2,170 research outputs found

    Imaging Spin Reorientation Transitions in Consecutive Atomic Co layers

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    By means of spin-polarized low-energy electron microscopy (SPLEEM) we show that the magnetic easy-axis of one to three atomic-layer thick cobalt films on ruthenium crystals changes its orientation twice during deposition: one-monolayer and three-monolayer thick films are magnetized in-plane, while two-monolayer films are magnetized out-of-plane, with a Curie temperature well above room temperature. Fully-relativistic calculations based on the Screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (SKKR) method demonstrate that only for two-monolayer cobalt films the interplay between strain, surface and interface effects leads to perpendicular magnetization.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Presented at the 2005 ECOSS conference in Berlin, and at the 2005 Fall meeting of the MRS. Accepted for publication at Phys. Rev. Lett., after minor change

    Technique and results after immediate orthotopic replantation of extracorporeally irradiated tumor bone autografts with and without fibular augmentation in extremity tumors

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    BACKGROUND Reconstruction of the skeletal defects resulting from the resection of bone tumors remains a considerable challenge and one of the possibilities is the orthotopic replantation of the irradiated bone autograft. One technical option with this technique is the addition of a vital autologous fibular graft, with or without microvascular anastomosis. The aim of our study was to evaluate the clinical results of the treatment of our patient cohort with a specific view to the role of fibular augmentation. METHODS Twenty-one patients with 22 reconstructions were included. In all cases, the bone tumor was resected with wide margins and in 21 of them irradiated with 300 Gy. In the first case, thermal sterilization in an autoclave was used. The autograft was orthotopically replanted and stabilized with plates and screws. Fifteen patients underwent an additional fibular augmentation, 8 of which received microvascular anastomoses or, alternatively, a locally pedicled fibular interposition. RESULTS the most common diagnosis was a Ewing sarcoma (8 cases) and the most common location was the femur (12 cases). The mean follow-up time was 70 months (16-154 months). For our statistical analysis, the one case with autoclave sterilization and 3 patients with tumors in small bones were excluded. During follow-up of 18 cases, 55.6% of patients underwent an average of 1.56 revision surgeries. Complete bony integration of the irradiated autografts was achieved in 88.9% of cases after 13.6 months on average. In those cases with successful reintegration, the autograft was shorter (n.s.). Microvascular anastomosis in vascularized fibular strut grafts did not significantly influence the rate of pseudarthrosis. CONCLUSIONS the replantation of extracorporeally irradiated bone autografts is an established method for the reconstruction of bone defects after tumor resection. Our rate of complications is comparable to those of other studies and with other methods of bone reconstruction (e.g. prosthesis). In our opinion, this method is especially well suited for younger patients with extraarticular bone tumors that allow for joint preservation. However, these patients should be ready to accept longer treatment periods

    Sarcomas of the extremities and the pelvis: comparing local recurrence after incisional and after core-needle biopsy

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    BACKGROUND The degree of contamination of healthy tissue with tumor cells during a biopsy in bone or soft tissue sarcomas is clearly dependant on the type of biopsy. Some studies have confirmed a clinically relevant contamination of the biopsy tract after incisional biopsies, as opposed to core-needle biopsies. The aim of our prospective study was to evaluate the risk of local recurrence depending on the biopsy type in extremity and pelvis sarcomas. METHODS We included 162 patients with a minimum follow-up of 6 months after wide resection of extremity sarcomas. All diagnostic and therapeutic procedures were performed at a single, dedicated sarcoma center. The excision of the biopsy tract after an incisional biopsy was performed as a standard with all tumor resections. All patients received their follow-up after the conclusion of therapy at our center by means of regional MRI studies and, at a minimum, CT of the thorax to rule out pulmonary metastatic disease. The aim of the study was the evaluation of the influence of the biopsy type and of several other clinical factors on the rate of local recurrence and on the time of local recurrence-free survival. RESULTS One hundred sixty-two patients with bone or soft tissue tumors of the extremities and the pelvis underwent either an incisional or a core-needle biopsy of their tumor, with 70 sarcomas (43.2%) being located in the bone. 84.6% of all biopsies were performed as core-needle biopsies. The median follow-up time was 55.6 months, and 22 patients (13.6%) developed a local recurrence after a median time of 22.4 months. There were no significant differences between incisional and core-needle biopsy regarding the risk of local recurrence in our subgroup analysis with differentiation by kind of tissue, grading of the sarcoma, and perioperative multimodal therapy. CONCLUSIONS In a large and homogenous cohort of extremity and pelvic sarcomas, we did not find significant differences between the groups of incisional and core-needle biopsy regarding the risk of local recurrence. The excision of the biopsy tract after incisional biopsy in the context of the definitive tumor resection seems to be the decisive factor for this result

    Enrichment of phosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) in a microfluidic model biofilm system by mimicking a typical aerobic granular sludge feast/famine regime

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    Wastewater treatment using aerobic granular sludge has gained increasing interest due to its advantages compared to conventional activated sludge. The technology allows simultaneous removal of organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in a single reactor system and is independent of space-intensive settling tanks. However, due to the microscale, an analysis of processes and microbial population along the radius of granules is challenging. Here, we introduce a model system for aerobic granular sludge on a small scale by using a machine-assisted microfluidic cultivation platform. With an implemented logic module that controls solenoid valves, we realized alternating oxic hunger and anoxic feeding phases for the biofilms growing within. Sampling during ongoing anoxic cultivation directly from the cultivation channel was achieved with a robotic sampling device. Analysis of the biofilms was conducted using optical coherence tomography, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and amplicon sequencing. Using this setup, it was possible to significantly enrich the percentage of polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAO) belonging to the family Rhodocyclaceae in the community compared to the starting inoculum. With the aid of this miniature model system, it is now possible to investigate the influence of a multitude of process parameters in a highly parallel way to understand and efficiently optimize aerobic granular sludge-based wastewater treatment systems

    Aneurysmal bone cyst: results of an off label treatment with Denosumab

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    Background The treatment of aneurysmal bone cysts (ABCs) has evolved and less invasive methods have been tried. Denosumab is a monoclonal antibody which inhibits osteoclasts. It has been shown to be effective in giant cell tumour of bone (GCT) of bone and hence promises some effect also in ABC. We report on 6 patients treated with Denosumab and compare our results to the cases already published. Methods Data of 6 patients with ABCs and patients whose treatment included Denosumab were retrospectively analyzed. Denosumab was used at a dose of 120 mg on days 1, 8, 15 and 29, and every 4 weeks thereafter. In some of these patients the dose was reduced at the end of the treatment. Clinical and radiological responses were evaluated. Results In 4 female and 2 male patients with a mean age of 17 years (range: 6–30 years) the lesions were located in the sacrum (2), in distal radius, distal femur, talus and pelvis. One of the sacral lesions healed after 12 months and has stayed stable for 3 years since. The second patient received 2 years of therapy with recalcification, but recurred 1 year later and is under renewed therapy. The pelvic lesion improved but recurred. This patient has a 13-years history of intermittent therapy including surgery, two pregnancies and remains in a stable situation. The lesion of the talus did not improve with Denosumab after surgery and was complicated by destruction of the ankle joint with osteoarthritis. Recurrent lesions of the distal femur and the distal radius, previously treated by curettage and bone grafting healed under Denosumab and have remained stable for 2 and 3 years, respectively. One case of severe hypercalcemia was observed in a 7-year old child 6 months after discontinuation of Denosumab. Conclusion Denosumab provides a treatment option for ABCs in anatomically critical locations. Adjuvant application might reduce the rate of local recurrence. In young patients, severe rebound hypercalcemia months after discontinuation of Denosumab may occur

    The impact of fetal gender on prematurity in dichorionic twin gestations after in vitro fertilization

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Impact of fetal gender on prematurity has been primarily investigated in singleton pregnancies. In an attempt to understand better how fetal gender may affect gestational length in twin gestations after in vitro fertilization, same-sex twins and opposite twins were compared for pregnancy duration.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study evaluated 113 women at ages 20 to 39 years with consecutive dichorionic-diamniotic twin gestations after assisted reproduction. All pregnancies were results of fresh in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles with use of autologous oocytes and sperm and were delivered at up to 37 weeks of gestation at a University-based high-risk, maternal-fetal medicine unit.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both groups did not differ in baseline characteristics, such as maternal ages, indications for fertility treatments, number of previous IVF attempts, body mass index and parity. Opposite sex- twins, however, presented with significantly shorter gestational age at birth (32.9 +/- 3.4 weeks) than same-sex twins (34.3 +/- 2.5 weeks), (p < 0.05). Younger maternal age was also associated with shorter pregnancy duration (p < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Fetal gender mix serves as risk factor for more significant prematurity in dichorionic-diamniotic twins after assisted reproduction with opposite sex twins at higher risk than same sex-twins.</p

    Survival and prognostic factors in conventional G1 chondrosarcoma

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    Background Chondrosarcoma is the second most frequent malignant bone tumor. Grade I chondrosarcoma (syn.: atypical cartilaginous tumor) is classified as an intermediately and locally aggressive neoplasm and typically is treated less aggressively (i.e., by intralesional curettage). Does the data regarding local recurrence (LR) and metastatic disease justify this? Methods From 1982 to 2014, 37 consecutive patients with G1 chondrosarcoma had been resected or curetted. The margin was defined as R0 (wide resection) or R1 (marginal resection). All patients were followed for evidence of local recurrence or metastatic disease. Overall and recurrence-free survival were calculated, and various potentially prognostic factors were evaluated. Results In 23 patients (62%), the tumor was widely (R0) resected, whereas in 14 patients, (38%) the resection was marginal (R1). Overall survival was 97% after 5 years, 92% after 10 years, and 67% after 20 years. Five-year local recurrence-free survival was 96%. Ten-year local recurrence-free survival was 83%. Local recurrence-free survival showed a significant correlation to margin status but no correlation to location or age. None of the patients with local recurrence died during the follow-up. One patient had metastatic disease at initial presentation, and a further five patients developed metastatic disease during follow-up. Metastatic disease proofed to be a highly significant factor for survival but was not correlated to local recurrence. Conclusions There was no significant correlation between the outcome and the primary tumor location. Marginal resection was a risk factor for LR, but there was no significant difference in the overall survival in patients with or without LR. Metastatic disease (16%) was more common than expected from the literature and a significant predictor for poor overall survival

    A Magnetosome-Based Platform for Flow Biocatalysis

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    Biocatalysis in flow reactor systems is of increasing importance for the transformation of the chemical industry. However, the necessary immobilization of biocatalysts remains a challenge. We here demonstrate that biogenic magnetic nanoparticles, so-called magnetosomes, represent an attractive alternative for the development of nanoscale particle formulations to enable high and stable conversion rates in biocatalytic flow processes. In addition to their intriguing material characteristics, such as high crystallinity, stable magnetic moments, and narrow particle size distribution, magnetosomes offer the unbeatable advantage over chemically synthesized nanoparticles that foreign protein “cargo” can be immobilized on the enveloping membrane via genetic engineering and thus, stably presented on the particle surface. To exploit these advantages, we develop a modular connector system in which abundant magnetosome membrane anchors are genetically fused with SpyCatcher coupling groups, allowing efficient covalent coupling with complementary SpyTag-functionalized proteins. The versatility of this approach is demonstrated by immobilizing a dimeric phenolic acid decarboxylase to SpyCatcher magnetosomes. The functionalized magnetosomes outperform similarly functionalized commercial particles by exhibiting stable substrate conversion during a 60 h period, with an average space–time yield of 49.2 mmol L–1 h–1. Overall, our results demonstrate that SpyCatcher magnetosomes significantly expand the genetic toolbox for particle surface functionalization and increase their application potential as nano-biocatalysts

    Observation of Atomic Oxygen in the Mesosphere and Thermosphere of Earth with the THz Heterodyne Spectrometer GREAT

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    Atomic oxygen governs photochemistry and energy balance of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere of the Earth. Its concentration is extremely difficult to measure with remote sensing techniques since it has only few optically active transitions. Current indirect measurements involve photochemical models and the results are not always in agreement, particularly when obtained with different instruments. In addition, altitudes above 100 km are not covered by these methods. We report on direct measurements of the 4.7-THz fine-structure transition of atomic oxygen at 4.7448 THz using the German Receiver for Astronomy at Terahertz Frequencies on board the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy. Our measurements agree well with atmospheric models and satellite observations below 100 km
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