49 research outputs found

    Optimierung des Kartoffelanbaus im ökologischen Landbau hinsichtlich der Weiterverarbeitung zu Pommes frites und Chips

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    Voraussetzungen fĂŒr einen erfolgreichen Anbau von Verarbeitungskartoffeln sind außer einem hohen Ertrag vor allem die von der Kartoffel verarbeitenden Industrie geforderten produktspezifischen QualitĂ€ten fĂŒr Pommes frites und Chips. FĂŒr die Verarbeitung zu Pommes frites muss z.B. ein hoher Anteil großfallender Knollen realisiert werden oder bei Chipskartoffeln bestehen strenge Vorgaben fĂŒr die Gehalte an reduzierenden Zuckern. Um hohe Zuckergehalte zu vermeiden, erfolgt die Kartoffellagerung bei 8°C, was erhöhte AnsprĂŒche an die LagerfĂ€higkeit bedeutet. In dem gemeinsam von der UniversitĂ€t Kassel (FG Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau, Projektleitung), der FAL (Institut fĂŒr ökologischen Landbau), der UniversitĂ€t Kiel (Institut fĂŒr Pflanzenbau und PflanzenzĂŒchtung) und der BFEL (Institut fĂŒr Getreide-, Kartoffel- und StĂ€rketechnologie) bearbeiteten Projekt wurden daher Strategien fĂŒr die Erzeugung qualitativ hochwertiger Verarbeitungskartoffeln geprĂŒft. Der Sortenwahl kommt die entscheidende Bedeutung zu. So können fĂŒr eine Verarbeitung zu Pommes frites die Sorten Agria und Marena empfohlen werden, die bei hohen ErtrĂ€gen marktfĂ€higer Ware (>50 mm) eine gute QualitĂ€t zur Ernte und nach Lagerung zeigten. FĂŒr die Verarbeitung zu Chips ist die Sorte Marlen geeignet, die sich als relativ lagerstabil erwies. In AbhĂ€ngigkeit der Ausreife der Kartoffeln kann der Richtwert fĂŒr die reduzierenden Zucker nach Lagerung schnell ĂŒberschritten werden. Hier stellen die 4°C-Sorten Sempra und Verdi eine Alternative dar, wobei deren Ertragsniveau nicht zufriedenstellend war. Die weiteren Ergebnisse belegen, dass alle pflanzenbaulichen Möglichkeiten hinsichtlich einer guten NĂ€hrstoff- und Wasserversorgung sowie der Pflanzgutvorbereitung ausgeschöpft werden sollten, um hohe ErtrĂ€ge mit der notwendigen Sortierung bei ansprechender RohstoffqualitĂ€t zu erzielen. Als Vorfrucht eignen sich insbesondere Leguminosen (Körnererbsen mit anschl. Zwischenfrucht oder Kleegras). Das Kleegrasmanagement (Schnitt- oder Mulchnutzung) hat keinen wesentlichen Einfluss auf den Ertrag, die Sortierung und die ProduktqualitĂ€t. Auf leichten Böden empfiehlt sich der Einsatz einer qualitĂ€tsfördernden DĂŒngung von Kalium – entweder ĂŒber Stallmist oder mit den im Ökologischen Landbau zugelassenen mineralischen KaliumdĂŒngern. Eine gleichmĂ€ĂŸige Wasserversorgung muss auf leichten Standorten ĂŒber Beregnung sichergestellt werden, die auch zu einer verbesserten N-Ausnutzung organischer DĂŒnger beitragen kann. Der Einsatz N-haltiger organischer DĂŒnger (Horngrieß) wies im Vergleich zu Stallmist eine bessere Wirkung auf. Pflanzenbauliche Maßnahmen hatten zwar einen Einfluss auf die VerarbeitungsqualitĂ€t, diese wurde aber stĂ€rker von der Witterung und dem davon abhĂ€ngigen Wachstumsverlauf beeinflusst. Zusammenfassend kann festgehalten werden, dass der Anbau von Verarbeitungskartoffeln unter Einbeziehung der standort- und betriebsspezifischen Gegebenheiten erfolgreich betrieben werden kann

    Characterization of a Lipoyl Domain-independent B-cell Autoepitope on the Human Branched-chain Acyltransferase in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis and Overlap Syndrome with Autoimmune Hepatitis

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    Background and aims: Antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA) which recognize pyruvate acetyltransferase (PDC-E2) represent a highly diagnostic feature of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). The analysis of immunofluorescence (IF)-AMA-positive sera in PBC patients indicates a conformational epitope located within the lipoyl binding domain of bovine branched-chain acyltransferase (BCKADC-E2) alone or in combination with AMA directed against PDC-E2 the significance of which is presently unclear. In the present study, immunoreactivities and disease associations of AMA against BCKADC-E2 were analyzed. B-cell autoepitopes on BCKADC-E2 were mapped by immunoprecipitation assay

    Phenotypic Detection of Clonotypic B Cells in Multiple Myeloma by Specific Immunoglobulin Ligands Reveals their Rarity in Multiple Myeloma

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    In multiple myeloma, circulating “clonotypic” B cells, that express the immunoglobulin rearrangement of the malignant plasma cell clone, can be indirectly detected by PCR. Their role as potential “feeder” cells for the malignant plasma cell pool remains controversial. Here we established for the first time an approach that allows direct tracking of such clonotypic cells by labeling with patient-specific immunoglobulin ligands in 15 patients with myeloma. Fifty percent of patients showed evidence of clonotypic B cells in blood or bone marrow by PCR. Epitope-mimicking peptides from random libraries were selected on each patient's individual immunoglobulin and used as ligands to trace cells expressing the idiotypic immunoglobulin on their surface. We established a flow cytometry and immunofluorescence protocol to track clonotypic B cells and validated it in two independent monoclonal B cell systems. Using this method, we found clonotypic B cells in only one out of 15 myeloma patients. In view of the assay's validated sensitivity level of 10−3, this surprising data suggests that the abundance of such cells has been vastly overestimated in the past and that they apparently represent a very rare population in myeloma. Our novel tracing approach may open perspectives to isolate and analyze clonotypic B cells and determine their role in myeloma pathobiology

    Interpretation of Raman spectra of the zircon-hafnon solid solution

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    Zircon (ZrSiO4), hafnon (HfSiO4) and five intermediate compositions were synthesized from a Pb silicate melt. The resulting crystals were 20-300 mu m in size and displayed sector and growth zoning. Raman spectra were acquired at locations in the sample for which preceding electron microprobe (EMP) analyses revealed sufficient compositional homogeneity. The dataset documents shifts of Raman bands with changing composition. In this study, bands that have previously not been reported were found for the intermediate compositions and for pure hafnon, in particular at wavenumbers less than 200 cm(-1). For these external modes, the dataset provides new insight into the compositional dependence of their frequencies. Density-functional theory calculations support the observations and are used for a detailed interpretation of the spectra. The pitfalls of the EMP analysis along the zircon-hafnon join are highlighted

    Phage displayed peptide sequences binding to myeloma immunoglobulins.<sup>*</sup>

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    <p>*Libraries with 7-mer linear (X7), 12-mer linear (X12), 18-mer linear (X18), and 14-mer constrained beta sheet (BS) inserts were selected on myeloma Ig of patients MM001–MM036. The table lists the peptide insert sequences (single letter amino acid code) of phage clones for which specific binding to the respective Fab fragment and/or paraprotein was validated in single clone binding assays.</p>†<p>phage selection on monoclonal Fab fragment.</p>‡<p>phage selection on paraprotein.</p

    Detection of surface Ig-positive clonotypic B cells by immunofluorescence using patient-individual ligands.

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    <p><b>A and B:</b> Ig-selected phage bind to surface Ig-positive parental B cells as visualized by immunofluorescence. As proof of principal an immunofluorescence staining protocol was set up using two different monoclonal B cell systems as positive controls as described in the <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0031998#s2" target="_blank">Methods</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0031998#s3" target="_blank">Results</a> sections. Phage-CA46 selected on the Ig of the Burkitt lymphoma cell line CA46 (panel A, upper row) as well as control phage (panel A, bottom row) were used to stain CA46 cells. Phage-CLL024 selected on the Ig of CLL patient 024 (panel B, upper row) as well as control phage (panel B, bottom row) were used to stain primary CLL024 cells. Phage were visualized by immunofluorescence (FITC; green). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Images are shown at low (right panel) and high magnification (left panel). Images were obtained by confocal microscopy (Leika TCS SP2 AOBS; lens 63×) and analyzed using the Leika confocal software. CLL = chronic lymphocytic leukemia. <b>C:</b> Staining of MM031 PBMCs with MM031 Ig-selected phage AGHPKDSGNEWA and control phage to detect potential surface Ig-positive clonotypic B cells. Staining and imaging was performed as in A and B. PBMC = peripheral blood mononuclear cell. <b>D:</b> Staining of MM021 PBMCs with MM021 Ig-selected phage FLNGCDKEDWMCWVTT and control phage to detect potential surface Ig-positive clonotypic B cells. Staining and imaging was performed as in A and B. The white arrows point to single surface Ig-positive clonotypic B cells from patient MM021.</p

    Detection of clonotypic Ig rearrangements by semi-nested PCR.

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    <p><b>A:</b> Illustration of semi-nested PCR approach for the detection of clonotypic Ig rearrangements. Ig genes were amplified using VH family-specific forward leader primers and constant region specific reverse primers (1<sup>st</sup> PCR). A secondary PCR was used to specifically amplify the clonotypic Ig rearrangement with a patient-individual HCDR3-specific primer. PC = plasma cell, Ig = immunoglobulin, VH = heavy chain variable region, CH = heavy chain constant region, HCDR3 = heavy chain complementarity determining region 3. <b>B:</b> Detection of clonotypic Ig-rearrangements in myeloma PBMCs and BMMNCs of patients MM021, MM025 and MM036. Semi-nested PCRs were performed as described in A. PCR products were loaded on agarose gels stained with ethidium bromide. MM = Multiple Myeloma, PBMC = peripheral blood mononuclear cell, BMMNC = bone marrow mononuclear cell.</p