8,571 research outputs found

    The Law/Equity Dichotomy in Maryland

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    Moessbauer spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy of the Murchison meteorite

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    Meteorites provide a wealth of information about the solar system's formation, since they have similar building blocks as the Earth's crust but have been virtually unaltered since their formation. Some stony meteorites contain minerals and silicate inclusions, called chondrules, in the matrix. Utilizing Moessbauer spectroscopy, we identified minerals in the Murchison meteorite, a carbonaceous chondritic meteorite, by the gamma ray resonance lines observed. Absorption patterns of the spectra were found due to the minerals olivine and phyllosilicate. We used a scanning electron microscope to describe the structure of the chondrules in the Murchison meteorite. The chondrules were found to be deformed due to weathering of the meteorite. Diameters varied in size from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. Further enhancement of the microscopic imagery using a digital image processor was used to describe the physical characteristics of the inclusions

    Money and happiness : rank of income, not income, affects life satisfaction

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    Does money buy happiness, or does happiness come indirectly from the higher rank in society that money brings? Here we test a rank hypothesis, according to which people gain utility from the ranked position of their income within a comparison group. The rank hypothesis contrasts with traditional reference income hypotheses, which suggest utility from income depends on comparison to a social group reference norm. We find that the ranked position of an individual’s income predicts general life satisfaction, while absolute income and reference income have no effect. Furthermore, individuals weight upward comparisons more than downward comparisons. According to the rank hypothesis, income and utility are not directly linked: Increasing an individual’s income will only increase their utility if ranked position also increases and will necessarily reduce the utility of others who will lose rank

    From an Autonomous to a Collaborative Website Redesign Process: The University of Denver Libraries Experience

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    Librarians traditionally have insisted on designing and developing the library’s website in-house. An inhouse developed website allows librarians full control of its design, content, and delivery. The library website is also distinguished by its research orientation compared to the university’s marketing-driven purposes. However, in the age of gaining competitive advantage by promoting campus branding, shared services, and collaborative initiatives by various administrative units, libraries could be a stronger partner with other campus departments. This article describes the University of Denver Libraries’ transformation from an autonomous information silo to an integrated Web portal within the University’s Marketing & Communication division. In the course of this change, unlike turning a switch on or off, the librarians experienced stages of uncertainty, denial, negotiation, and acceptance. The project was successfully completed and became an exemplar for many other campus-wide initiatives. By sharing this experience, the authors hope to encourage other libraries to consider the tangible and intangible benefits that university-wide collaborations can elicit

    Advanced Data Analysis: From Excel PivotTables to Microsoft Access

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    Most librarians run for the hills when they hear about Microsoft Excel PivotTables and relational databases such as Microsoft Access. PivotTables can be a powerful analysis tool. However, Microsoft Access can move beyond PivotTables by exploring more complex relationships between datasets. Building from the morning session, participants learned additional Excel functions including PivotTables and PivotCharts, as well as Access tables, queries, forms, and reports. The session was held in a classroom with computers, so attendees received sample data to create PivotTables, PivotCharts, and their own relational database during this handson workshop. Readers of this proceeding may request sample data for the Excel PivotTable presentation by email correspondence with the lead author ([email protected])

    Early Warning of Food Security Crises in Urban Areas: The Case of Harare, Zimbabwe, 2007

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    In 2007, the citizens of Harare, Zimbabwe began experiencing an intense food security crisis. The crisis, due to a complex mix of poor government policies, high inflation rates and production decline due to drought, resulted in a massive increase in the number of food insecure people in Harare. The international humanitarian aid response to this crisis was largely successful due to the early agreement among donors and humanitarian aid officials as to the size and nature of the problem. Remote sensing enabled an early and decisive movement of resources greatly assisting the delivery of food aid in a timely manner. Remote sensing data gave a clear and compelling assessment of significant crop production shortfalls, and provided donors of humanitarian assistance a single number around which they could come to agreement. This use of remote sensing data typifies how remote sensing may be used in early warning systems in Africa

    Livelihood strategies in the rural Kenyan highlands

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    The concept of a livelihood strategy has become central to development practice in recent years. Nonetheless, precise identification of livelihoods in quantitative data has remained methodologically elusive. This paper uses cluster analysis methods to operationalize the concept of livelihood strategies in household data and then uses the resulting strategy-specific income distributions to test whether the hypothesized outcome differences between livelihoods indeed exist. Using data from Kenya’s central and western highlands, we identify five distinct livelihood strategies that exhibit statistically significant differences in mean per capita incomes and stochastic dominance orderings that establish clear welfare rankings among livelihood strategies. Multinomial regression analysis identifies geographic, demographic and financial determinants of livelihood choice. The results should facilitate targeting of interventions designed to improve household livelihoods.Livelihood strategy, Kenya, Smallholder agriculture, Cluster analysis, Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Protein expression in Arabidopsis thaliana after chronic clinorotation

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    Soluble protein expression in Arabidopsis thaliana L. (Heynh.) leaf and stem tissue was examined after chronic clinorotation. Seeds of Arabidopsis were germinated and plants grown to maturity on horizontal or vertical slow-rotating clinostats (1 rpm) or in stationary vertical control units. Total soluble proteins and in vivo-labeled soluble proteins isolated from these plants were analyzed by two-dimensional sodium doedocyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE) and subsequent fluorography. Visual and computer analysis of the resulting protein patterns showed no significant differences in either total protein expression or in active protein synthesis between horizontal clinorotation and vertical controls in the Arabidopsis leaf and stem tissue. These results show chronic clinorotation does not cause gross changes in protein expression in Arabidopsis
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