17 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the impact of orally administered carbohydrates on postprandial blood glucose levels in different pre-clinical models

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    We developed a pre-clinical model in which to evaluate the impact of orally administered carbohydrates on postprandial blood glucose levels. For this purpose, we compared the effects of different carbohydrates with well-established glycemic indexes. We orally administered (gavage) increasing amounts (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 g/kg) of sucrose and lactose to rats which had been fasted for 6 h or 15 h, respectively. In part of the experiments we administered frutose (gavagem). Three different models were compared for measuring postprandial blood glucose levels: a) evaluation of interstitial glucose concentrations by using a real time continuous glucose monitoring system; b) evaluation of glucose levels in blood obtained from the rat tail; c) evaluation of serum glucose levels in blood collected after decapitation. Our results showed that blood obtained from the tails of 15-h fasted rats was the best model in which to evaluate the effect of carbohydrates on postprandial blood glucose levels

    Glutamine dipeptide supplementation improves clinical responses in patients with diabetic foot syndrome

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    The effect of glutamine dipeptide (GDP) supplementation in patients with diabetic foot syndrome was evaluated. A total of 22 patients took part in the study. GDP was supplied in 10 g sachets, and was dissolved in water immediately before use, with ingestion once a day, after lunch or after dinner (20 g/day) over a period of 30 days. Quantification of foot insensitive areas, oxidative stress, blood cytokines, and biochemical, hematological and toxicological parameters was performed before and after GDP supplementation. We observed an increase in blood levels of interferon-α (P=0.023), interferon-γ (P=0.038), interleukin-4 (P=0.003), interleukin-6 (P=0.0025), interleukin-7 (P=0.028), interleukin-12 p40 (P=0.017), interleukin-13 (P=0.001), leukocytes (P=0.037), eosinophils (P=0.049), and typical lymphocytes (

    Evaluation of the impact of orally administered carbohydrates on postprandial blood glucose levels in different pre-clinical models

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    ABSTRACT We developed a pre-clinical model in which to evaluate the impact of orally administered carbohydrates on postprandial blood glucose levels. For this purpose, we compared the effects of different carbohydrates with well-established glycemic indexes. We orally administered (gavage) increasing amounts (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 g/kg) of sucrose and lactose to rats which had been fasted for 6 h or 15 h, respectively. In part of the experiments we administered frutose (gavagem). Three different models were compared for measuring postprandial blood glucose levels: a) evaluation of interstitial glucose concentrations by using a real time continuous glucose monitoring system; b) evaluation of glucose levels in blood obtained from the rat tail; c) evaluation of serum glucose levels in blood collected after decapitation. Our results showed that blood obtained from the tails of 15-h fasted rats was the best model in which to evaluate the effect of carbohydrates on postprandial blood glucose levels

    Glutamine dipeptide supplementation improves clinical responses in patients with diabetic foot syndrome

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    ABSTRACT The effect of glutamine dipeptide (GDP) supplementation in patients with diabetic foot syndrome was evaluated. A total of 22 patients took part in the study. GDP was supplied in 10 g sachets, and was dissolved in water immediately before use, with ingestion once a day, after lunch or after dinner (20 g/day) over a period of 30 days. Quantification of foot insensitive areas, oxidative stress, blood cytokines, and biochemical, hematological and toxicological parameters was performed before and after GDP supplementation. We observed an increase in blood levels of interferon-&#945; (P=0.023), interferon-&#947; (P=0.038), interleukin-4 (P=0.003), interleukin-6 (P=0.0025), interleukin-7 (P=0.028), interleukin-12 p40 (P=0.017), interleukin-13 (P=0.001), leukocytes (P=0.037), eosinophils (P=0.049), and typical lymphocytes (P<0.001) due to GDP administration. In addition, we observed a reduced number (P=0.048) of insensitive areas on the foot, and reduction (P=0.047) of fasting hyperglycemia. Patients also showed increased blood high density lipoprotein (P<0.01) and protein thiol groups (P=0.004). These favorable results were associated with the absence of renal and hepatic toxicity. These results are of clinical relevance, since supplementation with GDP over 30 days improved clinical responses in patients with diabetic foot syndrome

    Efeito da densidade de estocagem do quinguio, <em>Carassius auratus</em> L., 1758 (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae), em suas fases iniciais de desenvolvimento Stocking density effect on goldfish, <em>Carassius auratus</em> L., 1758 (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae) fry, during its initial development phases

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a influĂȘncia da densidade de estocagem sobre o desenvolvimento do quinguio, <em>Carassius auratus</em> (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae) em suas fases iniciais. Foram utilizados 300 larvas (Lt = 7,00 mm), distribuĂ­das em 20 aquĂĄrios (12-L). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos (0,50; 1,00; 1,50 e 2,00 larvas/L) e cinco repetiçÔes. A alimentação utilizada foi Ă  base de nĂĄuplios de <em>Artemia</em> sp. (fornecida de forma proporcional a densidade) e ração com 40% de proteĂ­na bruta (fornecida Ă  vontade). Observou-se aumento linear (p<0,001) da biomassa por aquĂĄrio em função dos nĂ­veis de densidade de estocagem, enquanto o comprimento total apresentou redução linear (p<0,001). Por outro lado, foi observado efeito quadrĂĄtico (p<0,05) para o peso final mĂ©dio, fator de condição (1,52) e uniformidade do lote (1,26), enquanto a taxa de sobrevivĂȘncia nĂŁo foi afetada (p>0,001) pelas diferentes densidades de estocagem utilizadas. Os valores dos parĂąmetros fĂ­sico-quĂ­micos permaneceram nos nĂ­veis adequados para o cultivo de peixes, embora os valores de pH tenham apresentado redução linear (p<0,05) com o aumento da densidade de estocagem das larvas. Conclui-se que a densidade de estocagem influencia o desenvolvimento das larvas de quinguio levando Ă  redução nos parĂąmetros de crescimento, entretanto, como a biomassa apresentou maiores valores com a densidade de 2,00 larvas/L, pode-se utilizar esta densidade para o cultivo do quinguio em suas fases iniciais de desenvolvimento.<br>This experiment aimed to evaluate the influence of stocking density on the goldfish, <em>Carassius auratus</em> (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae) development, during its initial phases. 300 fry (Lt.: 7.00 mm) were distributed in 20 12-liter aquariums. The experimental design was entirely randomized, with four treatments (0.50; 1.00; 1.50 and 2.00 fry/liter) and five replications. Food consisted of <em>Artemia sp</em> nauplii (supplied proportionally to density) and rations with 40% raw protein, given <em>ad libitum</em>. While the biomass per aquarium linear increase (p<0.001) was recorded according to density stocking levels, the total length showed linear decrease (p>0.001). On the other hand, quadract effect (p<0.05) was reported for mean final weight, condition factor (1.52) and batch uniformity (1.26), while survival rate was not affected (p> 0.001) by the different stocking densities. The physical-chemical parameters rates remained at adequate levels for fish culture, although pH values suffered linear decrease (p<0.05) with increasing fry densities. It may be concluded that the stocking density influences the goldfish fry development, reducing growth parameters. However, since the biomass showed higher values with a density of 2.0 fry/liter, the <em>Carassius auratus</em> fry culture can use such density during its initial development phases

    ConcentraçÔes de Eugenol para anestesia profunda e toxidade aguda em juvenis de piavuçu (Leporinus macrocephalus) - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v29i4.838

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    Three works were undertaken to evaluate the anesthetic capacity of eugenol in “piavuçu” juveniles; the influence of different concentrations on the anaesthetic effect, the acute toxicity (LD 50) and the Time for Lethal Dose (TLD) for the species. Seventy-two fish (1.77 + 0.69 g) were submitted to eight different eugenol concentrations (25; 37.5; 50; 62.5; 75; 100; 125 and 150 mg L-1); 150 fish were submitted to five concentrations (25; 37.5; 50; 62.5; 75 mg L-1) for ten minutes; and 150 fish were submitted to 37.5 mg/L for five time intervals (300; 600; 900; 1200; 1500 seconds). Eugenol concentration had strong influence on the anesthetic effect for the species; LD for 600 seconds of exposure were LD01 25.21 mg L-1, LD50 45.13 mg L-1 and LD99 65.05 mg L-1. The TLD were TLD01 322.8 seconds, TLD50 854.9 seconds and TLD99 1386.9 seconds. For fast and safe anesthesia of piavuçu juveniles, 37.5 mg L-1 of eugenol is recommended.TrĂȘs trabalhos foram realizados para avaliar a capacidade anestĂ©sica do eugenol em juvenis de piavuçu, determinando influĂȘncia das concentraçÔes do anestĂ©sico na indução e recuperação, sua toxidade aguda para a espĂ©cie e o tempo mĂĄximo de imersĂŁo para juvenis de piavuçu. Foram utilizados 441 peixes (1,77 + 0,69 g), sendo 72 submetidos a oito concentraçÔes diferentes (25; 37,5; 50; 62,5; 75; 100; 125 e 150 mg L-1), 150 peixes foram submetidos a cinco concentraçÔes de eugenol (25; 37,5; 50; 62,5; 75 mg L-1) durante 600 segundos e 150 submetidos a 37,5 mg L-1 durante cinco intervalos (300; 600; 900; 1200; 1500 segundos). Foi constatada influĂȘncia das concentraçÔes no efeito do anestĂ©sico sobre os peixes, as CL aos 600 segundos foram CL01 25,21 mg L-1, CL50 45,13 mg L-1, CL99 65,05 mg L-1 e os Tempos de ConcentraçÔes Letais (TCL) estimados foram TCL01 322,8 segundos, TCL50 854,9 segundos e TCL99 1386,9 segundos. Concluiu-se que 37,5 mg L-1 sĂŁo suficientes para a anestesia profunda da espĂ©cie, induzindo anestesia em apenas um minuto com margem de segurança

    ConcentraçÔes de Eugenol para anestesia profunda e toxidade aguda em juvenis de piavuçu (Leporinus macrocephalus) = Eugenol concentrations for deep anesthesia and acute toxicity in piavuçu (Leporinus macrocephalus) juveniles

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    TrĂȘs trabalhos foram realizados para avaliar a capacidade anestĂ©sica do eugenol em juvenis de piavuçu, determinando influĂȘncia das concentraçÔes do anestĂ©sico na indução e recuperação, sua toxidade aguda para a espĂ©cie e o tempo mĂĄximo de imersĂŁo para juvenisde piavuçu. Foram utilizados 441 peixes (1,77 + 0,69 g), sendo 72 submetidos a oito concentraçÔes diferentes (25; 37,5; 50; 62,5; 75; 100; 125 e 150 mg L-1), 150 peixes foram submetidos a cinco concentraçÔes de eugenol (25; 37,5; 50; 62,5; 75 mg L-1) durante 600segundos e 150 submetidos a 37,5 mg L-1 durante cinco intervalos (300; 600; 900; 1200; 1500 segundos). Foi constatada influĂȘncia das concentraçÔes no efeito do anestĂ©sico sobre os peixes, as CL aos 600 segundos foram CL01 25,21 mg L-1, CL50 45,13 mg L-1, CL9965,05 mg L-1 e os Tempos de ConcentraçÔes Letais (TCL) estimados foram TCL01 322,8 segundos, TCL50 854,9 segundos e TCL99 1386,9 segundos. Concluiu-se que 37,5 mg L-1 sĂŁo suficientes para a anestesia profunda da espĂ©cie, induzindo anestesia em apenas umminuto com margem de segurança.Three works were undertaken to evaluate the anesthetic capacity of eugenol in “piavuçu” juveniles; the influence of differentconcentrations on the anaesthetic effect, the acute toxicity (LD 50) and the Time for Lethal Dose (TLD) for the species. Seventy-two fish (1.77 + 0.69 g) were submitted to eight different eugenol concentrations (25; 37.5; 50; 62.5; 75; 100; 125 and 150 mg L-1); 150 fish were submitted to five concentrations (25; 37.5; 50; 62.5; 75 mg L-1) for ten minutes; and 150 fish were submitted to 37.5 mg/L for five time intervals (300; 600; 900; 1200; 1500 seconds). Eugenol concentration had strong influence on the anesthetic effect for thespecies; LD for 600 seconds of exposure were LD01 25.21 mg L-1, LD50 45.13 mg L-1 and LD99 65.05 mg L-1. The TLD were TLD01 322.8 seconds, TLD50 854.9 seconds and TLD99 1386.9 seconds. For fast and safe anesthesia of piavuçu juveniles, 37.5 mg L-1 of eugenol is recommended