mutations and subtelomeric DNA methylation in immunodeficiency, centromeric instability and facial anomalies syndrome

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    Immunodeficiency, centromeric instability and facial anomalies syndrome (ICF) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder, which is characteristic of a severe impairment of immunity. In the genetic aspect, ICF is featured with mutations primarily located in the specific genes (DNMT3B for ICF1, ZBTB24 for ICF2, CDCA7 for ICF3, and HELLS for ICF4). The subtelomeric region is defined as 500 kb at the terminal of each autosomal arm. And subtelomeric DNA fragments can partially regulate key biological activities, including chromosome movement and localization in the nucleus. In this review, we updated and summarized gene mutations in ICF based on the previous review. In addition, we focused on the correlation between subtelomeric DNA methylation and ICF. The relationship between subtelomeric methylation and telomere length in ICF was also summarized

    Comparison of the efficacy of different androgens measured by LC-MS/MS in representing hyperandrogenemia and an evaluation of adrenal-origin androgens with a dexamethasone suppression test in patients with PCOS

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    Abstract Background The aims of this study were to compare the efficacy of different androgens measured by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in representing hyperandrogenemia and to evaluate adrenal-origin androgens with a dexamethasone suppression test in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Methods One hundred and two patients with PCOS and 41 healthy volunteers were recruited and total serum testosterone (TT), androstenedione (AD), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) were measured by LC-MS/MS. ROC analysis was performed to compare the efficacy of different androgens in representing hyperandrogenemia. Dexamethasone suppression test was performed in 51 patients with PCOS and above indicators were measured after dexamethasone administration. The prediction efficacy of DHEA and DHEA-S at baseline in the dexamethasone suppression test was evaluated with ROC analysis. Results The AUCs of TT, AD, free androgen index (FAI) and DHEA-S in ROC analysis for representing hyperandrogenemia were 0.816, 0.842, 0.937 and 0.678, respectively. The optimal cutoff value of TT was 0.337 ng/ml, with a sensitivity of 72.0% and specificity of 82.93%. The optimal cutoff value for AD was 1.309 ng/ml, with a sensitivity of 81.0% and specificity of 73.17%. The optimal cutoff value of the FAI was 2.50, with a sensitivity of 87.0% and specificity of 92.68%. Alternatively, AD or FAI more than the optimal cutoff values as evidence of hyperandrogenemia had the highest sensitivity of 91.18%. The levels of cortisol, DHEA and DHEA-S were all suppressed to narrow ranges after dexamethasone administration. Nine and 8 of 51 patients with PCOS had significant decreases in TT and AD, respectively. DHEA can be used as a indicator for predicting significant decrease of TT in dexamethasone suppression test with cutoff value of 13.28 ng/ml. A total of 27.5% (14/51) of patients had DHEA-S excess, but only 1 of 9 patients who had a significant decrease in TT had elevated level of DHEA-S at baseline. Conclusions AD measured by LC-MS/MS can represent hyperandrogenemia in PCOS patients and, combined with TT or FAI, can improve the screening efficiency of hyperandrogenemia. Seventeen percent of PCOS patients had adrenal-origin androgen dominance, with TT significantly decreasing after 2 days of dexamethasone administration. Adrenal-origin androgen dominance was not parallel with DHEA-S excess in patients with PCOS

    The phenomena of balanced effect between α-globin gene and of β-globin gene

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    Abstract Background Thalassemias (TM) are the most common autosomal recessive disorders in Southeast Asian countries. Both α- and β-thalassemia lead to a decrease or absence of globin chains. The most serious of the thalassemia syndromes is thalassemia major which is characterized by a transfusion dependent anemia and subsequent iron overload caused by repeated blood transfusions. It is preventive by genotyping the parents. A better understanding of the laboratory data will help provide an accurate diagnosis of thalassemia major, and prevention and controlling programs in routine laboratories. Case presentation The patient was a one-year-old boy born to non-consanguineous parents. He was referred to our outpatient clinic for hemolytic anemia after a cold. Hematological investigations revealed severe anemia (Hb57 g/dL). The red cells displayed microcytosis, hypochromia and misshapen erythrocytes (MCV48.8 fL, MCH15.7 pg). Capillary electrophoresis (CE) electropherogram revealed normal level of HbA2 (3.2%) and elevated HbF (35.1%). The patient was diagnosed with β-TM, based on severe microcytosis, hypochromia, normal Hb A2 and high Hb F level but no Hb H inclusion at the first visit. Later our molecular analysis revealed compound heterozygosity for codons 41–42 (-TTCT) (HBB: c.126_129delCTTT, β0) and IVS-II-654 (C > T) (HBB: c.316-197C > T, β+) mutation and deletional Hb H (−-SEA/−α3.7). Thus, a combination of Hb H disease and a compound heterozygosity of β+/β0-thalassemia (β+/β0-thal) was finally diagnosed. Conclusions Genotype-phenotype analysis shows that heterozygous mutations in the β-globin gene could affect not only hematological parameters, but also elevate HbA2 levels. These effects could be ameliorated by the coinheritance of Hb H disease, which may be explained by the phenomena of the α-globin gene and of the β-globin gene balanced effect

    Immature platelet fraction related parameters in the differential diagnosis of thrombocytopenia

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    The pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia can be divided into increased destruction (ID) of platelets in the peripheral blood and decreased production (DP) of platelets in the bone marrow. This study aimed to analyze the efficacy of immature platelet fraction (IPF) related parameters, including the IPF count (IPF#), IPF percentage (IPF%) and highly fluorescence IPF percentage (H-IPF%), measured by XN-9000, in the differential diagnosis of thrombocytopenia. One hundred and twenty healthy volunteers were enrolled in the healthy control (HC) group, and 180 thrombocytopenia patients were grouped into either the increased destruction (ID) group or the decreased production (DP) group according to their final diagnosis. IPF# was significantly lower in the DP group than in the ID and HC groups (P < .01). Among the three groups, the ID group had the highest IPF% and H-IPF%, and the HC group had the lowest IPF% and H-IPF%. The differences between the three groups were all statistically significant (P < .01). In differentiating the ID patients from the DP patients, the areas under the operating characteristics curve of IPF#, IPF% and H-IPF% were 0.859, 0.944 and 0.930, respectively. False positive rates were below 0.04 when IPF#, IPF% and H-IPF% were above 2.65, 7.55 and 2.35, respectively. IPF related parameters showed high efficacy in the differential diagnosis of thrombocytopenia. However, due to the small numerical values of the IPF related parameters in some thrombocytopenia patients, the fluctuations of IPF% and H-IPF% should also be taken into consideration. Though H-IPF% is a new parameter, its effectiveness in the differential diagnosis of thrombocytopenia is not better than IPF%’s

    The Beginning of the End: A Chromosomal Assembly of the New World Malaria Mosquito Ends with a Novel Telomere

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    Chromosome level assemblies are accumulating in various taxonomic groups including mosquitoes. However, even in the few reference-quality mosquito assemblies, a significant portion of the heterochromatic regions including telomeres remain unresolved. Here we produce a de novo assembly of the New World malaria mosquito, Anopheles albimanus by integrating Oxford Nanopore sequencing, Illumina, Hi-C and optical mapping. This 172.6 Mbps female assembly, which we call AalbS3, is obtained by scaffolding polished large contigs (contig N50 = 13.7 Mbps) into three chromosomes. All chromosome arms end with telomeric repeats, which is the first in mosquito assemblies and represents a significant step toward the completion of a genome assembly. These telomeres consist of tandem repeats of a novel 30-32 bp Telomeric Repeat Unit (TRU) and are confirmed by analyzing the termini of long reads and through both chromosomal in situ hybridization and a Bal31 sensitivity assay. The AalbS3 assembly included previously uncharacterized centromeric and rDNA clusters and more than doubled the content of transposable elements and other repetitive sequences. This telomere-to-telomere assembly, although still containing gaps, represents a significant step toward resolving biologically important but previously hidden genomic components. The comparison of different scaffolding methods will also inform future efforts to obtain reference-quality genomes for other mosquito species

    Supplemental Material for Chen et al., 2022

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    Orgiginal photos for the manuscript entitled "Marker-assisted mapping enables forward genetic analysis in Aedes aegypti, an arboviral vector with vast recombination deserts" by Chen CJ et al.</p