7,693 research outputs found

    Towards sustainable development of the coastal resources of Lingayen Gulf, Phlilppines

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    Coastal zone management, Resource development, Philippines, Lingayen Gulf,

    A Simulation of the ECSS Help Desk with the Erlang A Model

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    During steady states, the Level 1 help desk might expect about 500 to 600 calls per month. That is about 0.39 to 0.46 calls per user per month, which represents the workload once ECSS is established and most of the users have already received training for the system. The optimal level for this workload is about 12 agents to operate the entire 24 hour period. At this level, the Level 1 help desk would minimize the amount of customers that renege from the system to about 15 to 22 percent and still maintain acceptable utilization percentages of about 52% to 59% while keeping the average wait time under a minute. The Level 2 help desk will experience similar environments like the Level 1 help desk. The major differences are that the Level 2 help desk would see lower call volumes since only about 40% of Level 1 calls are passed on the Level 2; and that the Level 2 help desk will have a longer average service rate. The simulation shows that the optimal staffing level is about 12. The simulation shows average wait times about 1 to 2.6 minutes, utilization from 47% to 60%, and 12% to 33% of customers that would renege

    The Malaysian Medication Adherence Scale (MALMAS): Concurrent Validity Using a Clinical Measure among People with Type 2 Diabetes in Malaysia.

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    Medication non-adherence is a prevalent problem worldwide but up to today, no gold standard is available to assess such behavior. This study was to evaluate the psychometric properties, particularly the concurrent validity of the English version of the Malaysian Medication Adherence Scale (MALMAS) among people with type 2 diabetes in Malaysia. Individuals with type 2 diabetes, aged 21 years and above, using at least one anti-diabetes agent and could communicate in English were recruited. The MALMAS was compared with the 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) to assess its convergent validity while concurrent validity was evaluated based on the levels of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C). Participants answered the MALMAS twice: at baseline and 4 weeks later. The study involved 136 participants. The MALMAS achieved acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha=0.565) and stable reliability as the test-retest scores showed fair correlation (Spearman's rho=0.412). The MALMAS has good correlation with the MMAS-8 (Spearman's rho=0.715). Participants who were adherent to their anti-diabetes medications had significantly lower median HbA1C values than those who were non-adherence (7.90 versus 8.55%, p=0.032). The odds of participants who were adherent to their medications achieving good glycemic control was 3.36 times (95% confidence interval: 1.09-10.37) of those who were non-adherence. This confirms the concurrent validity of the MALMAS. The sensitivity of the MALMAS was 88.9% while its specificity was 29.6%. The findings of this study further substantiates the reliability and validity of the MALMAS, in particular its concurrent validity and sensitivity for assessing medication adherence of people with type 2 diabetes in Malaysia

    Dysregulated GPCR Signaling and Therapeutic Options in Uveal Melanoma.

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    Uveal melanoma is the most common primary intraocular malignant tumor in adults and arises from the transformation of melanocytes in the uveal tract. Even after treatment of the primary tumor, up to 50% of patients succumb to metastatic disease. The liver is the predominant organ of metastasis. There is an important need to provide effective treatment options for advanced stage uveal melanoma. To provide the preclinical basis for new treatments, it is important to understand the molecular underpinnings of the disease. Recent genomic studies have shown that mutations within components of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling are early events associated with approximately 98% of uveal melanomas

    The South on the South: Interview with Raewyn Connell

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    In the first of a series of conversations about the Global South, Social Transformations: Journal of the Global South editors Lisandro E. Claudio and Karl Cheng Chua (STJGS) speak to Raewyn Connell (RC) about the generating conversations about the Global South in the Global South

    Co-targeting HGF/cMET Signaling with MEK Inhibitors in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma.

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    Patients with metastatic uveal melanoma usually die within 1 year of diagnosis, emphasizing an urgent need to develop new treatment strategies. The liver is the most common site of metastasis. Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitors improve survival in V600 BRAF-mutated cutaneous melanoma patients but have limited efficacy in patients with uveal melanoma. Our previous work showed that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) signaling elicits resistance to MEK inhibitors in metastatic uveal melanoma. In this study, we demonstrate that expression of two BH3-only family proteins, Bim-EL and Bmf, contributes to HGF-mediated resistance to MEK inhibitors. Targeting HGF/cMET signaling with LY2875358, a neutralizing and internalizing anti-cMET bivalent antibody, and LY2801653, a dual cMET/RON inhibitor, overcomes resistance to trametinib provided by exogenous HGF and by conditioned medium from primary hepatic stellate cells. We further determined that activation of PI3Kα/γ/δ isoforms mediates the resistance to MEK inhibitors by HGF. Combination of LY2801653 with trametinib decreases AKT phosphorylation and promotes proapoptotic PARP cleavage in metastatic uveal melanoma explants. Together, our data support the notion that selectively blocking cMET signaling or PI3K isoforms in metastatic uveal melanoma may break the intrinsic resistance to MEK inhibitors provided by factors from stromal cells in the liver

    Thicker States

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