53 research outputs found

    Service Oriented Architecture in Network Security - a novel Organisation in Security Systems

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    Current network security systems are a collection of various security components, which are directly installed in the operating system. These check the whole node for suspicious behaviour. Armouring intrusions e.g. have the ability to hide themselves from being checked. We present in this paper an alternative organisation of security systems. The node is completely virtualized with current virtualization systems so that the operating system with applications and the security system is distinguished. The security system then checks the node from outside and the right security components are provided through a service oriented architecture. Due to the running in a virtual machine, the infected nodes can be halted, duplicated, and moved to other nodes for further analysis and legal aspects. This organisation is in this article analysed and a preliminary implementation showing promising results are discussed.Comment: 4 page

    SANA - Network Protection through artificial Immunity

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    Current network protection systems use a collection of intelligent components - e.g. classifiers or rule-based firewall systems to detect intrusions and anomalies and to secure a network against viruses, worms, or trojans. However, these network systems rely on individuality and support an architecture with less collaborative work of the protection components. They give less administration support for maintenance, but offer a large number of individual single points of failures - an ideal situation for network attacks to succeed. In this work, we discuss the required features, the performance, and the problems of a distributed protection system called SANA. It consists of a cooperative architecture, it is motivated by the human immune system, where the components correspond to artificial immune cells that are connected for their collaborative work. SANA promises a better protection against intruders than common known protection systems through an adaptive self-management while keeping the resources efficiently by an intelligent reduction of redundant tasks. We introduce a library of several novel and common used protection components and evaluate the performance of SANA by a proof-of-concept implementation.Comment: 5 page

    Symbolic Computing with Incremental Mindmaps to Manage and Mine Data Streams - Some Applications

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    In our understanding, a mind-map is an adaptive engine that basically works incrementally on the fundament of existing transactional streams. Generally, mind-maps consist of symbolic cells that are connected with each other and that become either stronger or weaker depending on the transactional stream. Based on the underlying biologic principle, these symbolic cells and their connections as well may adaptively survive or die, forming different cell agglomerates of arbitrary size. In this work, we intend to prove mind-maps' eligibility following diverse application scenarios, for example being an underlying management system to represent normal and abnormal traffic behaviour in computer networks, supporting the detection of the user behaviour within search engines, or being a hidden communication layer for natural language interaction.Comment: 4 pages; 4 figure

    Responses to larval herbivory in the phenylpropanoid pathway of Ulmus minor are boosted by prior insect egg deposition

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    Main conclusion Elms, which have received insect eggs as a ‘warning’ of larval herbivory, enhance their anti-herbivore defences by accumulating salicylic acid and amplifying phenylpropanoid-related transcriptional and metabolic responses to hatching larvae. Abstract Plant responses to insect eggs can result in intensified defences against hatching larvae. In annual plants, this egg-mediated effect is known to be associated with changes in leaf phenylpropanoid levels. However, little is known about how trees—long-living, perennial plants—improve their egg-mediated, anti-herbivore defences. The role of phytohormones and the phenylpropanoid pathway in egg-primed anti-herbivore defences of a tree species has until now been left unexplored. Using targeted and untargeted metabolome analyses we studied how the phenylpropanoid pathway of Ulmus minor responds to egg-laying by the elm leaf beetle and subsequent larval feeding. We found that when compared to untreated leaves, kaempferol and quercetin concentrations increased in feeding-damaged leaves with prior egg deposition, but not in feeding-damaged leaves without eggs. PCR analyses revealed that prior insect egg deposition intensified feeding-induced expression of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), encoding the gateway enzyme of the phenylpropanoid pathway. Salicylic acid (SA) concentrations were higher in egg-treated, feeding-damaged leaves than in egg-free, feeding-damaged leaves, but SA levels did not increase in response to egg deposition alone—in contrast to observations made of Arabidopsis thaliana. Our results indicate that prior egg deposition induces a SA-mediated response in elms to feeding damage. Furthermore, egg deposition boosts phenylpropanoid biosynthesis in subsequently feeding-damaged leaves by enhanced PAL expression, which results in the accumulation of phenylpropanoid derivatives. As such, the elm tree shows similar, yet distinct, responses to insect eggs and larval feeding as the annual model plant A. thaliana

    Pine defense against eggs of an herbivorous sawfly is elicited by an annexin-like protein present in egg-associated secretion

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    Known elicitors of plant defenses against eggs of herbivorous insects are low-molecular-weight organic compounds associated with the eggs. However, previous studies provided evidence that also proteinaceous compounds present in secretion associated with eggs of the herbivorous sawfly Diprion pini can elicit defensive responses in Pinus sylvestris. Pine responses induced by the proteinaceous secretion are known to result in enhanced emission of (E)-β-farnesene, which attracts egg parasitoids killing the eggs. Here, we aimed to identify the defense-eliciting protein and elucidate its function. After isolating the defense-eliciting protein from D. pini egg-associated secretion by ultrafiltration and gel electrophoresis, we identified it by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry as an annexin-like protein, which we named ‘diprionin’. Further GC-MS analyses showed that pine needles treated with heterologously expressed diprionin released enhanced quantities of (E)-β-farnesene. Our bioassays confirmed attractiveness of diprionin-treated pine to egg parasitoids. Expression of several pine candidate genes involved in terpene biosynthesis and regulation of ROS homeostasis was similarly affected by diprionin and natural sawfly egg deposition. However, the two treatments had different effects on expression of pathogenesis-related genes (PR1, PR5). Diprionin is the first egg-associated proteinaceous elicitor of indirect plant defense against insect eggs described so far

    Responses to larval herbivory in the phenylpropanoid pathway of Ulmus minor are boosted by prior insect egg deposition

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    Plant responses to insect eggs can result in intensified defences against hatching larvae. In annual plants, this eggmediated effect is known to be associated with changes in leaf phenylpropanoid levels. However, little is known about how trees—long-living, perennial plants—improve their egg-mediated, anti-herbivore defences. The role of phytohormones and the phenylpropanoid pathway in egg-primed anti-herbivore defences of a tree species has until now been left unexplored. Using targeted and untargeted metabolome analyses we studied how the phenylpropanoid pathway of Ulmus minor responds to egg-laying by the elm leaf beetle and subsequent larval feeding. We found that when compared to untreated leaves, kaempferol and quercetin concentrations increased in feeding-damaged leaves with prior egg deposition, but not in feeding damaged leaves without eggs. PCR analyses revealed that prior insect egg deposition intensified feeding-induced expression of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), encoding the gateway enzyme of the phenylpropanoid pathway. Salicylic acid (SA) concentrations were higher in egg-treated, feeding-damaged leaves than in egg-free, feeding-damaged leaves, but SA levels did not increase in response to egg deposition alone—in contrast to observations made of Arabidopsis thaliana. Our results indicate that prior egg deposition induces a SA-mediated response in elms to feeding damage. Furthermore, egg deposition boosts phenylpropanoid biosynthesis in subsequently feeding-damaged leaves by enhanced PAL expression, which results in the accumulation of phenylpropanoid derivatives. As such, the elm tree shows similar, yet distinct, responses to insect eggs and larval feeding as the annual model plant A. thaliana.</p
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