14 research outputs found

    The Stakes in Bayh-Dole: Public Values Beyond the Pace of Innovation

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    Evaluation studies of the Bayh-Dole Act are generally concerned with the pace of innovation or the transgressions to the independence of research. While these concerns are important, I propose here to expand the range of public values considered in assessing Bayh-Dole and formulating future reforms. To this end, I first examine the changes in the terms of the Bayh-Dole debate and the drift in its design. Neoliberal ideas have had a definitive influence on U.S. innovation policy for the last thirty years, including legislation to strengthen patent protection. Moreover, the neoliberal policy agenda is articulated and justified in the interest of “competitiveness.” Rhetorically, this agenda equates competitiveness with economic growth and this with the public interest. Against that backdrop, I use Public Value Failure criteria to show that values such as political equality, transparency, and fairness in the distribution of the benefits of innovation, are worth considering to counter the “policy drift” of Bayh-Dole

    Open innovation in public management: analysis of the Brazilian action plan for Open Government Partnership

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    Este estudo objetivou analisar o Plano de Ação brasileiro para o Governo Aberto, baseado na teoria da inovação aberta na gestão pública. Utilizou-se de uma pesquisa documental, com vistas a aprofundar o conhecimento do fenômeno em questão. O documento foi escolhido intencionalmente, por ser exemplo basilar das políticas públicas relacionadas à inovação aberta brasileira. Os resultados mostram que os compromissos firmados pelo governo brasileiro estão consoantes com o processo de inovação aberta pública. As ações previstas no Plano estão especificamente relacionadas a transparência, abertura de dados e preparação do corpo estatal para o processo aberto de inovação. _________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMEN: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el Plan de Acción de Brasil para el Gobierno Abierto con base en la teoría de la innovación abierta en la gestión pública. Se utilizó una investigación documental, con el fin de profundizar el conocimiento en el fenómeno en cuestión. El documento fue elegido intencionadamente porque es fundamental para las políticas públicas relacionadas con la innovación abierta brasileña. Los resultados muestran que los compromisos asumidos por el gobierno brasileño son compatibles con el proceso de innovación abierta pública. En concreto, las acciones contenidas en el plan están relacionados con la transparencia, los datos abiertos y preparación de la estructura de gobierno para el proceso abierto de innovación. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the Brazilian action plan for Open Government, based on the theory of open innovation in public management. Documentary research was used, in order to deepen of the knowledge the phenomenon being discussed . The document was intentionally chosen because it is essential for public policies related to Brazilian open innovation The results show that the commitments made by the Brazilian government are compatible with the public open innovation process. The actions in the Plan are related specifically to transparency, open data and preparation of the governance body for the open innovation process

    Theorizing the Micro-politics of Resistance: New Public Management and Managerial Identities in the UK Public Services

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    This article presents theoretical and empirical analysis of the micro-politics of resistance. We theorize resistance at the level of meanings and subjectivities, drawing attention to the multidirectional and generative effects in identity construction. We address two shortcomings present in much of the theorizing of resistance, namely, the conceptualizing of resistance as a set of actions and behaviours, and the narrow conception of resistance as a reaction to repressive power. Focusing on the UK public services, we draw from texts generated within interviews with public service professionals in the police, social services and secondary education to explore the meanings individuals ascribe to the discourse of New Public Management (NPM) and their positioning within these meanings. The analysis contributes to the study of organizations in three respects. First, it offers a more detailed and varied understanding of resistance that can account for different motivations and ways in which individuals struggle to transform meanings. Second, drawing on specific cases, it illustrates the process of the micro-politics of resistance. Third, it presents an empirically grounded understanding of the character and conduct of NPM that can accommodate greater complexity and nuance