34 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic tree of 38 alpha HPV isolates, constructed to assess the resequencing microarray approach.

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    <p>The tree was constructed from the 416–base sequences of part of the L1 ORF in the different HPVs. The tree was generated by the neighbor-joining method using BioNumerics v5.10 software (Applied-Maths, Belgium). HPV sequences tiled on RMA (red squares), location of RASs on the tree (blue circles) and cloned HPVs tested with RMAs (green triangles) are indicated.</p

    Genotyping of HPV from cervical smears using the PapilloCheck kit and resequecing microarray.

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    a<p>ASCUS: Atypical Squamous Cells of Unknown Significance; ASCH: Atypical squamous cells cannot exclude HSIL; LSIL: Low-grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion; HSIL: High-grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion;</p>b<p>As determined by quantitative real-time PCR.</p>c<p>Neg: Negative; HPV genotypes detected by RMA and unidentifiable by the PapilloCheck kit are indicated in bold; HPV genotypes not detected by at least one of the two methods are underlined.</p><p>Genotyping of HPV from cervical smears using the PapilloCheck kit and resequecing microarray.</p

    Identification of HPV18 and other HPVs with homonymous and non homonymous sequences.

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    a<p>Ratio between the number of bases determined and the sequence length.</p><p>Values in bold correspond to the call rate value, NBlast score and result of BLAST of HPVs tested with the homonymous sequence. Neg: Negative; N.A: Not applicable; Und.: Undetermined.</p><p>Identification of HPV18 and other HPVs with homonymous and non homonymous sequences.</p

    Repeatability of RMA assay with cloned HPV16 DNA and biological sample with HPV16 monoinfection.

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    a<p>Ratio between the number of bases determined and the sequence length.</p>b<p>Microarray assays were done in triplicate.</p><p>Repeatability of RMA assay with cloned HPV16 DNA and biological sample with HPV16 monoinfection.</p

    Resequencing microarray assays with cloned HPV DNA.

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    a<p>Ratio between the number of bases determined and the sequence length.</p>b<p>Ratio between the number of correctly determined bases and the total number of determined bases.</p>c<p>The score of the highest scoring high-scoring segment pair (HSP) from that database sequence.</p><p>Resequencing microarray assays with cloned HPV DNA.</p

    Identification of HPV16 and other HPVs with homonymous and non homonymous sequences.

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    a<p>Ratio between the number of bases determined and the sequence length.</p><p>Values in bold correspond to the call rate value, NBlast score and result of BLAST of HPVs tested with the homonymous sequence. Neg: Negative; N.A: Not applicable; Und.: Undetermined.</p><p>Identification of HPV16 and other HPVs with homonymous and non homonymous sequences.</p

    Identification of HPVs belonging to the α6 family based on homonymous and reconstructed ancestral sequences.

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    a<p>The call rate value for HPVs tested with its homonymous sequence is indicated in boldface.</p><p>Identification of HPVs belonging to the α6 family based on homonymous and reconstructed ancestral sequences.</p