9 research outputs found

    Traitements spécialisés des personnes ayant des problèmes concomitants de santé mentale et toxicomanie : un modèle intégrant la thérapie dialectique comportementale

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    Cet article décrit un programme de traitements intégrés pour personnes ayant des troubles comorbides de santé mentale et de toxicomanie. La thérapie dialectique comportementale (TDC) a été développée à l'origine par Linehan (l993a ; 1993b) à l'intention des individus souffrant de troubles de personnalité limite et chroniquement suicidaires. Ses principes ont fourni le cadre pour l'organisation d'un programme de traitements spécialisés dans les domaines suivants : toxicomanie et trouble de personnalité limite, troubles liés aux substances et colère, et troubles liés aux substances et troubles alimentaires. Un aperçu de la TDC et les raisons qui appuient un programme concomitant basé sur cette approche sont discutés. On décrit les protocoles pour trois sous-groupes de patients, en portant une attention particulière aux similitudes et aux différences avec le protocole standard de la TDC. Les éléments principaux du programme sont soulignés.Specialized treatment for individuals with co-occuring mental health and substance use disorders : a model for integrating dialectical behaviour therapy This article describes an integrated treatment program for individuals with concurrent mental health and substance use disorders. Principles of dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), originally developed by Linehan (l993a ; 1993b) for chronically suicidal individuals with borderline personality disorder, provided the framework for the organization of a program of specialized treatment services in the following areas ; substance use and borderline personality disorder, substance use and anger, and substance use and eating disorders. An overview of DBT and the rationale for founding a concurrent disorder program upon this approach is discussed. A description of our treatment protocols for the three subgroups of concurrent disordered patients is provided with attention to the similarities and differences from the standard DBT protocol. The principal elements of the program are highlighted.Tratamiento especialisado para indivduos con coacontecimiento de desordenes de salud mental y de abuso de sustancias: un modelo para integrar la terapia dialectica behavioral Este artículo describe un programa de tratamiento integrado para individuos con un coacontecimiento de desordenes de salud mental y uso de sustancia. Principios de la terapia dialectica behavioral (DBT), desarrollada por Linehan (1993a; 1993b) para individuos crónicamente suicida con un desorden de personalidad límite (borderline) constituye el cuadro para la organisación de un programa de servicios especialisados en los campos siguientes: uso de sustancia y desorden de personalidad límite, uso de sustancia y cólera, uso de sustancia y turbios alimentarios. Un sobrevuelto del DBT y la racionalización para fundar un programa conjunto de desordenes basado sobre esta aproximación esta discutido. Una descripción del protocolo de tratamiento por los tres subgrupos de patientes con desordenes esta dado con una atención a las similitudes y diferencias del protocolo estándar DBT. Elementos del progama estan subrayados

    The Relationship between Concurrent Substance Use Disorders and Eating Disorders with Personality Disorders

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    Objective: The current pilot study investigated whether patients with concurrent substance use disorders and eating disorders (SUD and ED) who experienced a reduction in SUD and ED symptoms following treatment for SUD and ED also experienced a reduction in personality disorder (PD) symptoms. Method: Twenty patients with SUD and ED and PD were assessed pre and post treatment using clinical interviews, self-report questionnaires, and a therapist questionnaire on DSM-IV-TR symptoms for PD. Results: Symptoms for the personality disorders were reduced following treatment. This reduction was correlated with a decrease in the number of symptoms of ED at post treatment. Discussion: Chronic concurrent SUD and ED may make it difficult to separate PD symptoms from co-occurring disorders. Many features attributed to PDs may be reduced when problematic substance use and disordered eating are addressed, a fact that may increase clinician and patients’optimism about therapeutic change

    An Eight Component Decision-Making Model for Problem Gambling:A Systems Approach to Stimulate Integrative Research

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    Problem Gambling (PG) represents a serious problem for affected individuals, their families and society in general. Previous approaches to understanding PG have been confined to only a subset of the psychobiological factors influencing PG. We present a model that attempts to integrate potential causal factors across levels of organization, providing empirical evidence from the vast literature on PG and complimentary literatures in decision-making and addiction. The model posits that components are arranged systematically to bias decisions in favor of either immediately approaching or avoiding targets affording the opportunity for immediate reward. Dopamine, Testosterone and Endogenous Opioids favor immediate approach, while Serotonin and Cortisol favor inhibition. Glutamate is involved in associative learning between stimuli and promotes the approach response through its link to the DA reward system. GABA functions to monitor performance and curb impulsive decision-making. Finally, while very high levels of Norepinephrine can induce arousal to an extent that is detrimental to sound decision-making, the reactivity of the Norepinephrine system and its effects of Cortisol levels can shift the focus towards long-term consequences, thereby inhibiting impulsive decisions. Empirical evidence is provided showing the effects of each component on PG and decision-making across behavioural, neuropsychological, functional neuroimaging and genetic levels. Last, an effect size analysis of the growing pharmacotherapy literature is presented. It is hoped that this model will stimulate multi-level research to solidify our comprehension of biased decision-making in PG and suggest pharmacological and psychological approaches to treatment

    The Relationship between Concurrent Substance Use Disorders and Eating Disorders with Personality Disorders

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    Objective: The current pilot study investigated whether patients with concurrent substance use disorders and eating disorders (SUD and ED) who experienced a reduction in SUD and ED symptoms following treatment for SUD and ED also experienced a reduction in personality disorder (PD) symptoms. Method: Twenty patients with SUD and ED and PD were assessed pre and post treatment using clinical interviews, self-report questionnaires, and a therapist questionnaire on DSM-IV-TR symptoms for PD. Results: Symptoms for the personality disorders were reduced following treatment. This reduction was correlated with a decrease in the number of symptoms of ED at post treatment. Discussion: Chronic concurrent SUD and ED may make it difficult to separate PD symptoms from co-occurring disorders. Many features attributed to PDs may be reduced when problematic substance use and disordered eating are addressed, a fact that may increase clinician and patients’optimism about therapeutic change