685 research outputs found

    Luttinger theorem for a spin-density-wave state

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    We obtained the analog of the Luttinger relation for a commensurate spin-density-wave state. We show that while the relation between the area of the occupied states and the density of particles gets modified in a simple and predictable way when the system becomes ordered, a perturbative consideration of the Luttinger theorem does not work due to the presence of an anomaly similar to the chiral anomaly in quantum electrodynamics.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 1 figure embedded in the text, ps-file is also available at http://lifshitz.physics.wisc.edu/www/morr/morr_homepage.htm

    Crossover and scaling in a nearly antiferromagnetic Fermi liquid in two dimensions

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    We consider two-dimensional Fermi liquids in the vicinity of a quantum transition to a phase with commensurate, antiferromagnetic long-range order. Depending upon the Fermi surface topology, mean-field spin-density-wave theory predicts two different types of such transitions, with mean-field dynamic critical exponents z=1z=1 (when the Fermi surface does not cross the magnetic zone boundary, type AA) and z=2z=2 (when the Fermi surface crosses the magnetic zone boundary, type BB). The type AA system only displays z=1z=1 behavior at all energies and its scaling properties are similar (though not identical) to those of an insulating Heisenberg antiferromagnet. Under suitable conditions precisely stated in this paper, the type BB system displays a crossover from relaxational behavior at low energies to type AA behavior at high energies. A scaling hypothesis is proposed to describe this crossover: we postulate a universal scaling function which determines the entire, temperature-, wavevector-, and frequency-dependent, dynamic, staggered spin susceptibility in terms of 4 measurable, T=0T=0, parameters (determining the distance, energy, and order parameter scales, plus one crossover parameter). The scaling function contains the full scaling behavior in all regimes for both type AA and BB systems. The crossover behavior of the uniform susceptibility and the specific heat is somewhat more complicated and is also discussed. Explicit computation of the crossover functions is carried out in a large NN expansion on a mean-field model. Some new results for the critical properties on the ordered side of the transition are also obtained in a spin-density wave formalism. The possible relevance of our results to the doped cuprate compounds is briefly discussed.Comment: 20 pages, REVTeX, 6 figures (uuencoded compressed PostScript file for figures is appended

    Bond-impurity induced bound states in disordered spin-1/2 ladders

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    We discuss the effect of weak bond-disorder in two-leg spin ladders on the dispersion relation of the elementary triplet excitations with a particular focus on the appearance of bound states in the spin gap. Both the cases of modified exchange couplings on the rungs and the legs of the ladder are analyzed. Based on a projection on the single-triplet subspace, the single-impurity and small cluster problems are treated analytically in the strong-coupling limit. Numerically, we study the problem of a single impurity in a spin ladder by exact diagonalization to obtain the low-lying excitations. At finite concentrations and to leading order in the inter-rung coupling, we compare the spectra obtained from numerical diagonalization of large systems within the single-triplet subspace with the results of diagrammatic techniques, namely low-concentration and coherent-potential approximations. The contribution of small impurity clusters to the density of states is also discussed.Comment: 9 pages REVTeX4 including 7 figures, final version; Fig. 5 modifie

    Pairing dynamics in strongly correlated superconductivity

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    Confirmation of the phononic origin of Cooper pair formation in superconductors came with the demonstration that the interaction was retarded and that the corresponding energy scales were associated with phonons. Using cellular dynamical mean-field theory for the two-dimensional Hubbard model, we identify such retardation effects in d-wave pairing and associate the corresponding energy scales with short-range spin fluctuations. We find which frequencies are relevant for pairing as a function of interaction strength and doping and show that the disappearance of superconductivity on the overdoped side coincides with the disappearance of the low energy feature in the antiferromagnetic fluctuations, as observed in neutron scattering experiments.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages, 8 figure

    Coexistence of superconductivity and a spin density wave in pnictides: Gap symmetry and nodal lines

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    We investigate the effect of a spin-density wave (SDW) on s±s_{\pm} superconductivity in Fe-based superconductors. We show that, contrary to the common wisdom, no nodes open at the new, reconnected Fermi surfaces when the hole and electron pockets fold down in the SDW state, despite the fact that the s±s_{\pm} gap changes sign between the two pockets. Instead, the order parameter preserves its sign along the newly formed Fermi surfaces. The familiar experimental signatures of an s±s_{\pm} symmetry are still preserved, although they appear in a mathematically different way. For a regular ss case (s++)s_{++}) the nodes do appear in the SDW state. This distinction suggests a novel simple way to experimentally separate an s±s_{\pm} state from a regular ss in the pnictides. We argue that recently published thermal conductivity data in the coexisting state are consistent with the s±,s_{\pm}, but not the s++s_{++} state

    On the contrasting spin dynamics of La2xSrxCuO4La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4, Nd2xCexCuO4Nd_{2-x}Ce_xCuO_4 and YBa2Cu3O6+xYBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x} near half filling

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    We present simple calculations which show that incommensurability upon doping and the width of the magnetically ordered phase in Mott-Hubbard insulators depend strongly on the location of the hole/electron pockets in the Brillouin zone. For LaSrCuOLaSrCuO systems, we found the pockets at (±π/2,±π/2)(\pm \pi/2,\pm \pi/2), in which case the corrections to the antiferromagnetic spin stiffness grow with doping and destroy the commensurate antiferromagnetic ordering already at a very small doping. On the other hand, in NdCeCuONdCeCuO, the hole pockets are located at (π,0)(\pi,0) and the symmetry related points, in which case the corrections to the stiffness scale linearly with the density of carriers and do not destroy commensurate spin ordering. For YBCuOYBCuO, systems the situation is less certain, but our results favor hole pockets at (π/2,π/2)(\pi/2,\pi/2). We also discuss briefly the tendency towards phase separation.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe

    Jacobson generators, Fock representations and statistics of sl(n+1)

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    The properties of A-statistics, related to the class of simple Lie algebras sl(n+1) (Palev, T.D.: Preprint JINR E17-10550 (1977); hep-th/9705032), are further investigated. The description of each sl(n+1) is carried out via generators and their relations, first introduced by Jacobson. The related Fock spaces W_p (p=1,2,...) are finite-dimensional irreducible sl(n+1)-modules. The Pauli principle of the underlying statistics is formulated. In addition the paper contains the following new results: (a) The A-statistics are interpreted as exclusion statistics; (b) Within each W_p operators B(p)_1^\pm, ..., B(p)_n^\pm, proportional to the Jacobson generators, are introduced. It is proved that in an appropriate topology the limit of B(p)_i^\pm for p going to infinity is equal to B_i^\pm, where B_i^\pm are Bose creation and annihilation operators; (c) It is shown that the local statistics of the degenerated hard-core Bose models and of the related Heisenberg spin models is p=1 A-statistics.Comment: LaTeX-file, 33 page