13 research outputs found

    Standards-Aligned Math Curriculum, Student Demographics, and School Improvement: an Investigation of Illinois’ Lowest-Performing K-8 Schools

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    The purpose of this study was to provide a greater understanding of the broader characteristics of the lowest performing elementary and middle schools in Illinois, as little analysis of this data had been conducted. Furthermore, little to no research has explored the vertical and horizontal alignment of math curricula and its correlation to achievement scores. The results of the study suggest that the impact of Covid-19 has taken a toll on our K-12 students and teachers, as well as leaders. There is a higher percentage of principal turnover in the last six years, in schools summatively designated comprehensive, that have students of color, low-income students, and English Learners. Another key finding from this research shows that effective strategies are needed to support school improvement in schools with a high percentage of students of color and low income. To positively impact school improvement practices in the lowest performing schools, having ongoing conversations about best practices in school improvement in our schools, will help develop the foundation for building the capacity of school leaders to implement and sustain effective school improvement practices

    The Double-Edged Sword of Standardized Testing

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    Assessment in Pk-12 schools has always been a challenge. Measurement and comparison of students, schools, school districts and states provides accountability for all stakeholders in education. Standardized testing has become the norm, but it is overused. The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers is one test adopted on a large scale to measure whether students are prepared for college and career. Parents are one of the stakeholders who had had concerns about another standardized test, but they also recognize the need. A survey was conducted of parents whose children took PARCC to learn their expectations of the test, how the results measured to their expectations, and what they wished the results could provide. Parents were mixed regarding their perceptions of the usefulness of the results, The authors provide suggestions for future standardized test adoption

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    Microbes, radionucléides, poussières, virus, particules fines, nanoparticules… : au fur et à mesure du développement de techniques pour voir et agir à des échelles de plus en plus petites, de nouvelles entités peuplent l’expérience humaine du monde. Peu, voire non visibles, proliférantes, incertaines ou instables, elles émerveillent, elles inquiètent. Elles appellent aussi, parce qu’elles sont trop petites pour être immédiatement ou facilement saisissables à l’échelle du corps humain, à des manières spécifiques de faire avec