1,574 research outputs found

    Discursive representations of cities in northeast Germany

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    Discursive representations are some of the most important ascriptions for cities and regions in the neo-liberal competition for inhabitants, tourists and companies. This holds especially true for shrinking regions since they feel the pressure of interregional and international rivalry particularly strongly. These representations are formed through language and actions. By analyzing three German cities – Rostock, Stralsund, Greifswald – this paper explores the role of print media in the production of discursive representations in an urban context. Through the methodologic approach of a lexicometric discourse analysis nearly 2000 articles spanning the years 2009 to 2018 were taken from the Süddeutsche Tageszeitung (SZ) and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), two of Germany’s biggest and most read national daily newspapers, and were analyzed. While the media coverage of Rostock and Greifswald seem to attest a strong and dynamic position that seems to neglect the stigmata attached to shrinking cities and regions, Stralsund seems to play a minor role and might really be caught up in a shrinking discourse

    Ignition of dispersed coal in local conductive heating conditions

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    Present work studies the ignition of a brown coal by a hot metal particle. The experiments establish the limits of the gas-phase ignition and ignition delay times in conditions whee the metal particle situated on the surface of dispersed coal layer. The coal particle size was different in different series of experiments, and it was ranged from 0.1 to 1 mm; the shapes of the metal particles were sphere, disk, and cube; their initial temperature varied between 1000 and 1400 K. Three modes of gas-phase ignition of coal were established with the ignition zone of volatiles located in the vicinity of the hot particle. The practical application of obtained results is the development of fire prevention guidelines for tightening fire safety management at productions dealing with coal mining, transportation

    Embedded Vortices

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    We present a discussion of embedded vortices in general Yang-Mills theories. The origin of a family structure of solutions is shown to be group theoretic in nature and a procedure for its determination is developed. Vortex stability can be quantified into three types: Abelian topological stability, non-Abelian topological stability, and dynamical stability; we relate these to the family structure of vortices, in particular discussing how Abelian topological and dynamical stability are related. The formalism generally encompasses embedded domain walls and embedded monopoles also.Comment: final corrections. latex fil

    Wechselseitiger Einfluss des Wassergehaltes des Bodens und der Phytin-Zufuhr auf die Phosphor-Ernährung von Pflanzen

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    In drei Gefäßversuchen wurde der wechselseitige Einfluss des Wassergehaltes des Bodens und der Phytin-Zufuhr auf die P-Ernährung von Sorghum, Amarant, Raps und Roggen untersucht. Schlussfolgernd kann festgestellt werden, dass Ca-Phytat zur P-Ernährung von Fruchtarten bei geringen Bodenwassergehalten beiträgt. Die Wirkung von Ca-Phytat auf die P-Nutzung der Fruchtarten bleibt jedoch hinter der Wirkung einer mineralischen P-Zufuhr zurück. Die P-Nutzung unter Trockenstress ist zudem abhängig von den kulturenspezifischen Anpassungen an Wasser- und P-Mangel

    Talk, tools, and tensions: observing biological talk over time

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    The goal of this study is to explore new tools for analyzing scientific sense making in out-of-school settings. Although such measures are now common in science classroom research, dialogically-based methodological approaches are relatively new to informal learning research. Such out-of-classroom settings have more recently become a breeding ground for new design approaches for tracking scientific talk and ideas within complex data sets. The research reported here seeks to understand the language people do use to make sense of the life sciences over time. Another goal of this study is to track biological themes over time, using a new analytical scheme, Tool for Observing Biological Talk Over Time (TOBTOT). Our analyses are linked to and informed by tensions between particularistic and holistic data collection and analysis, qualitative and quantitative representations, and everyday and formal science discourse. These tensions and our analyses are linked to larger theoretical frameworks and to the recursive interplay between theory and practice

    Combined effects of drought and phosphorous deficiency on physiological and biochemical indices of soybean plants

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    An outdoor pot experiment was carried out to determine the combined effect of water stress and phosphorous (P) deficiency in soil on physiological and biochemical indices of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). The soil used was collected at a depth of 10 -30 cm of a long-term field experiment with a suboptimal P supply (Pdl 30 mg/kg soil). It was classified as loamy sand. Water treatments included two levels of water supply - 70% (control) and 30 % (drought) of soil water holding capacity and were applied during eight weeks. The results revealed that water deficit induced inhibition of growth processes, accompanied by a significant reduction of the plant height and shoot biomass, as well as P, K, Ca, Mg, and N uptake by plants. We also found a decrease in the activities of nitrate reductase, glutamine synthetase, and glycolate oxidase in leaves of the stressed plants. On the other hand, proline was accumulated in the leaves under water and P deficiency. Similarly, the activities of acid phosphate (AcP), alkaline phosphatise (AlP), and phosphodiesterase (PDE) in leaves were higher under P and water stress conditions. The average values of AcP for both water treatments were about 4 times higher than those of AlP and PDE. These data highlighted the important role of enzymes for plants under stress conditions

    Verb generation in children with spina bifida.

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    We investigated verb generation in children with spina bifida meningomyelocele (SBM; n = 55) and in typically developing controls (n = 32). Participants completed 6 blocks (40 trials each) of a task requiring them to produce a semantically related verb in response to a target noun and an additional 40 trials on which they were simply required to read target nouns aloud. After controlling for reading response time, groups did not differ significantly in verb generation response time or learning. Children with SBM produced more non-verb errors than controls and tended to repeat their mistakes over blocks. Verb generation performance was associated with brain volume measures in participants with SBM. Congenital cerebellar dysmorphology is associated with impaired performance in verb generation accuracy, although not with increased response times to produce verb

    Does Capnography Monitoring Reduce the Occurrence of Code Blue?

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    Nursing Scholarship Symposium Event Posters.https://scholarlycommons.libraryinfo.bhs.org/nurs_presentations/1003/thumbnail.jp

    'It's a film' : medium specificity as textual gesture in Red road and The unloved

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    British cinema has long been intertwined with television. The buzzwords of the transition to digital media, 'convergence' and 'multi-platform delivery', have particular histories in the British context which can be grasped only through an understanding of the cultural, historical and institutional peculiarities of the British film and television industries. Central to this understanding must be two comparisons: first, the relative stability of television in the duopoly period (at its core, the licence-funded BBC) in contrast to the repeated boom and bust of the many different financial/industrial combinations which have comprised the film industry; and second, the cultural and historical connotations of 'film' and 'television'. All readers of this journal will be familiar – possibly over-familiar – with the notion that 'British cinema is alive and well and living on television'. At the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century, when 'the end of medium specificity' is much trumpeted, it might be useful to return to the historical imbrication of British film and television, to explore both the possibility that medium specificity may be more nationally specific than much contemporary theorisation suggests, and to consider some of the relationships between film and television manifest at a textual level in two recent films, Red Road (2006) and The Unloved (2009)