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    El diálogo socrático como camino hacia la admiración y la Aletheia dentro de una investigación-acción cualitativa

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    In qualitative and action research, through Socratic dialogue, the researcher can help participants past a cognitive approach to the phenomenon, into a community of wonder (thaumazein), past observation of lived experience to foreboding and finally to openness. This openness serves as a ground for truth (aletheia). Researchers who try the Socratic approach may find it rewarding in the journey and in the research produced.En la investigación-acción de carácter cualitativo el investigador puede, por medio del diálogo socrático, ayudar a los participantes a transitar desde un acercamiento cognitivo a uno fenomenológico si se ubican en el seno de una comunidad de admiración (thaumazein), desde observación de las experiencias de vida a la intuición y al estado de apertura. Esta apertura es la base de la verdad (aletheia). Los investigadores que usen el enfoque socrático encontrarán recompensas tanto en su trabajo como en los resultados de sus indagaciones

    Personality Development in Emerging and Young Adulthood: A Study of Age Differences

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    Early adulthood is a time of substantial personality change characterized by large inter–individual diversity. To investigate the role of age in this diversity, the present study examined whether emerging adults differ from an older group of young adults in their Big Five personality development. By means of multi–group latent change modelling, two groups of 16– to 19–year–olds ( n = 3555) and 26– to 29–year–olds ( n = 2621) were tracked over the course of four years and compared regarding four aspects of personality change: mean–level change, rank–order change, inter–individual differences in change, and profile change. In addition, age–differential socialization effects associated with six first–time life events were investigated. Analyses revealed substantial age differences in all four aspects of change. As expected, emerging adults showed greater change and diversity in change than young adults. However, the six life events had no age–differential impact on change in single traits and Big Five profiles. Overall, the results indicate that age differences should be considered even in specific life stages to advance the understanding of personality development

    Case Report: Concomitant Diagnosis of Plasma Cell Leukemia in Patient With JAK2 Positive Myeloproliferative Neoplasm.

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    Plasma cell dyscrasias and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) are hematologic malignancies arising from two distinct hematopoietic cell lineages. They rarely occur concomitantly. Here, we report a case of a patient with a recent diagnosis of a JAK2 V617F positive MPN who presented with a new diagnosis of plasma cell leukemia. The patient had presented to the hospital with a leukocytosis predominantly comprised of plasma cells, followed by work-up involving peripheral blood flow cytometry, FISH analysis, and bone-marrow biopsy. FISH analysis was suggestive of a common progenitor cell for these distinct hematologic malignancies. To our knowledge, this case represents the second reported instance of a concomitant JAK2 positive MPN with primary plasma cell leukemia

    Social experiments and students narratives as pedagogical praxis when transitioning from school to work:Socially vulnerable youths' perspectives on the transition from school to qualifying education or work

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    Socialt udsatte unges overgang til arbejde eller en kompetencegivende uddannelse har været et samfundsproblem i adskillige år. Formålet med denne artikel er at argumentere for behovet for at udvikle alternativer til de dominerende tilrettelæggelser af uddannelser, der tager sigte på at fremme socialt udsatte unges adgang til en kompetencegivende ungdomsuddannelse eller et erhvervsarbejde. Artiklen vil diskutere, hvordan aktionsforskning kan bidrage til etablering af eksperimentelle pædagogiske tilrettelæggelser og aktiviteter. Artiklen vil diskutere betydningen af at etablere fremtidsværksteder, praktiske værksteder og events, hvor man søger at aktivere elevernes livserfaringer og gøre disse erfaringer til centrum for læreprocessen. Der argumenteres for betydningen af tilrettelæggelse af alternative sociale eksperimenter i et samarbejde mellem socialt udsatte elever, faglærere og forskere ud fra et demokratiserende sigte og et bæredygtighedsperspektiv. Endelig vil vi i artiklen med baggrund i en elevs livshistoriske fortælling argumentere for betydningen af elevernes læringsparathed og deres bearbejdning af personlige livshistoriske erfaringer som en central faktor i overgangen fra skole og til enten en kompetencegivende uddannelse eller et arbejde