5 research outputs found

    Plant facilitation network simulation

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    The table (task2) contains information about the simulated environmental changes and plant network response. scenario: environmental change driver; q: n. step; network.size: species richness; prim.ext: primary extinctions; sec.ext: secondary extinctions; centr: network centrality; species: 1= present, 0= primary extinct, -1= secondary extinct


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    All data used to assess whether two contrasted canopy phenotypes (tight and loose) of the shrub Cytisus galianoi differed in their effects on the microhabitat and on subordinate plant community composition in a dry subalpine system. We also experimentally distinguished the relative contribution of above- (canopy) and below-ground (soil) effects of C. galianoi on the most frequent subordinate species, Festuca indigesta, as well as the reciprocal effects of F. indigesta on C. galianoi