55 research outputs found

    PEMAKNAAN ILUSTRASI DARI KOTA APEL KE THE BIG APPLE (Studi Semiotika Terhadap Ilustrasi Cover ā€œDari Kota Apel Ke The Big Appleā€ Pada Cover Novel 9 Summers 10 Autumns)

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    The research is based on depiction of powerful story of struggle and tough man. The struggle began with a strong desire to get to a better standard of living. The method used to determine the meaning contained is included in the semiotic analysis of qualitative descriptive study. Here using semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Peirce, who divides signs into three categories: icon, index and symbol. Result of this study, in writer opinion is, personal thanks to the strong, strong-willed, and based on the sanctity of business, better living standards were successfully obtained in New York City. Besides the glory of success and also successfully achieved, but is not the case with perfection. Key word : Illustration, Semiotic, Charles Sanders Peirce, 9 Summers 10 Autumns, apple, Dari Kota Apel ke The Big Apple

    Self-worth Tenaga Satuan Pengamanan Alih Daya di Lingkungan Kampus

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    Dengan menerapkan pendekatan fenomenologi, penelitian psikologi kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap gambaran self-worth pada tenaga satuan pengamanan alih daya di lingkungan kampus. Data studi ini dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan sejumlah partisipan penelitian, yakni tiga tenaga satuan pengamanan alih daya yang telah bekerja lebih dari tiga tahun. Teknik interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) atas data terkumpul memperlihatkan bahwa self-worth para partisipan cenderung rendah. Ini karena pandangan mereka tentang profesi, serta perasaan diri mereka dalam kaitan dengan profesi, tidak kondusif. Ditemukan pula adanya interaksi antara ability dan effort dalam pembentukan self-worth. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa usaha dan kemauan ketiga partisipan belum didukung oleh kemampuan.&nbsp


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    Kecamatan Seberang Ulu II Palembang has 1.070 Ha area, with population growth and infrastructure is increasing from year to year, thereby also increasing the need for clean water, but in the provision of clean water that is less well served. For it is necessary to review the water distribution network system, which aims to find out how much water discharge to be flown on the matter, so that clean water needs are met equally. Water distribution networks are designed using calculations Manning- Gauckler-Strickler. To calculate the population projections used in the next 10 years the arithmetic, Geometric and exponential method, from the calculations, the amount of water required in the Kecamatan Seberang Ulu II, then made a calculation on each element of the discharge pipe network using the Hardy Cross method. From the calculation of the projected number of serving residents in Kecamatan Seberang Ulu II are 106.535 people until the year 2025. Total discharge of clean water needs in 2015 at 150,4244 liter/second and total discharge in 2025 at 234,5895 liter/second. Thus necessary to discharge the addition of 81,1651 liter/second to achieve clean water needs by 2025. From the calculation of budget plan to improving water distribution system needs fund Rp 40.936.774.581,00 with 140 working days

    Usulan Peningkatan Kualitas Pada Proses Produksi Dengan Metode Lean Six Sigma Dan Kaizen(Studi Kasus: CV Indra Daya Sakti)

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    CV Indra Daya Sakti is an industry engaged in metal casting where defective products are still found as a result of the production process. This study aims to identify and analyze the highest waste in the production process using the lean six sigma method and provide suggestions for improvement using the kaizen method. The method used refers to the lean six sigma and kaizen DMAIC principles, which are define to identify waste, measure to measure sigma level, analyze to analyze root causes, improve to propose improvements using 5S and control methods as control stages. There are seven types of waste with waste defects being the highest waste obtained from the spread of workshop waste. Waste defects with the highest percentage are porous and enom. The results of this study are to propose improvements in the form of making a checklist, SOP, giving an appeal and fulfilling supporting facilities based on the highest defect analysis. Proposed improvements provided aim to make continuous improvements and increase the sigma level from 3,8321Ļƒ to 4Ļƒ, 5Ļƒ or even 6Ļƒ

    Analisis Butir Soal dengan Menggunakan Program ITEMAN Soal Ujian Akhir Semester Gasal Mata Pelajaran Produktif, Nomatif, Adaptif Kelas X Teknik Mesin SMK Tekstil Pandaan.

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    ABSTRAKĀ Azhar, Muhammad Chudori. 2017. Analisis Butir Soal dengan Menggunakan Program ITEMAN Soal Ujian Akhir Semester Gasal Mata Pelajaran Produktif, Nomatif, Adaptif Kelas X Teknik Mesin SMK Tekstil Pandaan. Skripsi, Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Eddy Sutadji, M.Pd., (II) Dr. Hj. Widiyanti, M.Pd.Ā Kata Kunci: analisis butir soal, program iteman, validitas isi dan konstrukĀ Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas butir soal UAS semester gasal kelas X Teknik Pemesinan SMK Tekstil Pandaan yang meliputi; (a) reliabilitas, (b) tingkat kesukaran, (c) daya beda, (d) efektivitas pengecoh, (e) validitas isi dan konstruk. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) validitas butir soal ulangan akhir semester gasal mata pelajaran produktif, normatif, dan adaptifĀ  SMK Tekstil Pandaan kelas X tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 termasuk soal yang berkualitas baik karena jumlah persentase keseluruhan soal yang valid lebih dari 50% kecuali mata pelajaran BTQ, Fisika, dan Tekmek; (2) dari segi reliabilitas menunjukkan nilai keajegan yang tinggi; (3) tingkat kesukaran soal secara keseluruhan memiliki tingkat kesukaran sedang kecuali soal BTQ; (4) berdasarkan daya pembeda secara keseluruhan soal UAS SMK Tekstil memiliki daya beda baik karena secara keseluruhan memiliki daya beda baik lebih dari 50%, kecuali pada soal fisika; dan (5) Pengecoh soal secara keseluruhan sudah berfungsi dengan sangat baik kecuali soal BTQ yang memiliki persentase ketidakberfungsian distractor sebanyak 64%. Soal memenuhi validitas logis yang terdiri atas validitas isi dan validitas konstruk

    Imaginary city

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