28 research outputs found


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    Foram coletadas em frigoríficos 71 amostras de úteros gravídicos de vacas aneloradas. Os fetos foram distribuídos em três fases gestacionais: fase inicial até 90 dias (T1), fase intermediária de 91 a 180 dias (T2) e a fase final após 181 dias (T3) e para a análise estatística descritiva dos dados foi utilizado o programa SPSS Statistics 17.0. Os volumes dos líquidos fetais aumentaram no decorrer da gestação, sendo que em T1 e T3 o volume do líquido alantóide foi maior, não ocorrendo o mesmo em T2. A cada terço gestacional houve um aumento, em média, de 20 placentônios e de 1318,5 g no peso do útero e a gestação apresentou-se com maior frequência no corno direito


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    O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a frequência de anticorpos anti-Neospora caninum e os fatores de risco associados a soropositividade em bovinos de dezoito rebanhos leiteiros da microrregião de Lavras, sul de Minas Gerais. Para isso, coletaram-se 534 amostras de soros de bezerras (maiores de três meses idade) e novilhas até 24 meses de idade, e dividiram-se em dois grupos de acordo com a produção de leite da fazenda: grupo A (<1.000 litros de leite/dia) e grupo B (>1.000 litros de leite/dia). A sorologia foi realizada por meio da reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI) e como ponto de corte o título de 1:200. Realizaram-se as análises descritivas de todas as variáveis deste estudo no programa SPSS 12.0 for Windows. Testou-se a associação entre níveis de positividade para N. caninum nos rebanhos com as variáveis coletadas por meio de questionário, mediante o Teste Exato de Fisher e, para testar a diferença de médias, utilizou-se o Teste T de Student. A frequência nos rebanhos foi de 100% (18/18). A frequência média global de animais infectados por N. caninum foi de 46,25% (247/534) e 43,66% (93/213), para fazendas do grupo A, e de 47,97% (154/321) para o grupo B. Não se registrou diferença significativa (p>0,05) entre os dois grupos, nem entre os fatores de risco e a soropositividade para N. caninum. A infecção por N. caninum está amplamente distribuída entre bezerras e novilhas de rebanhos leiteiros da microrregião de Lavras, sul de Minas Gerais.<br /><br />PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Anticorpos, Neospora caninum, imunofluorescência indireta, bovinos.<br /><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; line-height: 150%; text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><strong>PALAVRAS-CHAVE</strong>: anticorpos, <em>Neospora caninum</em>, imunofluorescência indireta, bovinos.</span></span></p> The objective of this study was to establish the frequency of infection and to analysis risk factors to Neospora caninum in calves and heifers from 18 dairy herds of Lavras, Minas Gerais State. Five hundred and thirty and four samples were screened by indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT) using cut off dilution of 1:200. The dairy herds were classified in two groups: group A) herds produced more than 1,000 lid of milk/day and group B) herds produced less than 1,000 lid of milk/day. The herd prevalence was 100% (18/18). The overall frequency of N. caninum infection was 46.25% (247/534) such as 43.66% (93/213) and 47.97% (154/321) in group A and B, respectivelly. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups (p>0.05). There was no significant association between risk factor and serology for N. caninum (p>0.05). The results indicate that the infection for N. caninum appears to be widespread between calves and heifers of dairy herds in microregion of the Lavras, south of Minas Gerais State.<br /><br />KEY WORDS: Antibodies, indirect immunofluorescence antibody test, Neospora caninum, cattle

    Effect of daily milk production on the economic impact of mastitits in cattle herds

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    The objectives of this study were to analyze and quantify the effect of daily productivity per animal on the economic impact of mastitis in dairy cattle herds. A simulation study was conducted using the CU$TO MASTITE computational program. Dairy herds with an average production of 10, 20 and 30 liters of milk/day were considered. As preventive measures, expenses with mastitis incidence monitoring (culture and antibiogram, somatic cell count in the tank and somatic cells count per animal), pre and post dipping, vaccination, and treatment of dry cows were computed. Treatments of clinical cases, which corresponded to 7% of all lactating cows, were considered as curative measures. The impact of mastitis was estimated as total losses (reduction in production and milk disposal during treatment and antibiotic withdrawal period) plus expenses with prevention and treatment of clinical cases. An increase in daily productivity per animal reduced the economic impact of mastitis. Higher productivity was associated with lower economic impact values, per liter of commercialized milk, due to optimization of the products and materials used per animal, reducing operating expenses. The expenses with preventive treatment corresponded to a maximum of 13.5% of economic impact. This percentage was lower than the economic impact of expenses with curative treatment. These results demonstrate the advantages of investing in preventive treatment, which will contribute to reduce the economic impact of mastitis

    Seasonal variation and persistence of tungiasis infestation in dogs in an endemic community, Bahia State (Brazil): longitudinal study

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    Tungiasis is a zoonosis neglected by authorities, health professionals, and affected populations. Domestic, synanthropic, and sylvatic animals serve as reservoirs for human infestation, and dogs are usually considered a main reservoir in endemic communities. To describe the seasonal variation and the persistence of tungiasis in dogs, we performed quarterly surveys during a period of 2 years in a tourist village in the municipality of Ilhéus, Bahia State, known to be endemic for tungiasis. Prevalence in dogs ranged from 62.1% (43/66) in August 2013 to 82.2% (37/45) in November 2014, with no significant difference (p = 0.06). The prevalence of infestation remained high, regardless of rainfall patterns. Of the 31 dogs inspected at all surveys, period prevalence was 94% (29/31; 95% CI 79.3–98.2%) and persistence of infestation indicator [PII] was high (median PII = 6 surveys, q1 = 5, q3 = 7). Dogs < 1 year of age had a higher mean prevalence of 84.5%, as compared with 69.3% in the older dogs. No significant difference was found between the risk of infestation and age or sex (p = 0.61). Our data indicate that canine tungiasis persisted in the area during all periods of the year. The seasonal variation described in human studies from other endemic areas was not observed, most probably due to different rainfall patterns throughout the year. The study has important implications for the planning of integrated control measures in both humans and animal reservoirs, considering a One Health approach

    Perceptions of milk producers from Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, regarding Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus control

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    Semi-systematized interviews were conducted with 100 dairy cattle producers in the municipality of Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, with the aim of ascertaining their perceptions regarding the importance of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus and of combating it. Content analysis was performed and the frequency distribution of each of the variables was used to construct profiles of the producers interviewed. The production losses caused by ticks were perceived incompletely by the producers, who were unaware of the pathogen transmission caused by the parasite and the indirect losses through combating it, such as the cost of acaricide and labor. The combat operations were performed in a traditional manner, with an excessive number of inefficient treatments that aimed to control the level of infestation at that moment. The quality of the acaricide dipping/spraying applied was affected by the quality of the equipment used to apply the products, lack of knowledge of the mode of action of these products, lack of the specific information needed and lack of motivation caused by unawareness of the disadvantages of chemical combat. It was concluded that the lack of knowledge about combat methods and the acceptance of endemicity of the parasitosis were impediments to changing the realities encountered

    Old and new human rickettsiosis in Minas Gerais state, Brazil.

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    The authors describe cases of Brazilian spotted fever (BSF) diagnosed in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, by the Minas Gerais Public Health Laboratory, Ezequiel Dias Foundation from 1995 to 2004. In addition they present three cases of human Rickettsia felis rickettsiosis from Minas Gerais diagnosed in France in 1999, and the first two suspected cases of human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) diagnosed in Ezequiel Dias Foundation in 2001. In both cases a differential diagnose was made with BSF

    Factors associated with perceptions and attitude of consumers of meat with certification of origin

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    ABSTRACT. Bruhn F.R.P., Lopes M.A., Faria P.B., Junqueira L.V. & Rocha C.M.B.M. [Factors associated with perceptions and attitude of consumers of meat with certification of origin.] Fatores associados à percepção e atitude de consumidores de carne bovina com certificação de origem. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária 37(4):371-378, 2015. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Campus Universitário, Caixa Postal 3037, Lavras, MG 37200-000, Brasil. Email: [email protected] The aim of this study was to determine which socioeconomic factors are related to the decision to purchase meat with certification of origin, as well as raising the profile of perception and attitude of consumers of beef in Cuiabá, MT. We performed a description of the variables and built Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) logistic regression model using the statistical package SPSS 18.0, to identify possible associations between socio-demographic characteristics and other variables raised through interviews among 418 respondents in March 2012. The place of acquisition of the flesh was the attribute that most influences the purchasing decisions of consumers. Most respondents never heard about bovine traceability. Among those who have heard about traceability, most would be willing to pay more for meat with certification of origin, although considering that there are disadvantages associated with traceability, especially in relation to the increase in the price of meat. Consumers with higher education and income were more knowledgeable about this type of certification, and these factors are of great influence on the acceptability of consumers to pay more for traced beef

    Factors associated to cases of Brazilian Spotted Fever, Minas Gerais, 1995- 2002

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    ABSTRACT. Calic S.B., Rocha C.M.B.M, Bruhn F.R.P., Barros R.A. & Leite R.C. [Factors associated to cases of Brazilian Spotted Fever, Minas Gerais, 1995- 2002.] Fatores associados aos casos de Febre Maculosa Brasileira frente aos suspeitos não confirmados, Minas Gerais, 1995 a 2002. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 37(3):239-244, 2015. Instituto Otávio Magalhães, Fundação Ezequiel Dias, Rua Conde Pereira Carneiro, 80, Gameleira, Belo Horizonte, MG 30510- 010, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The aim of this study was to evaluate factors and symptoms associated with confirmed cases of FMB in Minas Gerais. For this, was conducted a retrospective study using epidemiological records received by the Central Laboratory (LACEN) of MG in the period 1995-2002. Cases were suspected patients after clinical and epidemiological assessment for BSF and seropositive for Rickettsia ricketsii (IFAT 1:64) in at least one serum sample. As negative suspects were those that have no seroconversion in two consecutive samples to BSF. After adjustment of multiple logistic regression analysis, only the occurrence of rash and seizures were associated with symptoms FMB. Using analysis of main components symptoms that characterized the cases were: rash, convulsions and coma. Moreover cases have a high relation with hospitalization and lack of similar cases. The FMB in Minas Gerais is a serious disease and need early diagnosis

    Influência da escala de produção no impacto econômico da mastite em rebanhos bovinos leiteiros

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    Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram analisar e quantificar a influência da escala de produção no impacto econômico da mastite em rebanhos bovinos leiteiros. A pesquisa foi realizada, por meio de simulação, no sistema computacional CU$TO MASTITE, com rebanhos leiteiros de 50, 100 e 150 vacas em lactação. Foram consideradas como de prevenção as despesas com monitoramento (cultura e antibiograma, CCST e CCSI), pré e pós dipping, vacinação, tratamento de vacas secas e manutenção de ordenhadeira. Como medidas curativas, consideraram-se os tratamentos com casos clínicos, cuja percentagem foi de 7% das vacas em lactação. O impacto da mastite foi estimado como sendo o total de perdas, acrescido das despesas com prevenção e tratamento de casos clínicos. O aumento da escala de produção resultou em menor impacto econômico da mastite por vaca em lactação. Quando se analisou o efeito da escala de produção, os maiores responsáveis pelo impacto econômico foram, em ordem decrescente, as perdas com descarte de leite, o tratamento curativo de animais acometidos clinicamente e a redução da produção de leite. As despesas com tratamento preventivo representaram, no máximo, 11,7% do impacto econômico, o que demonstra vantagens em investir nessa prática, que irá contribuir significativamente para diminuição do impacto econômico da mastit