10 research outputs found

    Assessment of cardiovascular risk in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus and associated obesity and ways of its correction

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    The aim: To analyze and calculate CVR in patients with T2DM and concomitant obesity. Materials and methods: The selection of patients was carried out based on the Uzhhorod District Clinical Hospital, in the period from November 2016 to January 2020. All patients were divided into 3 groups: 1 (n=93) with T2DM and concomitant obesity, 2 (n=87) with T2DM, 3 (n=39) with obesity. The treatment period lasted 1 year and included dosed exercise for at least 30 minutes per day and dietary recommendations. Patients in groups 1 and 2 received metformin 850 mg twice daily in combination with dapagliflozin 10 mg once daily. CVR was determined at the time of enrollment and after 1 year of treatment using: American College of Cardiology / American Heart Association Guideline on the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk (2013) (ASCVD Risk) and Framingham Risk Score (FRS). Results: The data obtained as a result of the study revealed the highest CVR in patients of group 1, in contrast to group 2 and 3 (p<0.05). After 1 year of complex treatment, CVR indicators were statistically significantly reduced in all experimental groups (p<0.05). Conclusions: Determining CVR parameters and exposure to them within 10 years can remove unwanted cardiovascular complications

    Estimation of the equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation in the open territory of the city of Voronezh

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    The aim of the study was to identify patterns of distribution of the magnitude of the the equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation in an open area of urban space, depending on the functional purpose of the inner-city territory and the type of artificial coating. Materials and methods. Measurements of the equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation (gamma background) in the city of Voronezh were carried out at 70 points, conventionally classified by functional use (industrial area, transport area, residential area, recreational area), as well as the type of coverage in open areas (granite stone blocks , asphalt pavement, paving slabs, open ground) For carrying out radiation monitoring, a highly sensitive portable search device was used – a search measuring gauge microprocessor ICP-PM1401MA. To assess the reliability of differences in the average values of the indicator by functional inner-city zones and types of artificial turf, the methods of parametric statistics (Student’s criterion) are used. Parametric methods of statistics in comparison with nonparametric methods allow statistically unambiguous interpretation of the results. There is no need to use other statistical tools in this regard. Results. The results of the evaluation of the radiation background show that the equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation (gamma background) in the city of Voronezh is from 0.06 to 0.14 µSv / h and it does not exceed the permissible value (0.3 µSv / h). Significant differences in the average values of indicators in the industrial, transport, residential functional areas in relation to the recreational area were not found (tcalc. &lt; ttabl., P &lt; 0.05). The maximum levels of gamma background (0.09-0.14 µSv / h) in the territory of the city of Voronezh were found in those places where processed natural stones (granite) were used for the improvement of the territory. When solving the problem of identifying the dependence of the indicator of the equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation in an open area of an inner-city space on the type of coating, in order to reduce uncertainties in the future, it is necessary to take into account the formulation of materials, especially the fraction of granite chips

    Review of radiation incidents in the territory of the Voronezh region

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    The aim of the work was to characterize the radiation incidents that took place in the territory of the Voronezh region. Materials and methods. To prepare this article the stock data of the radiological laboratory of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Voronezh Region for 2009-2018 was used. All measurements in the investigation of radiation incidents were carried out with the MKS-AT1117M dosimeter-radiometer which passed the state calibration. The equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation (μSv/h) was determined. Results. For the last 10 years, 8 radiation incidents were registered on the territory of the Voronezh region, which were related to domestic clocks - 4 (measurements according to citizens), the detection of orphan sources of ionizing findings - 2, scrap metal - 1 and a thermometer - 1 (during customs inspection). According to the classification of emergencies, the radiation incidents are local, i.e. do not go beyond the territory of the facility, according to the international scale of nuclear and radiological events, INES refer to the incident (anomalies) with the level 1 “minor problems with the safety of components, a radioactive source of low activity level”. All interactions in the investigation of radioactive incidents involving specialists from the radiological laboratory of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Voronezh region with other services showed a good level of rapid response

    Оценка мощности эквивалентной дозы гамма-излучения на открытой местности территории города Воронежа

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    The aim of the study was to identify patterns of distribution of the magnitude of the the equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation in an open area of urban space, depending on the functional purpose of the inner-city territory and the type of artificial coating. Materials and methods. Measurements of the equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation (gamma background) in the city of Voronezh were carried out at 70 points, conventionally classified by functional use (industrial area, transport area, residential area, recreational area), as well as the type of coverage in open areas (granite stone blocks , asphalt pavement, paving slabs, open ground) For carrying out radiation monitoring, a highly sensitive portable search device was used – a search measuring gauge microprocessor ICP-PM1401MA. To assess the reliability of differences in the average values of the indicator by functional inner-city zones and types of artificial turf, the methods of parametric statistics (Student’s criterion) are used. Parametric methods of statistics in comparison with nonparametric methods allow statistically unambiguous interpretation of the results. There is no need to use other statistical tools in this regard. Results. The results of the evaluation of the radiation background show that the equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation (gamma background) in the city of Voronezh is from 0.06 to 0.14 µSv / h and it does not exceed the permissible value (0.3 µSv / h). Significant differences in the average values of indicators in the industrial, transport, residential functional areas in relation to the recreational area were not found (tcalc. &lt; ttabl., P &lt; 0.05). The maximum levels of gamma background (0.09-0.14 µSv / h) in the territory of the city of Voronezh were found in those places where processed natural stones (granite) were used for the improvement of the territory. When solving the problem of identifying the dependence of the indicator of the equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation in an open area of an inner-city space on the type of coating, in order to reduce uncertainties in the future, it is necessary to take into account the formulation of materials, especially the fraction of granite chips.Целью исследования являлось выявление закономерностей распределения величины мощности эквивалентной дозы гамма-излучения на открытой местности городского пространства в зависимости от функционального назначения внутригородской территории и типа её искусственного покрытия. Материалы и методы. Измерения мощности эквивалентной дозы гамма-излучения (гамма-фона) на территории города Воронежа проведены в 70 точках, условно классифицированных по функциональному использованию (промышленная территория, транспортная территория, территория жилой застройки, рекреационная территория), а также по типу покрытия на открытой местности (гранитная брусчатка, асфальтовое покрытие, тротуарная плитка, открытый грунт). Для проведения радиационного контроля использовался высокочувствительный компактный поисковый прибор – измеритель-сигнализатор поисковый микропроцессорный ИСПРМ1401МА. Для оценки достоверности различий средних величин показателя по функциональным внутригородским зонам и типам искусственного покрытия применены методы параметрической статистики (критерий Стьюдента). Параметрические методы статистики по сравнению с непараметрическими методами позволяют статистически однозначно интерпретировать полученные результаты. В этой связи нет необходимости использовать другие статистические инструменты. Результаты. Результаты оценки радиационного фона показывают, что мощность эквивалентной дозы гамма-излучения (гамма-фона) на территории города Воронежа составляет от 0,06 до 0,14 мкЗв/ч и не превышает допустимого значения (0,3 мкЗв/ч). Достоверных различий средних значений показателей в промышленной, транспортной, жилой функциональных зонах по отношению к рекреационной не выявлено (tрасч. &lt;tтабл., p&lt;0,05). Максимальные уровни гамма-фона (0,09–0,14 мкЗв/ч) на территории города Воронежа отмечались в тех местах, где для благоустройства территории использовались обработанные природные камни (гранит). При решении задачи выявления зависимости показателя мощности эквивалентной дозы гамма-излучения на открытой местности внутригородского пространства от типа покрытия для снижения неопределенностей в перспективе необходимо учитывать рецептуру материалов, особенно долю гранитной крошки

    Обзор радиационных инцидентов на территории Воронежской области

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    The aim of the work was to characterize the radiation incidents that took place in the territory of the Voronezh region. Materials and methods. To prepare this article the stock data of the radiological laboratory of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Voronezh Region for 2009-2018 was used. All measurements in the investigation of radiation incidents were carried out with the MKS-AT1117M dosimeter-radiometer which passed the state calibration. The equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation (μSv/h) was determined. Results. For the last 10 years, 8 radiation incidents were registered on the territory of the Voronezh region, which were related to domestic clocks - 4 (measurements according to citizens), the detection of orphan sources of ionizing findings - 2, scrap metal - 1 and a thermometer - 1 (during customs inspection). According to the classification of emergencies, the radiation incidents are local, i.e. do not go beyond the territory of the facility, according to the international scale of nuclear and radiological events, INES refer to the incident (anomalies) with the level 1 “minor problems with the safety of components, a radioactive source of low activity level”. All interactions in the investigation of radioactive incidents involving specialists from the radiological laboratory of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Voronezh region with other services showed a good level of rapid response.Целью работы являлась характеристика радиационных инцидентов, имевших место на территории Воронежской области. Материалы и методы. Для подготовки статьи использованы фондовые данные радиологической лаборатории Центра гигиены и эпидемиологии в Воронежской области за 2009–2018 гг. Все измерения при расследовании радиационных инцидентов проводились дозиметром-радиометром МКС-АТ1117М, прошедшим государственную поверку. Определялась мощность эквивалентной дозы гамма-излучения (мкЗв/ч). Результаты. На территории Воронежской области за 10 последних лет зарегистрировано 8 радиационных инцидентов, которые связаны: с бытовыми часами – 4 (измерения по заявлению граждан), обнаружением бесхозных источников ионизирующих излучений – 2, металлоломом – 1 и термометром – 1 (при таможенном досмотре). По классификации ЧС все радиационные инциденты носят локальный характер, т.е. не выходят за пределы территории объекта, по международной шкале ядерных и радиологических событий INES относятся к инциденту (аномалиям) с уровнем 1 «небольшие проблемы с безопасностью компонентов, радиоактивный источник низкого уровня активности». Все взаимодействия по расследованию радиоактивных инцидентов с участием специалистов радиологической лаборатории Центра гигиены и эпидемиологии в Воронежской области с другими службами показали хороший уровень оперативного реагирования

    Suspensors in Leguminosae

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