7 research outputs found

    L’enfant et sa famille : quelques nouveaux thèmes de recherche

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    Cet article vise à démontrer l'intérêt sans cesse grandissant de la psychologie génétique pour l'analyse multi-variée des nombreux facteurs de développement psychologique. Au-delà de la relation mère-enfant, les chercheurs se tournent de plus en plus vers les facteurs physiques et sociaux du milieu familial, les facteurs directement liés à l'enfant et les formes d'ajustement famille-enfant et ce, dans le cadre tant du développement socio-affectif que du développement cognitif. Il ne s'agit pas d'un relevé exhaustif de la documentation mais une introduction à de nouvelles avenues de recherche particulièrement prometteuses.The aim of the article is to demonstrate the ever-increasing interest of genetic psychology in the multi-variate analysis of the numerous factors in psychological development. Going beyond the mother-child relation, researchers are turning, more and more, towards physical and family milieu social factors, factors directly linked to the child and forms of family-child adjustment, and this, as much within the context of socio-affective development as that of cognitive development. What is presented is not an exhaustive survey of documentation, but rather an introduction to new, particularly promising, avenues of research

    Le stress parental chez les mères d’enfants d’âge préscolaire : validation et normes québécoises pour l’Inventaire de Stress Parental

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    Les qualités métrologiques d'une version française du Parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1983 ; Loyd et Abidin, 1985) sont examinées à partir d'un échantillon de 122 mères québécoises ayant un enfant d'âge préscolaire. Les résultats indiquent que l'inventaire de stress parental possède des indices de consistance interne équivalant à ceux obtenus avec l'échantillon américain. Cependant, les échantillons québécois et américain diffèrent pour 7 sous-échelles sur 13 ainsi qu'au niveau du score du domaine de l'enfant et du score de stress total. Les mères québécoises rapportent des scores plus élevés. L'analyse factorielle des sous-échelles supporte la présence d'une structure hiérarchique constituée d'un facteur général de stress parental et de deux facteurs spécifiques : le domaine de l'enfant et le domaine du parent. Le score du domaine du parent varie selon le niveau socio-économique et le statut conjugal de la mère. L'âge de la mère est négativement corrélé au score du domaine de l'enfant. Le niveau d'agressivité/hyperactivité de l'enfant, tel que perçu par l'éducatrice en classe, est positivement corrélé au score de la sous-échelle Difficulté à accepter les caractéristiques de l'enfant et de la sous-échelle Distraction et hyperactivité de l'enfant. Des normes sont présentées afin de tenir compte des différences observées entre l'échantillon québécois et l'échantillon américain.The authors examine the metrological qualities of a French version of the Parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1983; Loyd and Abidin, 1985) based on a sampling of 122 Québec mothers with a preschool child. Results show that the Parental Stress Inventory presents internal consistency indices that are equivalent to those obtained in the U.S. sampling. However, the samplings differ on seven out of 13 subscales, as well as concerning the scores obtained for the child's realm and the overall stress, Québec mothers show higher scores. The factorial analysis of the subscales supports the existence of a hierarchical structure composed of a general factor of parental stress and two specific factors: the realm of the child and the realm of the parent. The score relative to the realm of the parent varies according to the socioeconomic level and the marital status of the mother. The mother's age is negatively correlated with the score of the child's realm. The child's aggressiveness/hyperactivity level, as perceived by the teacher in a class situation, is positively correlated with the score of the subscale Difficulty to accept the child's characteristics and the subscale Distraction and hyperactivity of the child. The authors present benchmarks that were developed in order to take into account the noted differences between the Québec and U.S. samplings

    Proximate effects of a child sexual abuse prevention program in elementary school childrenŕ«ľ,ŕ«ľŕ«ľ

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    Abstract Objective: The effects of the sexual child abuse prevention program ESPACE were evaluated by means of a Solomon-type design with first and third grade children. ESPACE is an adaptation of the American Child Assault Prevention Program (CAP). Possible side effects of the program were also examined. Method: A total of 133 children (64 first-graders and 69 third-graders) participated in the study. Children completed a knowledge questionnaire and a video vignette measure designed to evaluate preventive skills towards abusive and potentially abusive situations. A follow-up measure (2 months) was administered to verify whether knowledge and skills were maintained. Results: Results indicated that children participating in the prevention program showed greater preventive knowledge and skills relative to children not participating. Follow-up data showed that knowledge gains were maintained while the preventive skill gains may attenuate. However, while global skill scores decreased between post-test and follow-up, children still showed greater preventive skills at follow-up than before the program. In terms of unanticipated side effects, results revealed that almost half of the parents noted positive reactions following children's participation in the ESPACE program. Furthermore, the majority of parents did not identify negative reactions in their children following their participation in the workshop. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the Quebec adaptation of the CAP program was effective in ૾This research was funded by grants from the Conseil québécois de la recherche sociale and the Fonds de services aux collectivités of the province of Québec. ૾૾Information regarding the ESPACE program may be obtained by contacting the Regroupement des organismes ESPACE du Québec, 59 Monfette, Local 235, Victoriaville, Québec, Canada, G6P 1J8. * Corresponding author. Pergamo