254 research outputs found

    Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care: a systematic review.

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    Insomnia is highly prevalent among patients with psychiatric disorders. According to current guidelines, cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) represents the first-line treatment for chronic insomnia, also for patients with psychiatric comorbidity. While recent studies have demonstrated that CBT-I not only improves insomnia but also other health outcomes in patients with psychiatric disorders and comorbid insomnia in outpatient settings, the level of implementation and treatment potential of CBT-I in inpatient psychiatry is less clear. The objective of this systematic review is to present and discuss studies that have adapted CBT-I for inpatient psychiatric care. PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and PsycINFO, were searched until June 2023. A total of 10 studies were identified, with the majority being non-randomised trials without comparison groups and small sample sizes. With preliminary character, studies report feasibility and potential efficacy in inpatient settings. Together, this review identifies a paucity of studies on CBT-I or derivates in inpatient psychiatry. Despite challenging in this setting, studies adapting CBT-I to the needs of severely ill patients and hospital settings might have the potential to improve mental health care

    SLEEPexpert App – A Mobile Application to Support Insomnia Treatment for Patients with Severe Psychiatric Disorders

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    Cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is the first-line treatment for patients with insomnia disorder, including patients with severe mental disorders and comorbid insomnia. However, CBT-I is not sufficiently implemented in acute psychiatry settings. To make this treatment more accessible, we are currently adapting CBT-I to the needs of patients with severe psychiatric disorders in the form of a treatment program entitled SLEEPexpert. A core element of SLEEPexpert is keeping a sleep diary and restricting time in bed to increase sleep pressure. Here, we present a mobile application which supports the implementation of SLEEPexpert. The app is kept very simple, specifically designed for the target user group, and offers four main functionalities: entering information into the sleep diary, calculating the sleep efficiency and adapting the sleep window, delivering information on sleep and sleep disorders and accessing the recorded data in the sleep diary. Currently, we are preparing a usability test for the app aiming at fixing usability issues before running a clinical trial to assess the efficacy of this mHealth intervention

    Sleep and memory: mechanisms and implications for psychiatry

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review discusses current concepts on the relationship between sleep, memory formation and underlying neural refinements, with a particular focus on possible ways to use or modulate sleep in a targeted manner to augment psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatments. RECENT FINDINGS: The most promising lines of research with regard to psychiatry and psychotherapy center on the targeted implementation or modulation of sleep to augment existing or create novel forms of treatment. SUMMARY: The modulation of sleep and interconnected neural plasticity processes provides a window of opportunity for developing novel treatments in psychiatry and psychotherapy

    Does an Internet-Based Emotion Regulation Intervention Provide Added Value for Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Care? Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial.

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    BACKGROUND There is a lack of studies on internet-based interventions in inpatient settings. This is especially true for studies of internet-based interventions in acute psychiatric inpatient care. Internet-based interventions in this specific setting may provide benefits such as patient empowerment and overall improved treatment outcomes. However, there may also be specific barriers to their implementation that are unique due to the complexity of acute psychiatric inpatient care. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study is to examine the feasibility and preliminary evidence for effectiveness of a web-based emotion regulation intervention provided as an add-on to acute psychiatric inpatient care. METHODS The goal is to randomly allocate 60 patients with a range of different diagnoses in a 1:1 ratio to either treatment as usual (TAU), which consists of acute psychiatric inpatient treatment, or to the intervention group, which will receive TAU plus access to a web-based intervention that focuses on reduction of emotion regulation difficulties and improvement of emotion regulation skills. The primary outcome is symptom severity, assessed with the short form of the Brief Symptom Inventory at baseline, after 4 weeks, after 8 weeks, and at hospital discharge. Secondary outcomes include 2 emotion regulation parameters, intervention use, usability, patient satisfaction, and reasons for patient loss to follow-up. RESULTS Participant recruitment started in August 2021 and as of March 2023 was ongoing. First publication of study results is expected in 2024. CONCLUSIONS This study protocol describes a study that intends to examine a web-based emotion regulation intervention in acute psychiatric inpatient care. The study will provide information on the feasibility of the intervention and possible effects on symptom severity and emotion regulation. The results will provide new insights on blended treatment, in this case the combination of a web-based intervention and face-to-face psychiatric treatment, in an understudied patient group and setting. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04990674; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04990674. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID) DERR1-10.2196/47656

    Automatized online prediction of slow-wave peaks during non-rapid eye movement sleep in young and old individuals: Why we should not always rely on amplitude thresholds.

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    Brain-state-dependent stimulation during slow-wave sleep is a promising tool for the treatment of psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. A widely used slow-wave prediction algorithm required for brain-state-dependent stimulation is based on a specific amplitude threshold in the electroencephalogram. However, due to decreased slow-wave amplitudes in aging and psychiatric conditions, this approach might miss many slow-waves because they do not fulfill the amplitude criterion. Here, we compared slow-wave peaks predicted via an amplitude-based versus a multidimensional approach using a topographical template of slow-wave peaks in 21 young and 21 older healthy adults. We validate predictions against the gold-standard of offline detected peaks. Multidimensionally predicted peaks resemble the gold-standard regarding spatiotemporal dynamics but exhibit lower peak amplitudes. Amplitude-based prediction, by contrast, is less sensitive, less precise and - especially in the older group - predicts peaks that differ from the gold-standard regarding spatiotemporal dynamics. Our results suggest that amplitude-based slow-wave peak prediction might not always be the ideal choice. This is particularly the case in populations with reduced slow-wave amplitudes, like older adults or psychiatric patients. We recommend the use of multidimensional prediction, especially in studies targeted at populations other than young and healthy individuals

    Two Beer(s) or Not Two Beer(s): The eNose as an Instrument to Pacify the World.

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    BACKGROUND Science prizes that are not meant to be very serious, stand-up evenings, science slams or publications with a scientific twist: science comedy comes in very different forms. But all variants have one thing in common: humour. It can be used to hide the seriousness of life or, in this case, everyday scientific life for a brief moment. Moreover, serious social or ethical questions are also met. The GPP, a group of German, Austrian and Swiss Pediatric Pulmonologists (GPP) is a scientific society with regular annual meetings. Unsystematic observations and preliminary data suggest that beer consumption increased by some of the participants during this event. Recently, electronic nose (eNose) devices have been developed as a technology for disease screening using exhaled-breath analysis. Here we addressed the issue, if the eNose can be used to differentiate between real beer and fake beer. METHODS In this single-centre experimental study, 12 different "real beer" types and one "fake beer" were analyzed with regard to their emittance of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with the eNose as an electronic VOC-sensing technology. RESULTS Every single beer type can be identified by a characteristic VOC-smell print using the eNose. Distinct clusters exist for bottom- and top-fermented ales. Intriguingly, "Sylter Hopfen", which is marketed as a "champagne-beer" and tested as representative of a "fake beer", can be clearly differentiated from all other genuine beer types. CONCLUSION Our study provides the first objective data of beer flavor. In the long term perspective the eNose might help to overcome the agonizing controversy about beer flavors and, consequently, pacify the World. In the short run, however, our results give support to more targeted and reserved beer consumption during our annual meeting, especially since one specific beer shows a very similar pattern to indoor air. HINTERGRUND UND FRAGESTELLUNG Sogenannte Stand-up-Abende, Science Slams oder Publikationen wie in der «Christmas-Edition» des "British Medical Journals" haben eines gemeinsam: Humor. Humor kann dabei helfen, der Ernsthaftigkeit des Alltags - auch der des Wissenschaftlers - für einen kurzen Moment zu entfliehen. Die wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Pädiatrische Pneumologie (GPP e. V.) ist eine Gruppe deutscher, österreichischer und schweizer Kinderpneumolog:innen, die sich regelmässig zu ihrer Jahrestagung treffen. Nicht-systematisch erhobene Daten und persönliche Beobachtungen deuten darauf hin, dass der Bierkonsum von einigen der Teilnehmer:innen während dieser Veranstaltung signifikant ansteigt. Vor kurzem wurde mit der «eNose» eine sogenannte «elektronische Nase» entwickelt, die als Screening-Instrument zur Atemgasanalyse eingesetzt werden kann. Hier haben wir die Frage gestellt, ob die eNose verwendet werden kann, um unterschiedliche Biersorten zu unterscheiden und echte Biere von sogenannten «Fake-Bieren» zu diskriminieren. METHODEN In dieser monozentrischen, experimentellen Studie wurden 12 verschiedene "echte Biersorten" und ein "Fake-Bier" hinsichtlich ihrer Emission flüchtiger organischer Verbindungen (VOCs) mit der eNose als elektronische VOC-Sensortechnologie analysiert. ERGEBNISSE Jede einzelne Biersorte lässt sich anhand eines charakteristischen, reproduzierbaren VOC-Profils mit der eNose identifizieren. Dabei clustern sogenannte unter- und obergärige Biere mit einem spezifischen Muster. "Sylter Hopfen", das als "Champagner-Bier" vermarktet und als «Fake-Bier» getestet wurde, unterscheidet sich in seinem VOC-Profil von allen anderen «echten» Biersorten. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG Unsere Studie liefert die ersten objektiven Daten zu spezifischen VOC-Mustern von verschiedenen Biersorten. Langfristig könnte die eNose dabei helfen, die emotionale Kontroverse um Bieraromen zu überwinden und damit die Welt zu befrieden. Kurzfristig stützen unsere Ergebnisse die Empfehlung nach einem zurückhaltenden Bierkonsum während unserer Jahrestagung, zumal spezifischen VOC-Mustern einiger Biere ein sehr ähnliches Muster wie Raumluft zeigen

    Interaction matters: Bottom‐up driver interdependencies alter the projected response of phytoplankton communities to climate change

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    Phytoplankton growth is controlled by multiple environmental drivers, which are all modified by climate change. While numerous experimental studies identify interactive effects between drivers, large-scale ocean biogeochemistry models mostly account for growth responses to each driver separately and leave the results of these experimental multiple-driver studies largely unused. Here, we amend phytoplankton growth functions in a biogeochemical model by dual-driver interactions (CO2 and temperature, CO2 and light), based on data of a published meta-analysis on multiple-driver laboratory experiments. The effect of this parametrization on phytoplankton biomass and community composition is tested using present-day and future high-emission (SSP5-8.5) climate forcing. While the projected decrease in future total global phytoplankton biomass in simulations with driver interactions is similar to that in control simulations without driver interactions (5%-6%), interactive driver effects are group-specific. Globally, diatom biomass decreases more with interactive effects compared with the control simulation (-8.1% with interactions vs. no change without interactions). Small-phytoplankton biomass, by contrast, decreases less with on-going climate change when the model accounts for driver interactions (-5.0% vs. -9.0%). The response of global coccolithophore biomass to future climate conditions is even reversed when interactions are considered (+33.2% instead of -10.8%). Regionally, the largest difference in the future phytoplankton community composition between the simulations with and without driver interactions is detected in the Southern Ocean, where diatom biomass decreases (-7.5%) instead of increases (+14.5%), raising the share of small phytoplankton and coccolithophores of total phytoplankton biomass. Hence, interactive effects impact the phytoplankton community structure and related biogeochemical fluxes in a future ocean. Our approach is a first step to integrate the mechanistic understanding of interacting driver effects on phytoplankton growth gained by numerous laboratory experiments into a global ocean biogeochemistry model, aiming toward more realistic future projections of phytoplankton biomass and community composition

    The promise of portable remote auditory stimulation tools to enhance slow-wave sleep and prevent cognitive decline.

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    Dementia is the seventh leading cause of mortality, and a major source of disability and dependency in older individuals globally. Cognitive decline (and, to a lesser extent, normal ageing) are associated with sleep fragmentation and loss of slow-wave sleep. Evidence suggests a bidirectional causal link between these losses. Phase-locked auditory stimulation has emerged as a promising non-invasive tool to enhance slow-wave sleep, potentially ameliorating cognitive decline. In laboratory settings, auditory stimulation is usually supervised by trained experts. Different algorithms (simple amplitude thresholds, topographic correlation, sine-wave fitting, phase-locked loop, and phase vocoder) are used to precisely target auditory stimulation to a desired phase of the slow wave. While all algorithms work well in younger adults, the altered sleep physiology of older adults and particularly those with neurodegenerative disorders requires a tailored approach that can adapt to older adults' fragmented sleep and reduced amplitudes of slow waves. Moreover, older adults might require a continuous intervention that is not feasible in laboratory settings. Recently, several auditory stimulation-capable portable devices ('Dreem®', 'SmartSleep®' and 'SleepLoop®') have been developed. We discuss these three devices regarding their potential as tools for science, and as clinical remote-intervention tools to combat cognitive decline. Currently, SleepLoop® shows the most promise for scientific research in older adults due to high transparency and customizability but is not commercially available. Studies evaluating down-stream effects on cognitive abilities, especially in patient populations, are required before a portable auditory stimulation device can be recommended as a clinical preventative remote-intervention tool

    Work-Life-Balance in der IT-Unternehmensberatung: (Fortsetzungsbericht zur Studie WoBaFIT)

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    Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass eine gute Work-Life-Balance (WLB) in Unternehmensberatungen für die Mitarbeiter einen hohen Stellenwert hat. Ein signifikanter geschlechtsspezifischer Unterschied ist nicht erkennbar. Sowohl Frauen als auch Männer streben aktiv nach einer ausgewogenen WLB. Die Inanspruchnahme von WLB-Maßnahmen kann jedoch nur erfolgen, wenn das konkrete WLB-Maßnahmenangebot des Arbeitgebers den Mitarbeitern hinlänglich bekannt ist. Insbesondere in der mittelständischen Unternehmensberatung XYZ zeigt die Kommunikation des bestehenden WLB-Maßnahmenangebots erhebliche Schwächen. Mehr als die Hälfte der Befragten wusste nichts über den bestehenden WLB-Maßnahmenkatalog von XYZ. Die übrigen Mitarbeiter nutzen die vorhandenen WLB-Maßnahmen rege. Die meisten der Mitarbeiter von XYZ wünschen sich zudem einen Ausbau des derzeitigen WLB-Maßnahmenangebots und haben zahlreiche Erweiterungsvorschläge eingebracht. Besonders interessant sind dabei WLB-Maßnahmen, die eine zeitbezogene Strategie verfolgen und das Verhältnis von Arbeits- zu Freizeit verändern. Zusätzlich gewonnene Zeit kann von den Mitarbeitern individuell auf private Lebensbereiche verteilt werden und bietet somit für jeden den optimalen Nutzen