11,139 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Marketing Mix (7P) terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Konsumen (Studi pada House Of Moo, Semarang)

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    At this time the development of the restaurant business in Semarang so rapidly. The restaurant business developments create new players emerge, including from the students themselves. House of Moo is a dairy restaurant which located in the area Tembalang. Due to the many new players, companies need to examine existing consumer behavior and the factors that influence purchase decisions in marketing a product. This research was conducted explanatory causal quantitatively. Causal quantitative methods, is also a character study can be calculated numbers with statistical methods. The results showed that all variable marketing mix (7P) have positive effect on consumer purchasing decisions in the House of Moo, but there is one variable that does not significantly influence the purchasing decision. the variable is the process variable. While the variables that have the greatest influence on consumer purchasing decisions is physical evidence variable. This can result from data processing where the value t and the coefficient of determination of these variables have the greatest value of other variables

    Kemampuan Pengikut Memberi Pengaruh terhadap Pemimpin

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    The aim of this article is to find whether it is possible for follower to influenced the leader. Here we have five followership style: alienated, passive, conformist, effective, and pragmatic survivor according to two dimensions. The first dimension is the quality of independent, critical thinking versus dependent, uncritical thinking. The second dimension is active versus passive behavior. The result shows that only effective follower are essential for an organization, and they are able to give some influence to the leader. Even the follower can have power over the leader if he or she control something that desired by the leader and this condition can create dependency of the leader to him or her. Many tactics can be used to influence the leader, such as reason, coalition, bargaining, assertiveness, and higher authority. Compensation for effective follower is career development, good personal relationship, and trust from the organization

    Analisis Kualitas Layanan Fungsi Sumber Daya Manusia sebagai Mitra Bisnis Menurut Persepsi Karyawan di PT X

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    The purpose of this research is finding how is the HR function's service quality as a business partner in PT X according to employee perception. Employees are one of the stakeholders and internal customer of HR function. There are four roles for HR to be a business partner; they are strategic partner, change agent, administrative expert, and employee champion. This research shows that HR role's performance is good in administrative expert, but for three others roles are moderate. Beside that, employee's expectation for all roles is in good scale. We find that service quality, which is the gap between performance and expectation's result are: HR service quality in the role of strategic partner, administrative expert, and employee champion is very satisfied, but in change agent is satisfied. Based on further analysis, we found that there is none in HR function service quality which is first priority to be improved in its four roles. Many factors are good and should be maintained the service quality for each role. There are some factors which include in second priority to be improved in each role. For next research, HR function service quality analysis should be seen not only from employees' perspective, but also from other stakeholder point of view

    Roscoe Reid Graham (1890 to 1948): a Canadian pioneer in general surgery.

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    Roscoe Reid Graham, a Canadian surgeon trained at the University of Toronto, was a true pioneer in the field of general surgery. Although he may be best known for his omental patch repair of perforated duodenal ulcers-often referred to as the Graham patch -he had a number of other significant accomplishments that decorated his surgical career. Dr. Graham is credited with being the first surgeon to successfully enucleate an insulinoma. He ventured to do an essentially brand new operation based solely on his patient\u27s symptoms and physical findings, a courageous move that even some of the most talented surgeons would shy away from. He also spent a large portion of his career dedicated to the study of rectal prolapse, working tirelessly to rid his patients of this awful affliction. He was recognized by a number of different surgical associations for his operative successes and was awarded membership to those both in Canada and the United States. Despite all of these accolades, Dr. Graham remained grounded and always fervent in his dedication to the patient and their presenting symptom(s), reminding us that to do anything more would be meddlesome. In an age when medical professionals are often all too eager to make unnecessary interventions, it is imperative that we look back at our predecessors such as Roscoe Reid Graham, for they will continually redirect us toward our one and only obligation: the patient

    Magnetic Fields in Star-Forming Molecular Clouds I. The First Polarimetry of OMC-3 in Orion A

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    The first polarimetric images of the OMC-3 region of the Orion A filamentary molecular cloud are presented. Using the JCMT, we have detected polarized thermal emission at 850 microns from dust along a 6' length of the dense filament. The polarization pattern is highly ordered and is aligned with the filament throughout most of the region. The plane-of-sky magnetic field direction is perpendicular to the measured polarization. The mean percentage polarization is 4.2% with a 1 sigma dispersion of 1%. This region is part of the integral-shaped filament, and active star formation is ongoing along its length. The protostellar outflow directions do not appear to be consistently correlated with the direction of the plane-of-sky field or the filament structure itself. Depolarization toward the filament center, previously detected in many other star-forming cores and protostars, is also evident in our data. (abstract abridged)Comment: 9 pages plus 2 figures (1 colour); accepted for publication in the March 10, 2000 issue (vol. 531 #2) of The Astrophysical Journa

    A Multi-wavelength Study of the Host Environment of SMBHB 4C+37.11

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    4C+37.11, at z=0.055 shows two compact radio nuclei, imaged by VLBI at 7mas separation, making it the closest known resolved super-massive black hole binary (SMBHB). An important question is whether this unique object is young, caught on the way to a gravitational in-spiral and merger, or has `stalled' at 7pc. We describe new radio/optical/X-ray observations of the massive host and its surrounding X-ray halo. These data reveal X-ray/optical channels following the radio outflow and large scale edges in the X-ray halo. These structures are promising targets for further study which should elucidate their relationship to the unique SMBHB core.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    The REVERE project:Experiments with the application of probabilistic NLP to systems engineering

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    Despite natural language’s well-documented shortcomings as a medium for precise technical description, its use in software-intensive systems engineering remains inescapable. This poses many problems for engineers who must derive problem understanding and synthesise precise solution descriptions from free text. This is true both for the largely unstructured textual descriptions from which system requirements are derived, and for more formal documents, such as standards, which impose requirements on system development processes. This paper describes experiments that we have carried out in the REVERE1 project to investigate the use of probabilistic natural language processing techniques to provide systems engineering support

    Penentuan Kadmium Dalam Produk Perikanan Dengan Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

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    Penentuan kadmium dalam produk perikanan telah dilakukan menggunakan Graphite Furnace AtomicAbsorption Spectrometry (GF-AAS) dengan magnesium nitrat sebagai matrix modifier, platform atomizationtype A dengan sensitifitas yang tinggi untuk pengukuran kadmium, dan koreksi latar belakang Zeeman. Metodeanalisis telah divalidasi berdasarkan parameter-parameter kimia analitik. Sebanyak 0,5 g sampel produkperikanan didestruksi menggunakan microwave digestion systems dengan menambahkan 5 mL asam nitrat pekatdan 2 mL hidrogen peroksida 30%, kemudian larutan hasil destruksi diencerkan hingga 25 g. Dari larutan inidibuat sederet larutan untuk pengukuran secara adisi standar, dan diukur dengan GF-AAS. Akurasi metodedilakukan dengan menganalisis bahan acuan bersertifikat DORM 3 Fish Protein Certified Reference Materialfor Trace Metals dari National Research Council Canada dengan nilai recovery sebesar 99,9 ± 0,8%. Dari hasilpenelitian ini diperoleh kadar kadmium dan ketidakpastiannya sebesar 0,273 ± 0,025 mg kg-1berdasarkan beratkering
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