4 research outputs found

    Deep brain stimulation in treatment of patients with advanced Parkinson's disease

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    Parkinsonova bolest (PB) je kronična progresivna neurodegenerativna bolest koja se javlja većinom u starijih osoba. Smatra se da je rezultat interakcije genetskih i okoliÅ”nih čimbenika. Za shvaćanje hipokinetičkog poremećaja pokreta kao Å”to je PB, važno je razumijeti neuroanatomiju petlji bazalnih ganglija jer poremećaj u njihovoj organizaciji i funkcioniranju dovodi do manifestacije poremećaja. PB ima motoričke te nemotoričke manifestacije. Četiri motorička znaka karakteristična za PB su tremor, rigiditet, bradikinezija te posturalna nestabilnost. Od nemotoričkih znakova ističu se kognitivni poremećaji, psihičke smetnje te smetnje spavanja i autonomnog sustava. Tijekom 1950-ih i 1960-ih godina glavna metoda terapije bile su ablacijske kirurÅ”ke tehnike poput talamotomije i palidotomije. Pojavom lijeka levodope (L-dopa) 1967. godine, ablacijske kirurÅ”ke tehnike zamijenjene su farmakoloÅ”kom terapijom. No poviÅ”enjem doze L-dope dolazi do pojave teÅ”kih motoričkih nuspojava, takozvanih diskinezija. 1987. godine se prvi put koristi nova kirurÅ”ka tehnika, duboka mozgovna stimulacija (DBS). To je tehnika električne stimulacije dubokih struktura mozga koja je danas skoro u potpunosti zamijenila ablacijske kirurÅ”ke tehnike zbog svoje reverzibilnosti, manje invazivnosti te manjeg broja komplikacija. Uveli su je Alim Louis Benabid i Pierre Pollak za liječenje tremora, stimulacijom talamusa, a 1993. godine su stimulirali subtalamičku jezgru kod pacijenta sa teÅ”kim oblikom PB-a. Osim na motoričke znakove, djeluje i na diskinezije inducirane L-dopom. Uz sve prednosti, kao i kod svake kirurÅ”ke tehnike javljaju se određeni rizici od komplikacija. No unatoč rizicima, DBS danas ostaje glavnom neurokirurÅ”kom terapijom u liječenju PB-a kod ispravno indiciranih pacijenata.Parkinsonā€™s disease is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease that mainly occurs in older people. It is thought to be a result of interaction of both genetic and environmental factors. To understand hypokinetic movement disorder such as Parkinsonā€™s disease, it is important to know neuroanatomy of basal ganglia circuits, because disturbance in its organization and functioning leads to manifestation of the said disorder. Parkinsonā€™s disease has both motor and non-motor manifestations. Four cardinal motor signs are tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural instability. Non-motor signs that stand out are cognitive disorders, pshychiatric disorders, sleep disturbances and disturbances of the autonomic system. During 1950s and 1960 the main methods of therapy were ablative surgical techniques, such as thalamotomy and pallidotomy. With appearance of levodopa (L-dopa) in 1967, ablative surgical techniques were largely replaced by pharmacological treatment. But by increasing the dose of L-dopa, motor side effects, such as dyskinesia occured. In 1987 new surgical technique was developed - deep brain stimulation (DBS). It is a technique of electrical stimulation of deeper parts of the brain which has almost entirely replaced ablative surgical techniques because of its reversibility, lesser invasiveness and less number of complications. It was developed by Alim Louis Benabid and Pierre Pollak for treating tremor by stimulating thalamus. In 1993 they stimulated subthalamic nucleus in patients with advanced Parkinsonā€™s. It worked on both motor symptoms and L-dopa induced dyskinesias. Even though DBS has many advantages, there are also certain risks of complications. But nevertheless, DBS is today the main neurosurgical therapy in treating Parkinsonā€™s disease in correctly chosen patients

    Deep brain stimulation in treatment of patients with advanced Parkinson's disease

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    Parkinsonova bolest (PB) je kronična progresivna neurodegenerativna bolest koja se javlja većinom u starijih osoba. Smatra se da je rezultat interakcije genetskih i okoliÅ”nih čimbenika. Za shvaćanje hipokinetičkog poremećaja pokreta kao Å”to je PB, važno je razumijeti neuroanatomiju petlji bazalnih ganglija jer poremećaj u njihovoj organizaciji i funkcioniranju dovodi do manifestacije poremećaja. PB ima motoričke te nemotoričke manifestacije. Četiri motorička znaka karakteristična za PB su tremor, rigiditet, bradikinezija te posturalna nestabilnost. Od nemotoričkih znakova ističu se kognitivni poremećaji, psihičke smetnje te smetnje spavanja i autonomnog sustava. Tijekom 1950-ih i 1960-ih godina glavna metoda terapije bile su ablacijske kirurÅ”ke tehnike poput talamotomije i palidotomije. Pojavom lijeka levodope (L-dopa) 1967. godine, ablacijske kirurÅ”ke tehnike zamijenjene su farmakoloÅ”kom terapijom. No poviÅ”enjem doze L-dope dolazi do pojave teÅ”kih motoričkih nuspojava, takozvanih diskinezija. 1987. godine se prvi put koristi nova kirurÅ”ka tehnika, duboka mozgovna stimulacija (DBS). To je tehnika električne stimulacije dubokih struktura mozga koja je danas skoro u potpunosti zamijenila ablacijske kirurÅ”ke tehnike zbog svoje reverzibilnosti, manje invazivnosti te manjeg broja komplikacija. Uveli su je Alim Louis Benabid i Pierre Pollak za liječenje tremora, stimulacijom talamusa, a 1993. godine su stimulirali subtalamičku jezgru kod pacijenta sa teÅ”kim oblikom PB-a. Osim na motoričke znakove, djeluje i na diskinezije inducirane L-dopom. Uz sve prednosti, kao i kod svake kirurÅ”ke tehnike javljaju se određeni rizici od komplikacija. No unatoč rizicima, DBS danas ostaje glavnom neurokirurÅ”kom terapijom u liječenju PB-a kod ispravno indiciranih pacijenata.Parkinsonā€™s disease is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease that mainly occurs in older people. It is thought to be a result of interaction of both genetic and environmental factors. To understand hypokinetic movement disorder such as Parkinsonā€™s disease, it is important to know neuroanatomy of basal ganglia circuits, because disturbance in its organization and functioning leads to manifestation of the said disorder. Parkinsonā€™s disease has both motor and non-motor manifestations. Four cardinal motor signs are tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural instability. Non-motor signs that stand out are cognitive disorders, pshychiatric disorders, sleep disturbances and disturbances of the autonomic system. During 1950s and 1960 the main methods of therapy were ablative surgical techniques, such as thalamotomy and pallidotomy. With appearance of levodopa (L-dopa) in 1967, ablative surgical techniques were largely replaced by pharmacological treatment. But by increasing the dose of L-dopa, motor side effects, such as dyskinesia occured. In 1987 new surgical technique was developed - deep brain stimulation (DBS). It is a technique of electrical stimulation of deeper parts of the brain which has almost entirely replaced ablative surgical techniques because of its reversibility, lesser invasiveness and less number of complications. It was developed by Alim Louis Benabid and Pierre Pollak for treating tremor by stimulating thalamus. In 1993 they stimulated subthalamic nucleus in patients with advanced Parkinsonā€™s. It worked on both motor symptoms and L-dopa induced dyskinesias. Even though DBS has many advantages, there are also certain risks of complications. But nevertheless, DBS is today the main neurosurgical therapy in treating Parkinsonā€™s disease in correctly chosen patients

    Deep brain stimulation in treatment of patients with advanced Parkinson's disease

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    Parkinsonova bolest (PB) je kronična progresivna neurodegenerativna bolest koja se javlja većinom u starijih osoba. Smatra se da je rezultat interakcije genetskih i okoliÅ”nih čimbenika. Za shvaćanje hipokinetičkog poremećaja pokreta kao Å”to je PB, važno je razumijeti neuroanatomiju petlji bazalnih ganglija jer poremećaj u njihovoj organizaciji i funkcioniranju dovodi do manifestacije poremećaja. PB ima motoričke te nemotoričke manifestacije. Četiri motorička znaka karakteristična za PB su tremor, rigiditet, bradikinezija te posturalna nestabilnost. Od nemotoričkih znakova ističu se kognitivni poremećaji, psihičke smetnje te smetnje spavanja i autonomnog sustava. Tijekom 1950-ih i 1960-ih godina glavna metoda terapije bile su ablacijske kirurÅ”ke tehnike poput talamotomije i palidotomije. Pojavom lijeka levodope (L-dopa) 1967. godine, ablacijske kirurÅ”ke tehnike zamijenjene su farmakoloÅ”kom terapijom. No poviÅ”enjem doze L-dope dolazi do pojave teÅ”kih motoričkih nuspojava, takozvanih diskinezija. 1987. godine se prvi put koristi nova kirurÅ”ka tehnika, duboka mozgovna stimulacija (DBS). To je tehnika električne stimulacije dubokih struktura mozga koja je danas skoro u potpunosti zamijenila ablacijske kirurÅ”ke tehnike zbog svoje reverzibilnosti, manje invazivnosti te manjeg broja komplikacija. Uveli su je Alim Louis Benabid i Pierre Pollak za liječenje tremora, stimulacijom talamusa, a 1993. godine su stimulirali subtalamičku jezgru kod pacijenta sa teÅ”kim oblikom PB-a. Osim na motoričke znakove, djeluje i na diskinezije inducirane L-dopom. Uz sve prednosti, kao i kod svake kirurÅ”ke tehnike javljaju se određeni rizici od komplikacija. No unatoč rizicima, DBS danas ostaje glavnom neurokirurÅ”kom terapijom u liječenju PB-a kod ispravno indiciranih pacijenata.Parkinsonā€™s disease is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease that mainly occurs in older people. It is thought to be a result of interaction of both genetic and environmental factors. To understand hypokinetic movement disorder such as Parkinsonā€™s disease, it is important to know neuroanatomy of basal ganglia circuits, because disturbance in its organization and functioning leads to manifestation of the said disorder. Parkinsonā€™s disease has both motor and non-motor manifestations. Four cardinal motor signs are tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural instability. Non-motor signs that stand out are cognitive disorders, pshychiatric disorders, sleep disturbances and disturbances of the autonomic system. During 1950s and 1960 the main methods of therapy were ablative surgical techniques, such as thalamotomy and pallidotomy. With appearance of levodopa (L-dopa) in 1967, ablative surgical techniques were largely replaced by pharmacological treatment. But by increasing the dose of L-dopa, motor side effects, such as dyskinesia occured. In 1987 new surgical technique was developed - deep brain stimulation (DBS). It is a technique of electrical stimulation of deeper parts of the brain which has almost entirely replaced ablative surgical techniques because of its reversibility, lesser invasiveness and less number of complications. It was developed by Alim Louis Benabid and Pierre Pollak for treating tremor by stimulating thalamus. In 1993 they stimulated subthalamic nucleus in patients with advanced Parkinsonā€™s. It worked on both motor symptoms and L-dopa induced dyskinesias. Even though DBS has many advantages, there are also certain risks of complications. But nevertheless, DBS is today the main neurosurgical therapy in treating Parkinsonā€™s disease in correctly chosen patients

    Decreased brain volume may be associated with the occurrence of peri-lead edema in Parkinson's disease patients with deep brain stimulation

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    Background: Peri-lead edema (PLE) is a poorly understood complication of deep brain stimulation (DBS), which has been described in patients presenting occasionally with profound and often delayed symptoms with an incidence ranging from 0.4% up to even 100%. Therefore, our study aims to investigate the association of brain and brain compartment volumes on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with the occurrence of PLE in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients after DBS implantation in subthalamic nuclei (STN). Methods: This retrospective study included 125 consecutive PD patients who underwent STN DBS at the Department of Neurosurgery, Dubrava University Hospital from 2010 to 2022. Qualitative analysis was done on postoperative MRI T2-weighted sequence by two independent observers, marking PLE on midbrain, thalamus, and subcortical levels as mild, moderate, or severe. Quantitative volumetric analysis of brain and brain compartment volumes was conducted using an automated CIVET processing pipeline on preoperative MRI T1 MPRAGE sequences. In addition, observed PLE on individual hemispheres was delineated manually and measured using Analyze 14.0 software. Results: In our cohort, PLE was observed in 32.17%, mostly bilaterally. Mild PLE was observed in the majority of patients, regardless of the level observed. Age, sex, diabetes, hypertension, vascular disease, and the use of anticoagulant/antiplatelet therapy showed no significant association with the occurrence of PLE. Total grey matter volume showed a significant association with the PLE occurrence (r = -0.22, p = 0.04), as well as cortex volume (r = -0.32, p = 0.0005). Cortical volumes of hemispheres, overall hemisphere volumes, as well as hemisphere/total intracranial volume ratio showed significant association with the PLE occurrence. Furthermore, the volume of the cortex and total grey volume represent moderate indicators, while hemisphere volumes, cortical volumes of hemispheres, and hemisphere/total intracranial volume ratio represent mild to moderate indicators of possible PLE occurrence. Conclusion: The results of our study suggest that the morphometric MRI measurements, as a useful tool, can provide relevant information about the structural status of the brain in patients with PD and represent moderate indicators of possible PLE occurrence. Identifying patients with greater brain atrophy, especially regarding grey matter before DBS implantation, will allow us to estimate the possible postoperative symptoms and intervene in a timely manner. Further studies are needed to confirm our findings and to investigate other potential predictors and risk factors of PLE occurrence