1,379 research outputs found

    Distinguishing Between Science And Scientism

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    Issues of conflict between science and faith/religion have existed for a long time. Some of the topics that have become the source of the conflicts are: The Evolution Theory and The Big Bang Theory which are assumed to be in contra with the creation story, which is generally believed by people of faith. The other controversial issue concerns the existence of God as a supernatural being. Even though in Indonesia these issues are viewed to be taboo, the hot debate between the atheist scientists and religious people in academic spheres occurs openly in some countries. However, do we have to choose between believing in science or believing in God? Which is the reliable source of truth? This writing discusses the epistemology of science and its strength as well as its limitation as a body of knowledge. The author is trying to describe scientism as an invalid worldview that leads to misunderstandings and conflict's myths between faith and science

    Peran Budaya Organisasi dalam Mendukung Keberhasilan Implementasi Knowledge Management Systems

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    The rapid change of business environment has made -organizational knowledge as something crucial. The use of information technology as a media in transferring and distributing knowledge in an organization has become more common and wide spread. One of the strategies to improve the access to the requirement of real-time and reliable information is through development of knowledge management system (KMS). However, supporting sophisticated information technology is not guarantee to the successful of KMS implementation. The development of supporting organizational culture could be the key factor to achieve effective Knowledge Management (KM)

    Peran Supply Chain Management dalam Peningkatan Customer Value

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) concept is an innovation of scientific development process. It comes to light because of drastic changes that occur in global industrial environment, such as more fierce competition, more demanding consumers and stockholders, shorter product life cycle and also information technology which grows very fast. In applying this concept, many requirements are needed, such as vision and support from top management, government's support and the capability of adopting the technology. Although this concept is not easy to perform, it is beneficial for the company as it can help a company achieve its customer value. Moreover, a company which applies this concept can reduce costs and give a quick response to the customer. Finally, the company that is successful in achieving customer value will be able to survive in the global market for it will create customer loyalty

    Peran Supply Chain Management dalam Peningkatan Customer Value

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) concept is an innovation of scientific development process. It comes to light because of drastic changes that occur in global industrial environment, such as more fierce competition, more demanding consumers and stockholders, shorter product life cycle and also information technology which grows very fast. In applying this concept, many requirements are needed, such as vision and support from top management, governments support and the capability of adopting the technology. Although this concept is not easy to perform, it is beneficial for the company as it can help a company achieve its customer value. Moreover, a company which applies this concept can reduce costs and give a quick response to the customer. Finally, the company that is successful in achieving customer value will be able to survive in the global market for it will create customer loyalty

    Pengaruh Harapan Pengajar terhadap Motivasi dan Prestasi Siswa di Kelas

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    This research refers to the research conducted by Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968), which finds that students' intellectual development is influenced by their teacher expectations and how these expectations are communicated to them. Therefore, this study hypothesizes that positive teacher expectations and behavior in experimental classes for one semester would strengthen students' effort and motivation in achieving higher performance in the experimental classes. In this experiment, students / respondents were not isolated from external environmental influences, such as from the influence of other their 'regular' classes, lecturers, as well as their classmates. The method used in this study was experimentation method using two teachers and two subjects. Each teacher taught two classes of one same subject, which were divided into experimental group and control group. The result of this experimentation shows that the students' achievement in both of the experimental classes is not different significantly than those in regular/ control classes

    Tinjauan Yuridis Tentang Kekuatan Mengikat Suatu Akta Notaris

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    Kekuatan akta Notaris sebagai alat bukti terletak pada kekhasan karakter pembuatnya, yaitu Notaris sebagai Pejabat Umum yang secara khusus telah diberkan wewenang untuk membuat akta.Akta otentik sebagai alat bukti yang sempurna merupakan bukti yang cukup untuk kedua belapihak dan orang-orang yang mendapat hak dari pada akta otentik tersebut.Dengan bukti yang cukup atau sempurna diartikan bahwa isi akta otentik yang bersangkutan oleh Hakim dianggap benar, kecuali apabila diajukan bukti perlawanan. Jadi Hakim harus mengakui apa yang tertulis dalam akta selama ketidakbenarannya tidak dapat dibuktikan. Kekuatan akta Notaris sebagai bukti yang sempurna masih dapat digugurkan berdasrkan bukti lawan yang kuat. Misalnya kalau berhasil dibuktikan adanya tanda tangan palsu dalam surat akta Notaris.Pasal 1867 KUHPerdata merumuskan bahwa suatu akta otentik ialah suatu akta yang didalam bentuk yang ditentukan oleh undang-undang, dibuat oleh atau dihadapan pegawai-pegawai umum yang berkuasa untuk itu ditempat dimana akta dibuatnya.Akta otentik mempunyai 3 nilai kekuatan pembuktian yaitu; Pembuktian secara Lahiriah, Formal dan Materil.Pembuktian Lahiriah membuktikan keotentikan suatu akta dilihat dari fisiknya atau dari luarnya. Pembuktian secara Formal membuktikan bahwa para pihak telah menjelaskan apa yang tertulis di dalam akta tersebut. Dan pembuktian secara Materil membuktikan bahwa peristiwa yng tercantum dalam akta itu benar-benar terjadi

    Opini Masyarakat Surabaya Mengenai Corporate Identity ARTOTEL Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui opini masyarakat Surabaya mengenai corporate identity ARTOTEL Surabaya. ARTOTEL merupakan sebuah hotel butik yang bertema seni rupa kontemporer Indonesia pertama di Surabaya. Dengan memilih identitas yang berbeda dari hotel lain, sangat penting bagi ARTOTEL untuk membentuk opini positif dari masyarakat Surabaya, yakni tempat hotel ini berada. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif, dengan menggunakan metode survei. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan opini masyarakat Surabaya mengenai corporate identity ARTOTEL Surabaya cenderung netral. Netral disini bukan berarti responden tidak memihak setuju atau tidak setuju, mereka memberikan tanggapan positif bagi sebagian corporate identity, dan sebagian lagi mereka beri tanggapan negatif

    Rumah Sakit Mata Di Manado (Blind Space - Impresi Ruang Non Visual Pada Arsitektur)

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    Tingginya jumlah pasien penyakit mata di Kota Manado bahkan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, menuntut adanya sarana kesehatan mata yang memiliki kapasitas dan fasilitas yang memadai. Beberapa klinik mata sebenarnya sudah terdapat di Kota Manado, namun beberapa tempat tersebut di rasa kurang memadai dalam melayani kebutuhan masyarakat akan pelayanan terhadap mata mereka secara maksimal. Untuk menjawab kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan mata pada masyarakat ini, maka dibutuhkan suatu sarana yang dapat menampung segala kegiatan medis yang berhubungan dengan mata untuk skala pelayanan kota Metropolitan yaitu Rumah Sakit Mata. Objek ini haruslah memiliki suatu kelebihan yaitu dengan penyesuaian terhadap kekurangan dari pada pasien penyakit mata. Dengan mempelajari kebutuhan akan keterbatasan pasien, maka penetapan tema yang sesuai dengan objek Rumah Sakit Mata adalah Impresi Ruang Non Visual Pada Arsitektur. Tema ini memaparkan tentang cara lain merasakan sebuah ruang dengan memanfaatkan fungsi indera-indera pada manusia selain indera penglihatan. Hasil akhir Rumah Sakit Mata Di Manado ini berupa rumah sakit khusus tipe B dengan lebih dari 200 tempat tidur yang juga lengkapi fasilitas-fasilitas penunjang. Penerapan sirkulasi yang mudah serta elemen ruang dalam dan ruang luar yang menerapkan impresi ruang non visual, bertujuan untuk Kenyamanan dan kemandirian pasien dengan tetap mengutamakan kecepatan dan ketepatan pelayanan

    Analisis Kinerja Kantor Pelayanan Pajak terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi (Studi Empiris pada Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi di Kpp Pratama Pekanbaru Senapelan)

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of Productivity, Responsibility, Accountability, and Education. The population in this study were all individuals who belong to individual taxpayers registered in the tax office Senapelan. Types of samples used by researchers convinience. The sample in this study is an individual taxpayer who never enjoyed the service at the Tax Office Primary Senapelan Pekanbaru. The sample used in this study was 100 respondents. The hypothesis is then tested using multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS version 17.0. These results indicate that productivity and education effect on tax compliance. While responsibility and accountability no significant impact on taxpayer compliance. The magnitude of the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable was 36.5%. While the remaining 63.5% is influenced by other variables not included in this regression model.Keywords: productivity, responsibility, accountability, and education
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