294 research outputs found

    How Much Difference is too Much Difference? Perceptions of Gay Men and Lesbians in Intercollegiate Athletics

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    This is the publisher's version, copyright by Johns Hopkins University Press.No abstract is available for this item

    There's No "I" in "Team": Lessons from Athletics on Community Building

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/review_of_higher_education/v024/24.4wolf-wendel.html.No abstract is available for this item

    A Response to the Rejoinder

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/review_of_higher_education/v026/26.4morphew.html.No abstract is available for this item

    Screening commercial entomopathogenic fungi for the management of Diaphorina citri populations in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, USA

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    Ten strains of entomopathogenic ascomycete fungi, sourced from commercial formulations of blastopore or conidiospore formulations, were tested in 14 different formulations in a primary acquisition/direct spray bioassay against adult Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae)). The Cordyceps (Isaria) javanica Apopka 97-C (conidia) strain was used as the standard. A statistical ranking system was established in which top performing pathogenic strains were selected for further screening and eventual field trials. Modified Potter-type spray towers were utilized to deliver a range of doses of viable spores to adult D. citri in an aqueous spray consistent with the rate of spores per hectare often used in real-world spray applications. Mortality was assessed after a seven-day incubation period under controlled climate conditions reflecting those in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) of Texas, USA. Of the 14 preparations, the strains Metarhizium anisopliae E9, C. fumosorosea Ifr9901, Beauveria bassiana ATCC 74040 and ANT-03, M. anisopliae ESALQ1037, and M. robertsii DWR2009, showed greater levels of mortality than the standard, Apopka 97-C, in the laboratory setting. Of those six, two (Ifr9901 and ANT-03) were selected for further evaluation based on efficacy, commercial availability, geographical registration, and market outlook on production

    Assessment of Two Novel Host-Derived Beauveria bassiana (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) Isolates Against the Citrus Pest, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae)

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    The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae), vectors ‘Candidatus Liberibacter spp.’, the causative agent of Citrus Greening Disease (CGD) or Huanglongbing (HLB). Managing populations of psyllids in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV), TX, United States is imperative given a continuous increase in HLB-positive trees. A component of integrated pest management (IPM) program is the use of strains of entomopathogenic fungi for the biological control of D. citri. In an attempt to find endemic strains of entomopathogenic fungi that grow favorably under LRGV environmental conditions and naturally infect D. citri, psyllids were collected from local residential areas, surface sterilized, and plated on a semi-selective agar medium. Collection of over 9,300 samples from 278 sites throughout the LRGV led to the positive identification of two Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo-Crivellii) Vuillemin (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) isolates, ACP18001 and ACP18002. Chi-square analysis of primary and secondary acquisition bioassays revealed that both field isolated strains outperformed Cordyceps (Isaria) fumosorosea (Wize) (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) Apopka97 under both primary (direct spray) and secondary acquisition (adult exposure to sprayed foliage) bioassays with ACP18002 marginally outperforming ACP18001 under secondary acquisition. Slopes of the dose response regression lines for the three fungi were not significantly different. In addition, the thermal profiles for vegetative growth of each isolate indicated that the field isolates grew at higher rates than the standard at higher temperatures. The new isolates may prove to be good candidates for the management of D. citri populations in the LRGV

    Racial and ethnic disparities in the control of cardiovascular disease risk factors in Southwest American veterans with type 2 diabetes: the Diabetes Outcomes in Veterans Study

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    BACKGROUND: Racial/ethnic disparities in cardiovascular disease complications have been observed in diabetic patients. We examined the association between race/ethnicity and cardiovascular disease risk factor control in a large cohort of insulin-treated veterans with type 2 diabetes. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional observational study at 3 Veterans Affairs Medical Centers in the American Southwest. Using electronic pharmacy databases, we randomly selected 338 veterans with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes. We collected medical record and patient survey data on diabetes control and management, cardiovascular disease risk factors, comorbidity, demographics, socioeconomic factors, psychological status, and health behaviors. We used analysis of variance and multivariate linear regression to determine the effect of race/ethnicity on glycemic control, insulin treatment intensity, lipid levels, and blood pressure control. RESULTS: The study cohort was comprised of 72 (21.3%) Hispanic subjects (H), 35 (10.4%) African Americans (AA), and 226 (67%) non-Hispanic whites (NHW). The mean (SD) hemoglobin A1c differed significantly by race/ethnicity: NHW 7.86 (1.4)%, H 8.16 (1.6)%, AA 8.84 (2.9)%, p = 0.05. The multivariate-adjusted A1c was significantly higher for AA (+0.93%, p = 0.002) compared to NHW. Insulin doses (unit/day) also differed significantly: NHW 70.6 (48.8), H 58.4 (32.6), and AA 53.1 (36.2), p < 0.01. Multivariate-adjusted insulin doses were significantly lower for AA (-17.8 units/day, p = 0.01) and H (-10.5 units/day, p = 0.04) compared to NHW. Decrements in insulin doses were even greater among minority patients with poorly controlled diabetes (A1c ≥ 8%). The disparities in glycemic control and insulin treatment intensity could not be explained by differences in age, body mass index, oral hypoglycemic medications, socioeconomic barriers, attitudes about diabetes care, diabetes knowledge, depression, cognitive dysfunction, or social support. We found no significant racial/ethnic differences in lipid or blood pressure control. CONCLUSION: In our cohort, insulin-treated minority veterans, particularly AA, had poorer glycemic control and received lower doses of insulin than NHW. However, we found no differences for control of other cardiovascular disease risk factors. The diabetes treatment disparity could be due to provider behaviors and/or patient behaviors or preferences. Further research with larger sample sizes and more geographically diverse populations are needed to confirm our findings

    Positive correlation of employment and psychological well-being for veterans with major abdominal surgery

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    Background Intestinal stomas (ostomies) have been associated negatively with multiple aspects of health-related quality of life. This article examines the relationship between employment status and psychological well-being (PWB) in veterans who underwent major bowel procedures with or without ostomy. Methods Veterans from 3 Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers were surveyed using the City of Hope ostomy-specific questionnaire and the Short Form 36 item Veteran’s version (SF-36V). Response rate was 48% (511 of 1,063). Employment and PWB relationship was assessed using multiple regression with age, income, SF-36V physical component summary (PCS), and employment status as independent variables. Results Employed veterans reported higher PWB compared with unemployed veterans (P = .003). Full-time workers also reported higher PWB than part-time or unemployed workers (P = .001). Ostomy was not an independent predictor of PWB. Conclusions Employment among veterans after major abdominal surgery may have intrinsic value for PWB. Patients should be encouraged to return to work, or do volunteer work after recovery

    The chromosome-scale reference genome of black pepper provides insight into piperine biosynthesis

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    Black pepper (Piper nigrum), dubbed the ‘King of Spices’ and ‘Black Gold’, is one of the most widely used spices. Here, we present its reference genome assembly by integrating PacBio, 10x Chromium, BioNano DLS optical mapping, and Hi-C mapping technologies. The 761.2 Mb sequences (45 scaffolds with an N50 of 29.8 Mb) are assembled into 26 pseudochromosomes. A phylogenomic analysis of representative plant genomes places magnoliids as sister to the monocots-eudicots clade and indicates that black pepper has diverged from the shared Laurales-Magnoliales lineage approximately 180 million years ago. Comparative genomic analyses reveal specific gene expansions in the glycosyltransferase, cytochrome P450, shikimate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase, lysine decarboxylase, and acyltransferase gene families. Comparative transcriptomic analyses disclose berry-specific upregulated expression in representative genes in each of these gene families. These data provide an evolutionary perspective and shed light on the metabolic processes relevant to the molecular basis of species-specific piperine biosynthesis
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