92 research outputs found

    Janez Krizostom

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    Prevedena homilija spada v serijo 67-ih homilij o 1 Mojzesovi knjigi (Homiliae in Genesin, CPG 4409), ki jih je Janez Krizostom (347–407), morda največji govorec krščanske antike, pripravil najverjetneje za postni čas leta 388, ko je še kot duhovnik deloval v Antiohiji. V prvem delu homilije (1–3) antiohijski govorec svoje poslušalce okara, ker nekateri izmed njih niso upoštevali njegovega duhovnega učenja in so raje zahajali na konjske dirke. Kara njihovo nehvaležnost za njegov trud s tem, da spominja na priliko o talentih, obenem pa jih spodbuja, da si prizadevajo, da bi njih, ki hodijo rajši na dirke, zopet pripeljali nazaj v cerkev, k duhovni hrani, ki jo daje sam Gospod. S to temo se homilija tudi nadaljuje, ko v drugem, daljšem delu (3–7) Krizostom prične z razlago dogodka obiska Abrahama pri Mamrejevih hrastih (1 Mz 18,1-15), pri čemer poudarja predvsem vzvišeni zgled Abrahamove gostoljubnosti do tujcev

    Fat, syn and disordered eating: The dangers and powers of excess

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Fat Studies on 8 April 2015 available online: http://wwww.tandfonline.com/10.1080/21604851.2015.1016777This article draws on qualitative research inside one UK secular commercial weight loss group to show how ancient Christian suspicions of appetite and pleasure resurface in this group’s language of “Syn.” Following ancient Christian representations of sin, members assume that Syn depicts disorder and that fat is a visible sign of a body which has fallen out of place. Syn, though, is ambiguous, utilizing ancient theological meanings to discipline fat while containing within it the power to resist the very borders which hold women’s bodies and fat in place. Syn thus signals both the dangers and powers of disordered eating.This article draws on qualitative research inside one UK secular commercial weight loss group to show how ancient Christian suspicions of appetite and pleasure resurface in this group’s language of “Syn.” Following ancient Christian representations of sin, members assume that Syn depicts disorder and that fat is a visible sign of a body which has fallen out of place. Syn, though, is ambiguous, utilizing ancient theological meanings to discipline fat while containing within it the power to resist the very borders which hold women’s bodies and fat in place. Syn thus signals both the dangers and powers of disordered eating

    Lacerated Lips and Lush Landscapes: Constructing This-Worldly Theological Identities in the Otherworld

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    When Irenaeus juxtaposed tradition and heresy, he moved away from the Pauline usage, which centered primarily upon incorrect behavior (See 1 Cor 11: 19, Gal 5 :20). lrenaeus\u27 definition of heresy, however, does not indicate that all early Christians prioritized belief over behavior, or even maintained orthodoxy and orthopraxis as separate categories. In the otherworldly spaces of the apocryphal apocalypses doxa and praxis seem to be intertwined, and little or no distinction is made between belief and behavior. Instead, in the Otherworld the categories of primary importance are righteous/unrighteous, good/evil, Christian/Other. The Otherworld is a place in which sins can be sorted and the identity markers which might have been overlooked or are difficult to see in this world can be seen more clearly. And yet, we are left to wonder how that otherworldly clarity maps onto the lived experience of the ancient audiences of these apocalypses. Thus, we will begin by reflecting upon the ability of these apocalyptic texts to create (and recreate) Christian identity by either describing real categories of people, or by creating the categories themselves, and so prescribing reality. In each of the apocalypses that we will discuss the reader learns that his or her identity is determined for all of eternity by the choices that are made in this world. In this regard, each depiction of the otherworld establishes its own identity markers, isolating certain beliefs and behaviors as distinctively Christian. What is startling about the definitions of Christian belief and practice that emerge from each text is that they are rather expansive, covering far more territory than any creed or council. Our discussion will demonstrate that while creedal definitions of orthodoxy ( as well as the apocalyptic definitions of correct belief that mirror them) were often aimed at labeling specific groups as other, the apocalyptic depictions of the otherworld were attempting to be either exhaustive or open-ended, imagining a host of practices that could be used to frame Christian identity. In these imaginary spaces, the theological identities that were crafted could not simply be summarized by simple binaries like orthodoxy/heterodoxy, oppressed/oppressor, or even sinner/sinless. Instead, the apocalyptic visions, which on the surface seem to deal in dichotomies, paradoxically proliferate a range of Christian practices

    Measurement of the W boson polarisation in ttˉt\bar{t} events from pp collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV in the lepton + jets channel with ATLAS

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    Measurement of the bbb\overline{b} dijet cross section in pp collisions at s=7\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections in the eμe\mu channel in pppp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s} = 13 TeV using the ATLAS detector

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    Search for dark matter in association with a Higgs boson decaying to bb-quarks in pppp collisions at s=13\sqrt s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider

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