277 research outputs found

    Masseter muscle thickness and maxillary dental arch width

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    The purpose of the present investigation was to study the relationship between the ultrasonographic thickness of the masseter muscle and the width of the maxillary dental arch. The sample comprised 60 consecutive orthodontic patients (37 females, 23 males), 7-18 years of age with a Class I relationship and minor malocclusion. The thickness of the masseter muscle was measured ultrasonographically. Recordings were performed bilaterally with the muscles both in relaxation and under contraction. Maxillary intermolar width was measured with an electronic calliper as the distance between the palatal surfaces of the first permanent molars. Intermolar width showed no association with age and gender. However, masseter muscle thickness showed a direct, significant (P < 0.0001) association with these two factors together, i.e. the masseter muscle was thicker in older individuals and in males. In the female group, maxillary intermolar width showed a direct, significant association with masseter thickness both during contraction (P < 0.006) and relaxation (P < 0.013), i.e. females with thicker masseter muscles had a wider maxillary dental arch. In the male group, however, no significant relationship was found between maxillary intermolar width and masseter thickness. The findings of this study indicate that the functional capacity of the masticatory muscles may be considered as one of the factors influencing the width of the maxillary dental arc

    Detection of gelatinolytic activity in developing basement membranes of the mouse embryo head by combining sensitive in situ zymography with immunolabeling

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    Genetic evidence indicates that the major gelatinases MMP-2 and MMP-9 are involved in mammalian craniofacial development. Since these matrix metalloproteinases are secreted as proenzymes that require activation, their tissue distribution does not necessarily reflect the sites of enzymatic activity. Information regarding the spatial and temporal expression of gelatinolytic activity in the head of the mammalian embryo is sparse. Sensitive in situ zymography with dye-quenched gelatin (DQ-gelatin) has been introduced recently; gelatinolytic activity results in a local increase in fluorescence. Using frontal sections of wild-type mouse embryo heads from embryonic day 14.5-15.5, we optimized and validated a simple double-labeling in situ technique for combining DQ-gelatin zymography with immunofluorescence staining. MMP inhibitors were tested to confirm the specificity of the reaction in situ, and results were compared to standard SDS-gel zymography of tissue extracts. Double-labeling was used to show the spatial relationship in situ between gelatinolytic activity and immunostaining for gelatinases MMP-2 and MMP-9, collagenase 3 (MMP-13) and MT1-MMP (MMP-14), a major activator of pro-gelatinases. Strong gelatinolytic activity, which partially overlapped with MMP proteins, was confirmed for Meckel's cartilage and developing mandibular bone. In addition, we combined in situ zymography with immunostaining for extracellular matrix proteins that are potential gelatinase substrates. Interestingly, gelatinolytic activity colocalized precisely with laminin-positive basement membranes at specific sites around growing epithelia in the developing mouse head, such as the ducts of salivary glands or the epithelial fold between tongue and lower jaw region. Thus, this sensitive method allows to associate, with high spatial resolution, gelatinolytic activity with epithelial morphogenesis in the embry

    What’s new in marine botany of the Eastern Mediterranean?

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    Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge many years of funding support from the TOTAL Foundation (Paris) within the framework of the project “Brown algal biodiversity and ecology in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea” which has enabled and inspired much of the work covered in this editorial and this special issue. Special thanks go to Laure Fournier (TOTAL Foundation) for her support through inspiring discussions, mentoring and networking.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Late Infiltration of Post-orthodontic White Spot Lesions

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    Abstract : White spot lesion (WSL) infiltration has been recommended immediately after debonding of orthodontic brackets. It is however not clear if established inactive WSLs can also be masked through infiltration Orthodontic treatment of a 19-year-old patient had to be terminated prematurely due to development of multiple WSLs of varying severity. Three months after debonding, the patient presented for lesion infiltration. After etching with 15% HCl gel and re-wetting of the dried surfaces it seemed that a good outcome could be expected. Lesion infiltration led to complete masking of less severe WSLs. The visual appearance of moderate and severe WSLs was improved but they were still visible after treatment. Inactive WSLs may not represent an increased caries risk, but patients are often bothered esthetically. Infiltration by repeated etching might be a viable approach even for inactive WSLs. Controlled clinical trials are needed to investigate the long-term performance of this techniqu

    Microstructural and mechanical characterization of contemporary lingual orthodontic brackets

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    SUMMARYOBJECTIVES: To investigate the composition and the microstructural and mechanical characterization of three different types of lingual brackets. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Incognito™ (3M Unitek), In-Ovation L (DENTSPLY GAC) and STb™ (Light Lingual System, ORMCO) lingual brackets were studied under the scanning electron microscope employing backscattered electron imaging and their elemental composition was analysed by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Additionally, Vickers hardness was assessed using a universal hardness-testing machine, and the indentation modulus was measured according to instrumented indentation test. Two-way analysis of variance was conducted employing bracket type and location (base and wing) as discriminating variable. Significant differences among groups were allocated by post hoc Student-Newman-Keuls multiple comparison analysis at 95% level of significance. RESULTS: Three different phases were identified for Incognito and In-Ovation L bracket based on mean atomic number contrast. On the contrary, STb did not show mean atomic contrast areas and thus it is recognized as a single phase. Incognito is a one-piece bracket with the same structure in wing and base regions. Incognito consists mainly of noble metals while In-Ovation L and STb show similar formulations of ferrous alloys in wing and base regions. No significant differences were found between ferrous brackets in hardness and modulus values, but there were significant differences between wing and base regions. Incognito illustrated intermediate values with significant differences from base and wing values of ferrous brackets. CONCLUSIONS/IMPLICATIONS: Significant differences exist in microstructure, elemental composition, and mechanical properties among the brackets tested; these might have a series of clinical implications during mechanotherap

    Indication and timing of soft tissue augmentation at maxillary and mandibular incisors in orthodontic patients. A systematic review

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    SUMMARYOBJECTIVE: To assess the indication and timing of soft tissue augmentation for prevention or treatment of gingival recession when a change in the inclination of the incisors is planned during orthodontic treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Electronic database searches of literature were performed. The following electronic databases with no restrictions were searched: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, and CENTRAL. Two authors performed data extraction independently using data collection forms. RESULTS: No randomized controlled trial was identified. Two studies of low-to-moderate level of evidence were included: one of prospective and retrospective data collection and one retrospective study. Both implemented a periodontal intervention before orthodontics. Thus, best timing of soft tissue augmentation could not be assessed. The limited available data from these studies appear to suggest that soft tissue augmentation of bucco-lingual gingival dimensions before orthodontics may yield satisfactory results with respect to the development or progression of gingival recessions. However, the strength of the available evidence is not adequate in order to change or suggest a possible treatment approach in the daily practice based on solid scientific evidence. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the clinical experience that soft tissue augmentation of bucco-lingual gingival dimensions before orthodontic treatment may be a clinically viable treatment option in patients considered at risk, this treatment approach is not based on solid scientific evidence. Moreover, the present data do not allow to draw conclusions on the best timing of soft tissue augmentation when a change in the inclination of the incisors is planned during orthodontic treatment and thus, there is a stringent need for randomized controlled trials to clarify these open issue

    Τα μη εξυπηρετούμενα δάνεια στο ελληνικό τραπεζικό σύστημα , το πρόγραμμα Ηρακλής και η συνεισφορά του στη διαμόρφωση των NPL

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    Μετά την παγκόσμια κρίση του 2008 πολλές χώρες αντιμετώπισαν έναν μεγάλο αριθμό προβλημάτων αναφορικά με την ομαλή λειτουργία του οικονομικού τους συστήματος. Λόγω της κρίσης πολλά ιδρύματα κατέρρευσαν ή αντιμετώπισαν προβλήματα επαρκούς κεφαλαιοποίησης με αποτέλεσμα να μην μπορούν να ανταποκριθούν στον ρόλο τους. Τα κράτη αναγνωρίζοντας τον ιδιαίτερο ρόλο του τραπεζικού συστήματος καθώς αποτελεί τη ραχοκοκαλιά της ομαλής λειτουργίας της οικονομίας έχουν στρέψει την προσοχή τους στην επίλυση των προβλημάτων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι τράπεζες. Τα μη εξυπηρετούμενα δάνεια αποτελούν έναν καίριο δείκτη της οικονομικής υγείας του τραπεζικού συστήματος κι αποτελεί μέτρο του βαθμού πιστωτικού κινδύνου με τον οποίο είναι αντιμέτωπο κάθε τραπεζικό ίδρυμα. Στη χώρα μας η παγκόσμια κρίση συνδυάστηκε με την κρίση χρέους η οποία προκάλεσε ραγδαία επιδείνωση της οικονομικής κατάστασης με τεράστιες επιπτώσεις στο βιοτικό επίπεδο των κατοίκων της. Η μεγάλη ύφεση προκάλεσε τεράστια προβλήματα στην ποιότητα του δανειακού χαρτοφυλακίου των ελληνικών τραπεζών με ραγδαία άνοδο των μη εξυπηρετούμενων δανείων. Με το πέρασμα των ετών η ευρωπαϊκή οικονομία κι ακολούθως οι ευρωπαϊκές τράπεζες άρχισαν να διαχειρίζονται επιτυχώς τα κόκκινα δάνεια που είχαν συσσωρευτεί στους ισολογισμούς τους αλλά στην Ελλάδα ο όγκος των προβληματικών δανείων εξακολουθεί να βρίσκεται σε πολύ υψηλά επίπεδα. Μετά από πρόταση του Ταμείου Χρηματοπιστωτικής Σταθερότητας η οποία εξειδικεύτηκε από το ελληνικό κράτος ξεκίνησε η λειτουργία του προγράμματος Ηρακλή , δηλαδή τη λειτουργία ενός πλαισίου Προστασίας Στοιχείων Ενεργητικού όπου μέσω της διαδικασίας της τιτλοποίησης προβλέπει τη μεταφορά μη εξυπηρετούμενων δανείων σε SPV κι ακολούθως την ανάθεση τους σε εξειδικευμένες εταιρείες διαχείρισης απαιτήσεων. Η όλη διαδικασία ολοκληρώνεται με την έκδοση ομολογιών και την παροχή κρατικής εγγύησης σε ένα μέρος των τίτλων που εκδίδονται. Σε αυτή τη μελέτη θα δούμε αναλυτικά την πορεία των μη εξυπηρετούμενων στον ευρωπαϊκό κι ιδιαίτερα στον ελληνικό χώρο , ποια είναι η διαδικασία της τιτλοποίησης και ποιο είναι το πλαίσιο λειτουργίας του Ηρακλή. Τέλος θα αποδείξουμε εμπειρικά ποια είναι η επίπτωση του Ηρακλή στη διαμόρφωση του όγκου των μη εξυπηρετούμενων δανείων θεωρώντας τον ως έναν από τους μακροοικονομικούς παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν την εξέλιξη τους.Since the global crisis of 2008, many countries have faced a number of problems with the smooth running of their financial systems. Due to the crisis, many institutions collapsed or faced problems of adequate capitalization, as a result of which they could not fulfill their role. The states, recognizing the special role of the banking system as the backbone of the smooth operation of the economy, have turned their attention to solving the problems faced by the banks. Non-performing loans are a key indicator of the financial health of the banking system and are a measure of the degree of credit risk faced by every banking institution. In our country, the global crisis was combined with the debt crisis, which caused a rapid deterioration of the economic situation with huge effects on the living standards of its inhabitants. The Great Recession caused huge problems in the quality of the loan portfolio of Greek banks with a rapid rise in non-performing loans. Over the years, the European economy and then the European banks began to successfully manage the red loans that had accumulated in their balance sheets, but in Greece the volume of non-performing loans is still at very high levels. Following a proposal by the Financial Stability Fund, which was specialized by the Greek state, the operation of the Hercules program began , that is, the operation of an Asset Protection Framework where through the securitization process it provides for the transfer of non-performing loans to SPV and then their assignment to specialized receivables management companies. The whole process is completed by issuing bonds and providing a state guarantee on a part of the securities issued.In this study we will see in detail the course of the non-served in the European and especially in the Greek area, what is the process of securitization and what is the operating framework of Hercules. Finally, we will prove empirically what is the effect of Hercules in shaping the volume of non-performing loans, considering it as one of the macroeconomic factors that influence their development

    Split-mouth designs in orthodontics: an overview with applications to orthodontic clinical trials

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    SUMMARY Split-mouth designs first appeared in dental clinical trials in the late sixties. The main advantage of this study design is its efficiency in terms of sample size as the patients act as their own controls. Cited disadvantages relate to carry-across effects, contamination or spilling of the effects of one intervention to another, period effects if the interventions are delivered at different time periods, difficulty in finding similar comparison sites within patients and the requirement for more complex data analysis. Although some additional thought is required when utilizing a split-mouth design, the efficiency of this design is attractive, particularly in orthodontic clinical studies where carry-across, period effects and dissimilarity between intervention sites does not pose a problem. Selection of the appropriate research design, intervention protocol and statistical method accounting for both the reduced variability and potential clustering effects within patients should be considered for the trial results to be vali

    Success rate of paramedian palatal implants in adolescent and adult orthodontic patients: a retrospective cohort study

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the success rate of paramedian palatal Orthosystem first- and second-generation implants used for anchorage in orthodontic treatment in patients treated by one experienced orthodontist. The records of 143 patients (90 female, 53 male, median age: 15.7 years, range: 10.2-50.9) receiving 145 palatal implants of the first or second generation (Orthosystem, Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland) were examined. All the palatal implants were placed in a paramedian palatal location by three experienced surgeons. Stable implants were orthodontically loaded after a healing period of 3 months. Out of the 145 inserted paramedian palatal implants only seven implants (4.8%) were not considered stable after insertion. All the successfully osseointegrated implants remained stable during orthodontic treatment. Paramedian palatal implants are highly reliable and effective devices to obtain skeletal anchorage for orthodontic treatment. This study has shown that the paramedian location is a good alternative to the median locatio

    Using BIP to reinforce correctness of resource-constrained IoT applications

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    International audienceIoT applications have either a sense-only or a sense-compute-actuate goal and they implement a capability to process and respond to multiple (external) events while performing computations. Existing IoT operating systems provide a versatile execution environment that adheres to the limitations of the interconnected resource-constrained devices. To reduce the development effort, applications are often built on top of RESTful web services, which can be shared and reused. However, the asynchronous communication between remote nodes is prone to event scheduling delays, which cannot be predicted and taken into account while programming the application. Moreover, to avoid long delays in message processing and communication due to packet collisions, the data transmission frequencies between the system's nodes have to carefully chosen. In general, even when appropriate debugging tools and simulators are available, it is still a hard challenge to guarantee the required functional and non-functional properties at the application and system levels. To this end, we focus on IoT applications for the Contiki OS and we introduce a model-based rigorous analysis approach using the BIP component framework. At the application level, we verify qualitative properties regarding service responsiveness, whereas at the system level we can validate qualitative and quantitative properties using statistical model checking. We present results for an application scenario running on a distributed system infrastructure with nodes executing the Contiki OS