1,542 research outputs found

    Providing Product-Service-Systems : The long way from a product OEM towards an Original Solution Provider (OSP)

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    Product-Service-Systems (PSS) have gained tremendous attention in research and industry over the past years [1–4].Manufacturing firmstransform from providing pure productstowards providing integrated products and services [2]. This development is triggered by the increasing customer demand forPSS and the opportunity of manufacturers to differentiate themselves from their competitors as services are hard to replicate. For providing PSS companies need to go throughfundamental changes which range from organizational adaptions within the company structure over novel development processes to improving the customer relationship. In this paper the authors describe requirements for providing PSS which werederived from a case study with a crane manufacturer and an extensive literature research. These requirements are considered with respect to the different PSS business models related to the PSS types defined by Tukker [5]. Furthermore the implementation of one of these requirements in the case company is described.DFG/14516012/Engineering hybrider Leistungsbündel/TRR 2

    STRING and STITCH: known and predicted interactions between proteins and chemicals

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    Information on protein-protein and protein-chemical interactions is essential for understanding cellular functions. The STRING and STITCH web resources integrate interaction evidence derived from pathways, automatic literature mining, primary experimental data, and genomic context. The resulting interaction networks cover 1.5 million proteins from 373 organisms and 68,000 chemicals

    Design of a test environment for planning and interaction with virtual production processes

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    Rising complexity of systems combined with multi-disciplinary development and manufacturing processes necessitates new approaches of early validation of intermediate digital process and system prototypes. To develop and test these approaches, the modular digital cube test center was build. Usage of different Visualization Modules such as Powerwall, CAVE or Head Mounted Display allows immersive interaction with the prototypes. Combined with Haptic Interaction Modules from one axis assembly device to a hexapod simulator up to a full freedom kinematic portal and usage of different simulation modules of vehicle design, multi-kinematic, manufacturing and process-simulation allows early virtual prototypes validation in multiple use cases

    Human Capital Depletion, Human Capital Formation, and Migration. A Blessing in a "Curse"?

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    We specify conditions under which a strictly positive probability of employment in a foreign country raises the level of human capital formed by optimizing workers in the home country. While some workers migrate, "taking along" more human capital than if they had migrated without factoring in the possibility of migration (a form of brain drain), other workers stay at home with more human capital than they would have formed in the absence of the possibility of migration (a form of brain gain).Human Capital Formation, Migration

    Energy Consumption During Nanoparticle Production: How Economic is Dry Synthesis?

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    The production of oxide nanoparticles by selected wet-chemistry or dry processes is compared in terms of energy requirements. Clear differences arise for production using electricity-intensive plasma processes, organic- or chloride-derived flame synthesis and liquid based precipitation processes. In spite of short process chains and elegant reactor design, many dry methods inherently require vastly bigger energy consumption than the multi-step wet processes. Product composition strongly influences the selection of the preferred method of manufacturing in terms of energy requirement: Metal oxide nanoparticles of light elements with high valency, e.g. titania demand high volumes of organic precursors and traditional processes excel in terms of efficiency. Products with heavier elements, more complex composition and preferably lower valency such as doped ceria, zirconia, and most mixed oxide ceramics may be readily manufactured by recently developed dry processe

    Proactive maintenance as success factor for use-oriented product-service systems

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    In use-oriented Product-Service Systems (PSS) the ownership of the product remains with the provider who is responsible for maintenance, repair and overhaul [1]. Thus the risk of machine unavailability is transferred from the customer towards the PSS provider. In order to minimize this risk the provider needs to reduce unscheduled downtimes to enhance machine availability. Hence proactive maintenance is an important success factor for providing this PSS type [2]. In practice, manufacturing equipment providers struggle to derive the required information for providing proactive maintenance from the existing data and thus potentials remain unused. One of the problems for many companies in this context is the missing knowhow for managing and analyzing this high amount of data. This issue is discussed in research and practice under the topic “Big Data” [3]. This paper focusses on discussing different approaches for data gathering, analysis and interpretation as well as associated challenges. Drivers and hindering factors are introduced and solution approaches are provided. These aspects are analyzed in a case study in collaboration with a material handling manufacturer which was conducted in one of the transfer projects of the Collaborative Research Center Transregio 29 which addressed the dynamic interdependencies of products and services in the production area

    SHPbench – a smart hybrid prototyping based environment for early testing, verification and (user based) validation of advanced driver assistant systems of cars

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    Statistical analysis show that more than 90 percent of all car accidents result from human mistakes. Advanced Driver Assistant Systems (ADAS) are intended to support and assist the car driver, and therefore contribute significantly to the reduction of accidents. ADAS become more and more complex and demanding regarding hard- and software fulfilling the requirements applied onto assistant systems nowadays and in the future. They have to be considered as multi-functional multi-domain mechatronic systems. Smart Hybrid Prototyping (SHP) is a by now proven approach for handling ADAS’ demands during and to the development process, specifically for early integrated component and system testing, its verification and validation with the focus on the interaction with the driver can only be reasonably and economically met by utilizing the SHP technology. For those mentioned purposes the SHPbench, an integrated development and validation environment, has been recently developed. The SHPbench's architecture and specification is presented and evaluated by applying a representative use case of an ADAS development process. This paper documents the use case setup, process steps and test results

    Folgen der Funktionsdefizite des Parlaments für die repräsentative Demokratie in Rumänien

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    Parlamente erfüllen in einer repräsentativen Demokratie mehrere zentrale Funktionen. Diese Masterarbeit beschäftigt sich den Folgen der tatsächlichen Funktionserfüllung der Legislative für die repräsentative Demokratie in Rumänien. Dabei werden die Repräsentations-, Kontroll-, Gesetzgebungs-, und Rekrutierungsfunktion des rumänischen Parlaments untersucht. In Anlehnung an das demokratietheoretische Konzept der eingebetteten Demokratie wird analysiert, welche Rückwir-kungen die defizitäre Erfüllung dieser parlamentarischen Funktionen für die repräsentative Demokratie in Rumänien haben. Im Vordergrund der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung werden realpolitische Prozesse über die Formalverfassung hinaus untersucht. Somit kann festgestellt werden, inwieweit und ob die Verfassungswirklichkeit dem formalen Sinn der rumänischen Verfassung entspricht und wie sich die rumänische Demokratie, bedingt durch die tatsächliche Funktionserfüllung der Legislative, entwickelt hat


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    U članku je prikazan utjecaj neoliberalizma na socijalni rad te su predloženi odgovori u skladu s Etičkim kodeksom Međunarodne federacije socijalnog rada (4.2.4. Socijalna pravda – Suprotstavljanje nepravednim politikama i praksama). Neoliberalizam se može opisati kao gospodarsko-politički projekt kapitalističkih elita koji uključuje: ekonomizaciju svih područja života, privatizaciju, ekonomsku globalizaciju i deregulaciju. U članku se iznosi kratak povijesni pregled razvoja neoliberalizma, mitova i načela neoliberalne ideologije te »proizvodnje pristanka « (Herman i Chomsky, 1994.). Osim toga, opisuju se posljedice za socijalnu politiku i socijalni rad koje uključuju smanjenje socijalne države i razvoj koji se može opisati sljedećim ključnim pojmovima: ekonomizacija socijalnog rada, pomoć temeljena na radu (engl. workfare) umjesto socijalne skrbi (engl. welfare). Konačno, u članku se navode reakcije socijalnog rada na takav razvoj. Također se raspravlja i o nekim nužnim strategijama za pozitivno djelovanje.The article shows the influence of neoliberalism on social work and tries to give answers following the International Federation of Social Work (IFSW) Code of Ethics (4.2.4 social justice- Challenging unjust policies and practices). Neoliberalism can be described as an economic-political project of capitalist elites which involves the following: economization of all areas of life, privatization, economic globalization and deregulation. The article will give a short historical overview of the development of neoliberalism, the myths and tenets of the new neoliberal ideology and the »manufacturing of consent« (Herman and Chomsky, 1994). Additionally, the article will describe the consequences for social policy and social work, which include the reduction of the welfare state and a development that can be outlined with the following key terms: economization of social work, work-fare instead of welfare. Finally the article will describe the reaction of social work on this development. Some necessary anti-strategies will also be discussed
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