93 research outputs found

    Rethinking Admissions and Enrollment: How Colleges are Adapting to the Shrinking of Higher Ed

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    Colleges were plenty worried about an enrollment crash even before the pandemic hit. Undergraduate enrollment has since fallen, with community colleges taking the biggest hit. Themuch-discussed “enrollment cliff” still liesahead, with the number of high-school graduates projected to decline sharply after 2025. On top of that, the future pool islikely to include more low-income and first-generation students, who need broader types of support. All of that has led colleges to look for creative ways to boost enrollment and retention. They’re sharpening their identities, casting a wider net for prospective applicants, and improving the student experience. This collection features many of The Chronicle’s best reads on a topic that’s on everyone’s mind. (From Introduction of Rethinking Admission and Enrollment p.3

    Trends in Soil Science Education and Employment

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    During the last several decades, members of the SSSA have discussed several trends related to soil science education, including: (i) declining academic programs and course offerings at land grant universities, (ii) decreased enrollments, and (iii) improved employment opportunities for soil science graduates (SSSA, 2006; Ferris et al., 2010). The SSSA Advocacy/Education Task Force met in 2007 and concluded that quantitative survey information was needed to document trends in soil science academic programs, student enrollment, faculty, and job opportunities for graduates. Suggested survey topics included: Has the recognition of soil science as a distinct discipline increased or decreased? How has the job market changed during the past decade, and how will job opportunities for soil scientists change in the future? How have undergraduate and graduate soils curricula changed during the last decade? Has enrollment in soil science degree programs and courses changed during the past decade? Has there been a change in the degree programs of students enrolling in soils courses in the past decade? Have soil science programs been combined with other programs? Therefore, the objective of the survey was to quantify trends in student enrollment, faculty positions, pertinent educational issues in soil and related sciences, and career or job opportunities and trends. Expected outcomes included a better understanding of current educational practices and trends, and identification of specific opportunities for SSSA to enhance the practice and profession of soil science

    Information and learning technology (ILT) adoption among career and technical teachers in Malaysia

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    This study investigated the diffusion of Information and Learning Technology (ILT) among career and technical educators in Malaysia. It was conducted at a large career and technical institute and utilized a non-experimental research approach. The results show that a majority of faculty members reported that ILT is important as a teaching tool, yet also suggest that few faculty members use it in their teaching practice. Compared to males, female faculty members owned significantly more personal computers. Faculty members who owned a personal computer rated higher on the variables of usage, knowledge, satisfaction, and support, and lower on “barrier to use” than those who did not own a personal computer. The findings revealed that career and technical faculty members were most comfortable using familiar technologies including the Internet, word processing, and presentation software. The study suggests that career and technical training facilities in Malaysia should address general barriers and increase both technological and pedagogical support to successfully implement ILT in teaching and learning practice

    The Almanac of Higher Education /

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    Tomorrow's teachers : a report of the Holmes group.

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    Publ. comme le vol. XXXV, no 21 (9 avril 1986) de la revue The Chronicle of higher educatio

    Editor's notes

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    Editor's notes

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