9 research outputs found

    Data Paper. Data Paper

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    <h2>File List</h2><div> <p><a href="BBSG_2009-2010.zip">BBSG_2009-2010.zip</a> (MD5: e92d229e6d070ee28aac914c875542c2)</p> <p><a href="bigbend_grass.zip">bigbend_grass.zip</a> (MD5: 30c07113faac237e2c199c3d637d92be)</p> </div><h2>Description</h2><div> <p> Seagrass meadows are important habitats that serve as nursery, feeding, and sheltering grounds for many marine species. In addition to the ecosystem functions and services they provide, seagrass habitats and associated fauna are commonly observed to have naturally high levels of heterogeneity, making them ideal for the study of ecological patterns and processes across multiple spatial scales. However, seagrass systems worldwide have undergone sharp declines in coverage and increased levels of fragmentation at both local and regional spatial scales, thus compromising their ecological functions and services and reducing their value as unaltered marine systems in which to conduct ecological studies. Covering nearly 3000 km², the seagrass meadows of the Big Bend region in the eastern Gulf of Mexico represents one of the largest in the world, and given its separation from human population centers and coastal development, is also considered to be one of the most intact and least disturbed. The objective of our study was to provide the first region-wide characterization of the habitats and faunal communities in seagrass meadows of the Big Bend. This two-year study occurred in 2009 and 2010 during the summers when peak productivity in seagrass systems is highest. Sites were selected using a spatially-balanced approach and sampling was conducted with beam trawls. A total of 170 sites was sampled, and all animals were identified to lowest taxonomic level possible, counted, and their sizes measured. Habitat characteristics were concurrently measured at both local (e.g., seagrass areal coverage and composition, volume of drift algae) and regional scales (e.g., latitude, type of adjacent coastal habitat). </p> <p> <i>Key words</i>: <i>beam trawl; Geographic Information Systems; habitat heterogeneity; seagrass; seascape ecology; secondary productivity; spatially-balanced sampling; submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV). </i> </p> </div


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    This file contains a script to be used in the R statistical environment, and calculates how likely individuals that share alleles at all 10 loci are some first-order relative such as siblings


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    This data file contains the genotypes of all adult and recruit bicolor damselfish, which were genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci

    Map of study area.

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    <p>Map of study area, showing artificial and natural reef sites used in the study, and the locations of the 2008 recorders (recordings used in algorithm testing). Locations of passes shown by numbers: 1 = Hurricane Pass, 2 = Dunedin Pass, 3 = Clearwater Pass, 4 = John’s Pass, 5 = Blind Pass, 6 = Pass-a-Grille Pass, 7 = Bunces Pass, 8 = Egmont Channel. Data source for land and bathymetry: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission—Fish and Wildlife Research Institute.</p

    Probability self recruitment pattern

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    This file contains a script to be used in the R statistical environment, and it calculates the probability of parentage patterns resulting from a common 'well-mixed' pool of larva

    Mean visitation rates for Pinellas II / Caves.

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    <p>Mean boat visitation rates (± SE) for Pinellas II artificial reef and Caves natural reef. “*” indicates missing data.</p

    Spectrogram of boat noise.

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    <p>2048 point resolution spectrogram of typical boat noise produced by an outboard engine driven boat at high speed. Arrows show several harmonics, which here extend upward to about 9000 Hz.</p

    Mean visitation rates for Clearwater / 21 HS.

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    <p>Mean boat visitation rates (± SE) for Clearwater artificial reef and 21 HS Ledge natural reef. “*” indicates missing data.</p