176 research outputs found

    Ultra-compact optical auto-correlator based on slow-light enhanced third harmonic generation in a silicon photonic crystal waveguide

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    The ability to use coherent light for material science and applications is directly linked to our ability to measure short optical pulses. While free-space optical methods are well-established, achieving this on a chip would offer the greatest benefit in footprint, performance, flexibility and cost, and allow the integration with complementary signal processing devices. A key goal is to achieve operation at sub-Watt peak power levels and on sub-picosecond timescales. Previous integrated demonstrations require either a temporally synchronized reference pulse, an off-chip spectrometer, or long tunable delay lines. We report the first device capable of achieving single-shot time-domain measurements of near-infrared picosecond pulses based on an ultra-compact integrated CMOS compatible device, with the potential to be fully integrated without any external instrumentation. It relies on optical third-harmonic generation in a slow-light silicon waveguide. Our method can also serve as a powerful in-situ diagnostic tool to directly map, at visible wavelengths, the propagation dynamics of near-infrared pulses in photonic crystals.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 38 reference

    Characterizing photonic crystal waveguides with an expanded k-space evanescent coupling technique

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    We demonstrate a direct, single measurement technique for characterizing the dispersion of a photonic crystal waveguide (PCWG) using a tapered fiber evanescent coupling method. A highly curved fiber taper is used to probe the Fabry-PĂ©rot spectrum of a closed PCWG over a broad k-space range, and from this measurement the dispersive properties of the waveguide can be found. Waveguide propagation losses can also be estimated from measurements of closed waveguides with different lengths. The validity of this method is demonstrated by comparing the results obtained on a ‘W1’ PCWG in chalcogenide glass with numerical simulation

    High quality waveguides for the mid-infrared wavelength range in a silicon-on-sapphire platform

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    We report record low loss silicon-on-sapphire nanowires for applications to mid infrared optics. We achieve propagation losses as low as 0.8dB/cm at 1550nm, 1.1 to 1.4dB/cm at 2080nm and < 2dB/cm at = 5.18 microns.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 18 reference

    Characteristics of Correlated Photon Pairs Generated in Ultra-compact Silicon Slow-light Photonic Crystal Waveguides

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    We report the characterization of correlated photon pairs generated in dispersion-engineered silicon slow-light photonic crystal waveguides pumped by picosecond pulses. We found that taking advantage of the 15 nm flat-band slow-light window (vg ~ c/30) the bandwidth for correlated photon-pair generation in 96 and 196 \mum long waveguides was at least 11.2 nm; while a 396 \mum long waveguide reduced the bandwidth to 8 nm (only half of the slow-light bandwidth due to the increased impact of phase matching in a longer waveguide). The key metrics for a photon-pair source: coincidence to accidental ratio (CAR) and pair brightness were measured to be a maximum 33 at a pair generation rate of 0.004 pair per pulse in a 196 \mum long waveguide. Within the measurement errors the maximum CAR achieved in 96, 196 and 396 \mum long waveguides is constant. The noise analysis shows that detector dark counts, leaked pump light, linear and nonlinear losses, multiple pair generation and detector jitter are the limiting factors to the CAR performance of the sources.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Frontiers in microphotonics: tunability and all-optical control

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    The miniaturization of optical devices and their integration for creating adaptive and reconfigurable photonic integrated circuits requires effective platforms and methods to control light over very short distances. We present here several techniques an
