288 research outputs found

    A shared-aperture dual-band dual-polarized filtering-antenna-array with improved frequency response

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    In this paper, a novel dual-band dual-polarized (DBDP) array antenna with low frequency ratio and integrated filtering characteristics is proposed. By employing a dual-mode stub-loaded resonator (SLR) to feed and tune with two patches, the two feed networks for each polarization can be combined, resulting in the reduction of the feed networks and the input ports. In addition, owing to the native dual resonant features of the SLR, the proposed antenna exhibits 2nd-order filtering characteristics with improved bandwidth and out-of-band rejections. The antenna is synthesized and the design methodology is explained. The coupling coefficients between the SLR and the patches are investigated. To verify the design concept, a C/X-band element and a 2 × 2 array are optimized and prototyped. Measured results agree well with the simulations, showing good performance in terms of bandwidth, filtering, harmonic suppression and radiation at both bands. Such an integrated array design can be used to simplify the feed of a reflector antenna. To prove the concept, a paraboloid reflector fed by the proposed array is conceived and measured directivities of 24.6 dBi (24.7 dBi) and 28.6 dBi (29.2 dBi) for the X-polarization (Y-polarization) are obtained for the low- and high-band operations, respectively

    Dual-band circularly-polarized shared-aperture array for C/X-Band satellite communications

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    A novel method of achieving a single-feed circularly-polarized (CP) microstrip antenna with both broad impedance bandwidth and axial ratio (AR) bandwidth is presented. The CP characteristics are generated by employing a resonator to excite the two orthogonal modes of the patch via two coupling paths and the required 90 o phase difference is achieved by using the different orders of the two paths. The presented method, instead of conventional methods that power dividers and phase delay lines are usually required, not only significantly enhances the bandwidths of the antenna, but also results in a compact feed, reduced loss and high gain. Based on this method, a dual-band shared-aperture CP array antenna is implemented for C/X-band satellite communications. The antenna aperture includes a 2 × 2 array at C-band and a 4 ×4 array at X-band. To accommodate the C/X-band elements into the same aperture while achieving a good isolation between them, the C-band circular patches are etched at the four corners. The measured results agree well with the simulations, showing a wide impedance bandwidth of 21% and 21.2% at C-and X-band, respectively. The C-and X-band 3-dB AR bandwidths are 13.2% and 12.8%. The array also exhibits a high aperture efficiency of over 55%, low side-lobe (C-band: −12.5 dB; X-band: −15 dB) and high gain (C-band: 14.5 dBic; X-band: 17.5 dBic)

    Design of filtering microstrip antenna array with reduced sidelobe level

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    An integrated filtering antenna array with high selectivity and harmonics suppression

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    In this paper, a new design of antenna array with integrated functions of filtering, harmonics suppression and radiation is proposed. The device employs a multi-port network of coupled resonators, which is synthesized and designed as a whole to fulfil the functions of filtering, power combination/division and radiation. The 50 Ω interfaces between the cascaded filter, power divider and antenna in traditional RF front-ends are eliminated to achieve a highly integrated and compact structure. A novel resonator-based four-way out-of-phase filtering power divider is proposed and designed. It is coupled to the patch array, rendering a fourth-order filtering response. The coupling matrix of the resonator network is synthesized. The physical implementations of the resonators and their couplings are detailed. Compared to a traditional patch array, the integrated filtering array shows an improved bandwidth and frequency selectivity. In addition, the harmonic of the antenna array is suppressed due to the use of different types of resonators. To verify the concept, a 2 × 2 filtering array at S band is designed, prototyped and tested. Good agreement between simulations and measurements has been achieved, demonstrating the integrated filtering antenna array has the merits of wide bandwidth, high frequency selectivity, harmonics suppression, stable antenna gain and high polarization purity

    Assessment of mitochondrial dysfunction and implications in cardiovascular disorders

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    Mitochondria play a pivotal role in cellular function, not only acting as the powerhouse of the cell, but also regulating ATP synthesis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, intracellular Ca2+ cycling, and apoptosis. During the past decade, extensive progress has been made in the technology to assess mitochondrial functions and accumulating evidences have shown that mitochondrial dysfunction is a key pathophysiological mechanism for many diseases including cardiovascular disorders, such as ischemic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and hemorrhagic shock. The advances in methodology have been accelerating our understanding of mitochondrial molecular structure and function, biogenesis and ROS and energy production, which facilitates new drug target identification and therapeutic strategy development for mitochondrial dysfunction-related disorders. This review will focus on the assessment of methodologies currently used for mitochondrial research and discuss their advantages, limitations and the implications of mitochondrial dysfunction in cardiovascular disorders

    Dual-band patch antenna with filtering performance and harmonic suppression

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    A novel design of dual-band antenna with integrated filtering performance is proposed. A low-profile aperture-coupled U-slot patch antenna is employed for dual-band operation with a uniform polarization, which is fed by a dual-mode stub-loaded resonator (SLR). The U-slot patch works as a dual-mode resonator of the dual-band filter as well as the radiation element. The odd- and even-mode of the SLR are coupled and tuned with the U-slot patch, generating two 2nd-order operation bands at 3.6 and 5.2 GHz. Compared with the traditional patch antenna, the proposed antenna exhibits improved bandwidth and frequency selectivity. In addition, the bandwidths can be controlled by adjusting the coupling strength between the SLR and the patch. Furthermore, the higher-order harmonics can be suppressed over a broadband without increasing the footprint of the design. Measured and simulated results agree well with each other, showing an excellent performance in terms of impedance matching, bandwidths, 2nd-order filtering, out-of-band rejection, cross polarization discrimination (XPD) and gains at both bands

    Data-Centric Financial Large Language Models

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    Large language models (LLMs) show promise for natural language tasks but struggle when applied directly to complex domains like finance. LLMs have difficulty reasoning about and integrating all relevant information. We propose a data-centric approach to enable LLMs to better handle financial tasks. Our key insight is that rather than overloading the LLM with everything at once, it is more effective to preprocess and pre-understand the data. We create a financial LLM (FLLM) using multitask prompt-based finetuning to achieve data pre-processing and pre-understanding. However, labeled data is scarce for each task. To overcome manual annotation costs, we employ abductive augmentation reasoning (AAR) to automatically generate training data by modifying the pseudo labels from FLLM's own outputs. Experiments show our data-centric FLLM with AAR substantially outperforms baseline financial LLMs designed for raw text, achieving state-of-the-art on financial analysis and interpretation tasks. We also open source a new benchmark for financial analysis and interpretation. Our methodology provides a promising path to unlock LLMs' potential for complex real-world domains

    Leveraging Large Language Models for Pre-trained Recommender Systems

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    Recent advancements in recommendation systems have shifted towards more comprehensive and personalized recommendations by utilizing large language models (LLM). However, effectively integrating LLM's commonsense knowledge and reasoning abilities into recommendation systems remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose RecSysLLM, a novel pre-trained recommendation model based on LLMs. RecSysLLM retains LLM reasoning and knowledge while integrating recommendation domain knowledge through unique designs of data, training, and inference. This allows RecSysLLM to leverage LLMs' capabilities for recommendation tasks in an efficient, unified framework. We demonstrate the effectiveness of RecSysLLM on benchmarks and real-world scenarios. RecSysLLM provides a promising approach to developing unified recommendation systems by fully exploiting the power of pre-trained language models.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure
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