2 research outputs found

    Work-Family Conflict dan Parenting Self- Efficacy pada Ibu Bekerja di Jakarta

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    The aim of this research is to identify the relationship between work-family conflict and parenting self-efficacy among working mothers in Jakarta. The research is a quantitative with correlational research design. Participants for this research is consisted by 121 mothers with the range of aged 23 to 56 years old, live with working husband and the children, have child aged below 18 years old, and have full-time job in Jakarta. Data were collected using two measurement tools are Work-Family Conflict Scale (WFCS) and Self-Efficacy for Parenting Task Index (SEPTI). The data was measured using Spearman correlation and it has been showed there is the relationship between work-family conflict and parenting self-efficacy significantly (rs = -0.387, p = 0.000 (p < 0.01)). These two variables are negatively related to each other. It can be concluded who working mothers have low their work-family conflict, they have high self-efficacy to fulfill their role as parent. The recommendation for future research will do in qualitative research to know how the parents, father and mother, take care of their children and what kind of social support that has been accepted for working mothers. Keywords: Work-Family Conflict, Parenting Self-Efficacy, Working Mother


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    Sebagian besar warga di Komunitas Taman Indira Pondok Ranji bekerja sebagai pemulung. Kurangnya sumber pemasukan keuangan menjadi keluhan para ibu di komunitas tersebut. Intervensi ini dilakukan dengan memberikan pelatihan kerajinan tangan, yaitu membuat barang-barang yang layak jual dari barang-barang bekas. Selain itu, diberikan juga pelatihan pencatatan pembukuan keuangan sederhana agar para ibu dapat mengelola keuangan mereka dengan baik. Kegiatan intervensi ini dilakukan dengan melibatkan metode partisipasi anggota komunitas (citizen participation) yang didasari pada metode pembelajaran Kolb, yaitu concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, serta active experimentation. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan para ibu mampu membuat kerajinan tangan dari barang bekas serta mampu membuat pencatatan keuangan sederhana. Hasil tambahan, para ibu menjadi lebih peduli terhadap sesamanya