248 research outputs found

    Classical and Quantum Bianchi Type III vacuum Horava - Lifshitz Cosmology

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    A diagonal Bianchi Type III space-time is treated, both at the classical and quantum level, in the context of Horava - Lifshitz gravity. The system of the classical equations of motion is reduced to one independent Abel's equation of the first kind. Closed form solution are presented for various values of the coupling constants appearing in the action. Due to the method used, solutions of Euclidean, Lorentzian and neutral signature are attained. The solutions corresponding to \lamda 1 are seen to develop curvature singularities as the other constants approach their Einsteinian values, in contrast to those with \lamda = 1 which tend to the known Einstein gravity solutions. At the quantum level, the resulting Wheeler-DeWitt equation is explicitly solved for \lamda = 1, \sigma = 0 and \lamda = 1/3 . The ensuing wave-functions diverge in the Einsteinian limit.Comment: LaTeX 2e source file, 17 pages, no figure

    Cosmological Solutions in Multiscalar Field Theory

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    We consider a cosmological model with two scalar fields minimally coupled to gravity which have a mixed kinetic term. Hence, Chiral cosmology is included in our analysis. The coupling function and the potential function, which depend on one of the fields, characterize the model we study. We prove the existence of exact solutions that are of special interest for the cosmological evolution. Furthermore, we provide with a methodology that relates the scale factor behaviour to the free functions characterizing the scalar field kinetic term coupling and potential. We derive the necessary conditions that connect these two functions so that the relative cosmological solutions can be admitted. We find that unified dark matter and dark energy solutions are allowed by the theory in various scenarios involving the aforementioned functions.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, Latex2e source file, revised to agree with the accepted EPJC versio

    Canonical Quantization of the BTZ Black Hole using Noether Symmetries

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    The well-known BTZ black hole solution of (2+1) Einstein's gravity, in the presence of a cosmological constant, is treated both at the classical and quantum level. Classically, the imposition of the two manifest local Killing fields of the BTZ geometry at the level of the full action results in a mini-superspace constraint action with the radial coordinate playing the role of the independent dynamical variable. The Noether symmetries of this reduced action are then shown to completely determine the classical solution space, without any further need to solve the dynamical equations of motion. At a quantum mechanical level, all the admissible sets of the quantum counterparts of the generators of the above mentioned symmetries are utilized as supplementary conditions acting on the wave-function. These additional restrictions, in conjunction with the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, help to determine (up to constants) the wave-function which is then treated semiclassically, in the sense of Bohm. The ensuing space-times are, either identical to the classical geometry, thus exhibiting a good correlation of the corresponding quantization to the classical theory, or are less symmetric but exhibit no Killing or event horizon and no curvature singularity, thus indicating a softening of the classical conical singularity of the BTZ geometry.Comment: 24 pages, no figures, LaTeX 2e source fil
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