5 research outputs found

    Neutron Scattering Analysis of Water’s Glass Transition and Micropore Collapse in Amorphous Solid Water

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    The question of the nature of water’s glass transition has continued to be disputed over many years. Here we use slow heating scans (0.4 K min−1) of compact amorphous solid water deposited at 77 K and an analysis of the accompanying changes in the small-angle neutron scattering signal, to study mesoscale changes in the ice network topology. From the data we infer the onset of rotational diffusion at 115 K, a sudden switchover from nondiffusive motion and enthalpy relaxation of the network at 121 K, in excellent agreement with the glass transition onset deduced from heat capacity and dielectric measurements. This indicates that water’s glass transition is linked with long-range transport of water molecules on the time scale of minutes and, thus, clarifies its nature. Furthermore, the slow heating rates combined with the high crystallization resistance of the amorphous sample allow us to identify the glass transition end point at 136 K, which is well separated from the crystallization onset at 144 K—in contrast to all earlier experiments in the field

    Small-angle neutron scattering study of micropore collapse in amorphous solid water

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    Vapor-deposited amorphous solid water (ASW) is the most abundant solid molecular material in space, where it plays a direct role in both the formation of more complex chemical species and the aggregation of icy materials in the earliest stages of planet formation. Nevertheless, some of its low temperature physics such as the collapse of the micropore network upon heating are still far from being understood. Here we characterize the nature of the micropores and their collapse using neutron scattering of gram-quantities of D2O–ASW of internal surface areas up to 230 ± 10 m2 g-1 prepared at 77 K. The model-free interpretation of the small-angle scattering data suggests micropores, which remain stable up to 120–140 K and then experience a sudden collapse. The exact onset temperature to pore collapse depends on the type of flow conditions employed in the preparation of ASW and, thus, the specific surface area of the initial deposit, whereas the onset of crystallization to cubic ice is unaffected by the flow conditions. Analysis of the small-angle neutron scattering signal using the Guinier–Porod model suggests that a sudden transition from three-dimensional cylindrical pores with 15 Å radius of gyration to two-dimensional lamellae is the mechanism underlying the pore collapse. The rather high temperature of about 120–140 K of micropore collapse and the 3D-to-2D type of the transition unraveled in this study have implications for our understanding of the processing and evolution of ices in various astrophysical environments

    Age Affects Spontaneous Activity and Depolarizing Afterpotentials in Isolated Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Neurons

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    Neuronal activity underlying the pulsatile secretion of GnRH remains poorly understood, as does the endogenous generation of such activity. It is clear that changes at the level of the hypothalamus are taking place during reproductive aging, yet virtually nothing is known about GnRH neuronal physiology in aging and postreproductive animals. In these studies, we performed cell-attached and whole-cell recordings in GnRH-enhanced green fluorescent protein neurons dissociated from young (3 months), middle-aged (10 months), and old (15–18 months) female mice. All mice were ovariectomized; half were estradiol replaced. Neurons from all ages fired spontaneously, most in a short-burst pattern that is characteristic of GnRH neuronal firing. Membrane characteristics were not affected by age. However, firing frequency was significantly reduced in neurons from old animals, as was spike patterning. The amplitude of the depolarizing afterpotential, evoked by a 200-msec current pulse, was significantly smaller in aged animals. In addition, inward whole-cell currents were reduced in estradiol-treated animals, although they were not significantly affected by age. Because depolarizing afterpotentials have been shown to contribute to prolonged discharges of activity after a very brief excitatory input, a decreased depolarizing afterpotential could lead to attenuated pulses in older animals. In addition, decreases in frequency and pattern generation could lead to improper information coding. Therefore, changes in the GnRH neuron during aging could lead to dysregulated activity, potentially resulting in the attenuated LH pulses observed in the transition to reproductive senescence