30 research outputs found

    Brain Hemisphericity, Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking of Malaysian Science and Arts Students

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    The purposes of this study were: (1) to explore the nature of brain hemisphericity, creative thinking and critical thinking abilities of Malaysian students, (2) to compare brain hemisphericity, creative thinking and critical thinking abilities of the students in terms of academic major, gender and ethnicity variables, and (3) to ascertain the relationships between brain hemisphericity and creative thinking; and between brain hemisphericity and critical thinking . The subject of this study consisted of 216 form-six students (109 science major and 107 arts major) from twenty-seven secondary schools of the state of Selangor. Three instruments were used to appraise brain hemisphericity, creative thinking and critical thinking. The instruments were Your Styles of Learning and Thinking. Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking and Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal. The results demonstrated that the majority of the students were right hemisphere dominants, and they preferred to use only one of their hemispheres in learning and thinking (right hemisphere 54.6%, left hemisphere 36.6%, and whole brain 8.8%). Descriptive analysis o n creative thinking abilities indicated that the students were relatively fluent in producing ideas, and the ideas they created were likely to be original. However, they have less ability to evaluate and elaborate the ideas creatively, and tend to leap to the conclusions about the ideas they create prematurely

    Penilaian Guru Pendidikan Seni Terhadap Kreativiti Catan Pelajar

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    Matlamat utama kajian ialah untuk melihat penilaian guru Pendidikan Seni terhadap kreativiti catan pelajar. Ianya juga bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti kriteria penilaian catan guru Pendidikan Seni serta melihat perhubungan latihan Pendidikan Seni dan kreativiti guru Pendidikan Seni. Kajian ini merupakan kajian deskriftjf menggunakan alat Ujian Kreatif Figural Torrance dan Alat Penilaian Catano Alat Ujian Kreatif Figural Torrance digunakan untuk memperolehi indeks kreativiti guru manakala Alat Penilaian Catan digunakan untuk menggumpul maklumat tentang markah catan dan kriteria penilaian catan. Seramai 34 orang guru Pendidikan Seni terlatih dan 45 orang guru Pendidikan Seni tidak terlatih dari 22 buah sekolah menengah daerah Hulu Langat dipilih sebagai subjek kajian. Enam kriteria penilaian catan guru Pendidikan Seni telah dikenalpasti melalui kajian ini, iaitu kemahiran melukis, kekemasan, kecantikan, kreativiti, logik dan tajuk. Kemahiran melukis dan kekemasan dianggap sebagai kriteria penilaian catan yang paling penting oleh guru-guru Pendidikan Seni. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa guru Pendidikan Seni terlatih Jebih mementingkan kreativiti daJam catan pelajar daripada guru Pendidikan Seni tidak terlatih. Kreativiti dianggap sebagai kriteria penilaian yang ketiga penting oleh guru Pendidikan Seni terlatih manakala guru Pendidikan Seni tidak terlatih menganggap kreativiti sebagai kriteria penilaian catan yang kurang penting sekali di antara keenam-enam kriteria Penilaian catan tersebut

    Eğitim Teknolojisi Liderlik Uygulamalarına Yönelik Temellendirilmiş Bir Model Geliştirme

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    Educational technology leadership is defined as “technology-leadership integration” of influence that consists of a both the expertise in using ICT and the expertise in leading and managing the educational institution. This study investigated technology leadership practices among users of secondary schools’ e-learning platform. Semi-structured interviews with school leaders, teachers, students and parents were conducted to gather information of educational technology leadership practices. Through domain analysis, a technology leadership model emerged from the data. The model was further validated with a quantitative survey study involving 209 school leaders. The findings established a grounded model for technology leadership practices in schools.Eğitim teknolojisi liderliği, hem BİT (Bilişim ve İletişim Teknolojileri) kullanımındaki hem de eğitim kurumuna liderlik yapma ve kurumu yönetme konusundaki uzmanlıktan oluşan etkili "teknoloji-liderlik entegrasyonu" olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada orta dereceli okullarının e-öğrenim platformu kullanıcıları arasındaki teknoloji liderliği uygulamaları araştırılmıştır. Eğitim teknolojisi liderliği uygulamaları hakkında bilgi toplamak için okul yöneticileri, öğretmenler, öğrenciler ve velilerle yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Alan analiziyle verilerden bir teknoloji liderliği modeli elde edilmiştir. Bu model, 209 okul yöneticisinin katıldığı nicel bir anket çalışmasıyla da doğrulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgularla okullarda teknoloji liderliği uygulamalarına yönelik temellendirilmiş bir model oluşturulmuştur

    Perception of congruence between music and movement in a rhythmic gymnastics routine

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    For sports that involve a routine or choreography, music is used either as a background sonic accompaniment or to enhance and synchronize the movement of the athletes. This paper aims to investigate the perception of congruence between movements and music in a rhythmic gymnastics routine from a musical perspective. Contrary to the conventional method of choreographing a routine based on selected music, this research aims to investigate the quality of the routine with existing choreography accompanied by a newly-composed music. A routine performed by a gymnast was recorded and music composed to match the existing choreography based on the recording. Fifty-two participants from a tertiary institution, all music majors, were asked to evaluate two videos which had the same rhythmic gymnastics routine, one with the athlete’s original music and the other edited with the new music. The result shows that a significantly higher percentage of respondents chose the new accompaniment as having better congruence between the music and movement. Most of the respondents also perceived the new composition to be the original music used by the gymnast

    Kreativiti guru Pendidikan Seni

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    The main purpose of this study is to compare the creativity of trained and untrained art education teachers. This is a descriptive study that uses the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking as its instrument to obtain the creative thinking indexes of the teachers. Subjects of the study comprise 34 trained art education teachers and 45 untrained art education teachers from 22 secondary schools located in the district of Hulu Langat, Selangor. The results of the study indicated that trained art education teachers are significantly more creative than untrained art education teachers in the aspects of fluency and elaboration. This suggests that trained art education teachers can understand creative ideas better and elaborate on them in more detail than untrained art education teachers. The researcher suggests that in future teachers training programmes should place more emphasis on creativity

    Factors of Leadership Skills of Secondary School Principals

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    AbstractA school principal requires a series of appropriate leadership skills to bring the school, staffs and students to a high level of achievement, and to maintain school effectiveness. This study was conducted to identify (1) level of leadership skill, and (2) factors of leadership skill of a group of Malaysian secondary school principals (n=152). Results indicate that years of service as a school principal and academic qualification were two significant factors of leadership skill. The factors predicted 24.9% of the overall leadership skill. However, there was no significant difference between the male and female principals on leadership skill. In terms of leadership domain, the principals possessed high instructional and cultural leadership skills and low educational management and organizational management leadership skills. The findings imply that school principals should be provided ample opportunities for self-professional development to improve the quality of their leadership skills

    Congruence in music and movement enhances the perception of sports routine quality

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    Most studies of music and sports relate to the ergogenic effect of synchronization between music and movement in repetitive sports activities. As in dance, music is clearly important for sports routines that involve choreography. This study performs an experiment involving a rhythmic gymnastics routine to investigate whether increasing the congruence between music and movement enhances the quality of sports routines from a musical perspective. In preparing the video stimulus, the original music accompaniment was replaced with a new composition to increase the congruence between music and movement using six musical parameters that parallel dance, including tempo, rhythm, phrasing, accent, direction and dynamic. Fifty-two undergraduate music majors participated in the study and evaluated two videos of the same routine, one with the original music and the other with the new music. The participants completed a two-part questionnaire: the first part evaluates the perceived congruence between music and movement in terms of the six parameters, and the second part evaluates the acrobatic qualities. The results show that the intended congruence and the acrobatic qualities were perceived as significantly improved in the routine with the new accompaniment

    The use of printed overhead transparencies in Malaysian secondary schools

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    The first printed overhead transparency was published in 1996, and was used as a teaching aid in the Malaysia secondary schools. Since its initial publication, printed overhead transparencies were widely used by the teachers in many subjects, especially sciences, mathematics and arts. An initial need study, conducted in 1999 on a group of secondary school teachers (n=25) from the Petaling District revealed that most of the teachers preferred printed overhead transparencies to charts as a useful teaching aid because they are user friendly, show teaching contents attractively, help raise teacher and learner motivation, and save teachers preparation time. However, the implementation of a requirement to teach mathematics and science subjects in the English language in the government schools starting 2003 has causing a big change in the Malaysian education system. The teachers were provided Laptop and ICT format teaching materials, and the emphasis is now placed on ICT based teaching and learning methods. Based on the change, this second need study was conducted to identify the uses of printed overhead transparencies in secondary school classroom teaching twelve years after it was first introduced. The results indicated that majority of the teachers (n=36) still prefer using printed overhead transparency as a user friendly and worthwhile teaching aid. The finding reveals that despite the changes in the Malaysian education system, printed overhead transparency is still a preferred teaching aid of the secondary school teachers

    Replacing Paper-based Testing with Computer-based Testing in Assessment: Are we Doing Wrong?

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    AbstractThe standards for developing computerized-assessment required equivalent test scores to be established for the paper- based test (PBT) and computer-based test (CBT) modes. However, in most studies, the two modes were nearly identical, yet significant differences of test scores were observed. Therefore the validity of replacing PBT with CBT in educational assessment was questioned. This study employed an achievement test, a psychological test and a motivation questionnaire in a Solomon four-group design to examine validity of the CBT and its effects on test performance and motivation. The findings of this study provide evidences for the issue of CBT's validity in educational and psychological assessment

    Kaedah dan statistik penyelidikan asas statistik penyelidikan, buku 2/ Piaw

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    xvi, 221 hal.: ilus.: tab.; 27 c