11 research outputs found


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    Objective: This paper presents liver abscesses, as studied in the ancient Greek and Greco- Roman bibliography. Methods: Numerous references concerning this entity can be found in the writings of the Hippocratic doctors (5th cent. B.C.), Archigenes of Apamea (1st cent. A.D.), Galen (2nd cent. A.D.), Aretaeus of Cappadocia (2nd cent. A.D), Oribasius (4th cent. A.D.), Theophilus Protospatharius (7th cent. A.D.), and Paulus Nicaeensis (7th-10th cent. A.D.). Results: In most cases the clinical manifestations, the prognosis and the method of treatment are presented. In all ancient writings we studied, the rupture of a liver abscess is also part of the main theme. In specific, the path that the fluid would follow after a rupture was considered to be a main prognostic factor, i.e. if the fluid “coursed into the stomach”, the patient would definitely die. Conclusions: In this work, an attempt is also made to correlate the ancient descriptions to modern medical entities, such as amebic or pyogenic liver abscessCilj: Ovaj rad predstavlja apscese jetre onako kako su prikazivani u starogrčkoj i grčko-rimskoj literaturi. Metode: Brojni spomeni ove pojave mogu se naći u spisima Hipokratskih liječnika (V. st pr. Kr.), Arhigena iz Apameje, Galena (II. st), Aretej iz Kapadokije (II st.), Oribazija (IV. st.), Teofila Protospatara(VII. st.) i Pavla Nicejskog (VII.–X. st.). Rezultati: U većini su slučajeva predstavljene kliničke manifestacije, prognoza i metoda tretiranja. U svim antičkim spisima koje smo proučavali,puknuće apscesa jetre je također dio glavne teme. Točnije, put koji će tekućina slijediti nakon puknuća se smatrao glavnim prognostičkim čimbenikom, odnosno ako je tekućina “otekla u želudac”, pacijent bi svakako umro. Zaključak: U ovom se radu također pokušalo načiniti korelaciju antičkih opisa sa suvremenim medicinskim entitetima, kao što amebni ili piogeni apsces jetre


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    Objective: This paper presents liver abscesses, as studied in the ancient Greek and Greco- Roman bibliography. Methods: Numerous references concerning this entity can be found in the writings of the Hippocratic doctors (5th cent. B.C.), Archigenes of Apamea (1st cent. A.D.), Galen (2nd cent. A.D.), Aretaeus of Cappadocia (2nd cent. A.D), Oribasius (4th cent. A.D.), Theophilus Protospatharius (7th cent. A.D.), and Paulus Nicaeensis (7th-10th cent. A.D.). Results: In most cases the clinical manifestations, the prognosis and the method of treatment are presented. In all ancient writings we studied, the rupture of a liver abscess is also part of the main theme. In specific, the path that the fluid would follow after a rupture was considered to be a main prognostic factor, i.e. if the fluid “coursed into the stomach”, the patient would definitely die. Conclusions: In this work, an attempt is also made to correlate the ancient descriptions to modern medical entities, such as amebic or pyogenic liver abscessCilj: Ovaj rad predstavlja apscese jetre onako kako su prikazivani u starogrčkoj i grčko-rimskoj literaturi. Metode: Brojni spomeni ove pojave mogu se naći u spisima Hipokratskih liječnika (V. st pr. Kr.), Arhigena iz Apameje, Galena (II. st), Aretej iz Kapadokije (II st.), Oribazija (IV. st.), Teofila Protospatara(VII. st.) i Pavla Nicejskog (VII.–X. st.). Rezultati: U većini su slučajeva predstavljene kliničke manifestacije, prognoza i metoda tretiranja. U svim antičkim spisima koje smo proučavali,puknuće apscesa jetre je također dio glavne teme. Točnije, put koji će tekućina slijediti nakon puknuća se smatrao glavnim prognostičkim čimbenikom, odnosno ako je tekućina “otekla u želudac”, pacijent bi svakako umro. Zaključak: U ovom se radu također pokušalo načiniti korelaciju antičkih opisa sa suvremenim medicinskim entitetima, kao što amebni ili piogeni apsces jetre

    pyRBDome: a comprehensive computational platform for enhancing RNA-binding proteome data

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    High-throughput proteomics approaches have revolutionised the identification of RNA-binding proteins (RBPome) and RNA-binding sequences (RBDome) across organisms. Yet, the extent of noise, including false positives, associated with these methodologies, is difficult to quantify as experimental approaches for validating the results are generally low throughput. To address this, we introduce pyRBDome, a pipeline for enhancing RNA-binding proteome data in silico. It aligns the experimental results with RNA-binding site (RBS) predictions from distinct machine-learning tools and integrates high-resolution structural data when available. Its statistical evaluation of RBDome data enables quick identification of likely genuine RNA-binders in experimental datasets. Furthermore, by leveraging the pyRBDome results, we have enhanced the sensitivity and specificity of RBS detection through training new ensemble machine-learning models. pyRBDome analysis of a human RBDome dataset, compared with known structural data, revealed that although UV–cross-linked amino acids were more likely to contain predicted RBSs, they infrequently bind RNA in high-resolution structures. This discrepancy underscores the limitations of structural data as benchmarks, positioning pyRBDome as a valuable alternative for increasing confidence in RBDome datasets.All the code and data analysis results are available from our GitLab repository (https://git.ecdf.ed.ac.uk/sgrannem) without restrictions. All the prediction and ground truth analysis results can be found on the repositories starting with pyRBDome-Notebooks. The pyRBDome-Core repository contains all the code required to run the pyRBDome-Notebooks Jupyter notebook files. The results of all the analyses are also available as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets in Tables S2, S3, S4, and S5

    Χωροθέτηση αιολικών εγκαταστάσεων : η θαλάσσια χωροθέτηση των υπεράκτιων αιολικών πάρκων

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    Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία αποτελεί μία προσπάθεια καταγραφής του υπάρχοντος ρυθμιστικού πλαισίου που διέπει την εγκατάσταση έργων ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας, με έμφαση στην θαλάσσια χωροθέτηση των υπεράκτιων αιολικών πάρκων. Γίνεται αναφορά στο προϊσχύσαν και υφιστάμενο εθνικό, ευρωπαϊκό και διεθνές νομικό πλαίσιο, στους περιβαλλοντικούς κανονισμούς και επιπτώσεις, σε νομικά θέματα χωροταξίας και χρήσης γης, καθώς και σε ενδεικτικά παραδείγματα από πρακτικές υλοποίησης αιολικών πάρκων και των αντίστοιχων νομικών προκλήσεων. Ακολουθούν τα συμπεράσματα που προέκυψαν κατά την εκπόνηση της.The present thesis constitutes an attempt to document the existing regulatory framework governing the installation of renewable energy projects, with an emphasis on the maritime spatial planning of offshore wind farms. Reference is made to the prevailing and current national, European, and international legal frameworks, environmental regulations and impacts, land-use and spatial planning legal issues, as well as illustrative examples from the practical implementation of wind farms and their corresponding legal challenges. The conclusions drawn during its elaboration follo

    The Crucial Role of Soil Organic Matter in Satisfying the Phosphorus Requirements of Olive Trees (Olea europaea L.)

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    Under high organic matter content, even under low extractable soil P concentrations, sufficient or over-sufficient foliar P levels may be found. This multi-year study aimed at examining the effects of organic matter content and irrigation management on (a) soil fertility, (b) P-cycle related soil enzymes (acid and alkaline phosphatase, pyrophosphatase) and (c) foliar nutrient concentrations. Irrigated and non-irrigated groves of fully productive trees of the cultivar “Chondrolia Chalkidikis” with low organic matter (LOM < 1.5%), medium organic matter (1.5% < MOM < 2.5%) and high organic matter (HOM > 2.5%) were selected for the experimentation. It was hypothesized that olive groves receiving high inorganic fertilization and irrigation inputs (usually with medium to relatively low organic matter content) would show higher soil and foliar P concentrations compared to the non-irrigated groves with higher organic matter content receiving manure applications. Most of the soil variables (including the three enzymes’ activities) were affected by differences in organic matter content. However, organic matter content did not show a significant influence on foliar nutrient concentrations. Olive trees, especially those cultivated in soils with high organic matter content (receiving organic fertilization), can over-satisfy their P nutritional needs, even though soil analyses show low soil extractable P concentrations, probably due to the high enzymatic activity of acid and alkaline phosphatases. The practical conclusion of this study is that P fertilizer recommendations should be primarily based on foliar P rather than on extractable soil P