7,191 research outputs found

    Social sector expenditures and rainy-day funds

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    Gonzalez and Paqueo examine the effects of budget stabilization funds--often called rainy-day funds--on the volatility of social spending and, for contrast, on nonsocial sector spending. They analyze the rainy-day funds of U.S. states. The authors find that rainy-day funds are ineffective in reducing the volatility of nonsocial sector expenditures but are effective in reducing the volatility of social sector expenditures. The authors also find that states that have stringent deposit and withdrawal rules have higher rainy-day fund balances, and thus are more effective in reducing the volatility of social sector expenditures. Finally, for long-term effectiveness, stabilization funds depend obviously on sustained economic growth.Urban Governance and Management,Environmental Economics&Policies,Regional Governance,Infrastructure Finance,Public Sector Economics&Finance,National Governance,Environmental Economics&Policies,Infrastructure Finance,Infrastructure Finance,Public Sector Economics&Finance

    Bargaining for a new fiscal pact in Mexico

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    The authors consider the malaise with the present set-up of fiscal federalism in Mexico from the points of view of the main players-the federal government, the states, the municipalities, and the citizen voters-in order to identify the areas of potential common interest as well as the direct conflicts. There is a zero-sum game on some issues, like the size of aggregate transfers, but not on others, likeraising tax collection and improving accountability for service delivery. The authors consider bargain packages that combine mutually beneficial changes and thus might obtain broad enough political support. They analyze the bargaining packages in two main tracks-one concerning tax assignments, revenue sharing, and tax administration, and another concerning the conjunction of earmarked transfers and accountability for service provision. An important result is that almost all states would find it fiscally attractive to impose a sales tax that replaced part of the federal value-added tax (VAT), even if the federal government reduced revenue sharing enough to cover half the cost of reducing the VAT rate to make room for the state tax.National Governance,Urban Governance and Management,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Banks&Banking Reform,Regional Governance,National Governance,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Banks&Banking Reform,Municipal Financial Management,Regional Governance

    Economic analysis of health care utilization and perceived illness ; ethnicity and other factors

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    Paqueo and Gonzalez look at the determinants of health-seeking behavior of the Mexican population and within this context focus on the effect of ethnicity. They address the following questions: To what extent are the indigenous people at a disadvantage health care-wise and in what particular health services are they disadvantaged? Is the health care gap due to indigenous cultures by itself as opposed to the impact of socioeconomic differences? What policy instruments can be used to reduce the gap? The authors find that contrary to expectations, the indigenouspeople in Mexico tend to have a positive behavior toward modern preventive care compared with the nonindigenous population, holding socioeconomic factors constant. Apparently, there is no cultural barrier in regard to these services. But ethnicity remains negatively associated with the use of inpatient hospital care and medical and dental consultations. Insurance has a significant and positive effect on health care use. Therefore, it appears to be an effective instrument for addressing the health care disadvantages faced by the indigenous population in regard to inpatient care and the use of outpatient services of doctors, nurses, and dentists.Early Child and Children's Health,Health Systems Development&Reform,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Public Health Promotion,Health Economics&Finance,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Health Systems Development&Reform,Health Economics&Finance,Housing&Human Habitats,Gender and Health

    New trends on urban goods movement: Modelling and simulation of e-commerce distribution

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    In this paper, a modelling framework to complete the recent scientific works on urban goods modelling is proposed. More precisely, we introduce a substitution procedure that estimates the number of trips and the corresponding travelled distances for shopping drive, home delivery and reception points' strategies. Moreover, an appraisal of scenarios is proposed in order to study how these three new forms of proximity delivery services impact on the overall urban goods movement distribution. Starting from four extreme situations, we introduce more realistic scenarios in order to find a suitable combination of delivery strategies. All the scenarios are simulated using the proposed framework, and the main traffic issues related to e-commerce distribution channel are discussed. The best realistic combination promotes the joint usage of home deliveries and proximity reception points and allows a reduction of about 13% of the road occupancy rates in urban areas.urban goods movement, modelling, shopping trips, e-commerce

    Stabilizing intergovernmental transfers in Latin America : a complement to national/subnational fiscal rules?

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    The traditional theory of fiscal federalism assigns the role of macroeconomic stabilization to the federal government. In addition to this long-standing theoretical result, there is empirical observation that federal governments in developing countries typically have cheaper and more stable access to capital markets, relative to subnational governments. Drawing on the recent experience of four large federal countries in Latin America-Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico--the authors examine how intergovernmental transfers affect the division of the burden of stabilization across the levels of government, when the nation as a whole faces economic fluctuations. Imposing stabilizing rules on federal transfers that protect subnational governments from fluctuations in the business cycle can serve two purposes. During boom periods, stabilizing rules prevent subnational governments'tendency to increase inflexible expenditures. And during downturns, stabilizing rules place the burden of borrowing at the federal level-the level most appropriate for macroeconomic stabilization and often the level with superior access to credit. Despite the logic of these rules, recent experience of the four countries reveals that these rules can be risky, particularly inthe face of high GDP volatility. Protection against falling revenues in the downturn constitutes a contingent liability for the central government. Argentina's stabilizing rule contributed to fiscal and political tensions during its ongoing crisis. Colombia is beginning to implement similar rules. Meanwhile, Brazilian and Mexican transfers do not implement such rules and fiscal and economic results do not appear to have fared any worse for this absence. The authors draw on the country experience to establish that certain conditions should be in place before establishing a stabilization rule to federal-to-subnational fiscal transfers-in particular the elimination of long-term structural fiscal imbalances, either within levels of government or across levels of government.Municipal Financial Management,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Public&Municipal Finance,Banks&Banking Reform,Urban Economics,Banks&Banking Reform,National Governance,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Municipal Financial Management,Urban Economics

    Recherche-action participative, collaborative, intervention... Quelles explicitations?

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    document de travail du WP3Plus que proposer une synthèse des différentes approches des recherches actions, il semble que l'exercice de référencement pose surtout un certain nombre de questions : Comment faire une RA ? Dans quelles conditions et contextes se réalise-t-elle ? Avec quels acteurs et quels résultats ? Par quelles entrées ? Au-delà des modalités présentées, la dénomination RAC attire notre attention surtout sur les conditions et les modalités de collaboration entre les acteurs et les chercheurs. Leur description et analyse font partie essentielle de la réflexion épistémologique : Quelles connaissances spécifiques et singulières apporte une RAC par rapport à d'autres formes de collaboration ? Il semblerait donc qu'une RAC ne débouche pas nécessairement dans l'action ; que son émergence ne peut se faire que sur la base d'une mobilisation d'acteurs ou sur la production d'objets communs de recherche ; que le principe " collaboratif ou participatif " dépend d'un cadrage clair, d'une méthode partagée et démarche sur le temps pour en assurer une confiance et qu'elle dépend d'une mise à plat des hiérarchies et d'une mise en avant de l'équivalence des savoirs, tout en les distinguant

    Coupling Human Mobility and Social Ties

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    Studies using massive, passively data collected from communication technologies have revealed many ubiquitous aspects of social networks, helping us understand and model social media, information diffusion, and organizational dynamics. More recently, these data have come tagged with geographic information, enabling studies of human mobility patterns and the science of cities. We combine these two pursuits and uncover reproducible mobility patterns amongst social contacts. First, we introduce measures of mobility similarity and predictability and measure them for populations of users in three large urban areas. We find individuals' visitations patterns are far more similar to and predictable by social contacts than strangers and that these measures are positively correlated with tie strength. Unsupervised clustering of hourly variations in mobility similarity identifies three categories of social ties and suggests geography is an important feature to contextualize social relationships. We find that the composition of a user's ego network in terms of the type of contacts they keep is correlated with mobility behavior. Finally, we extend a popular mobility model to include movement choices based on social contacts and compare it's ability to reproduce empirical measurements with two additional models of mobility

    Redescription of Pelecorhynchus kroeberi (Lindner), a Patagonian species rediscovered after more than 100 years in Chile (Diptera: Pelecorhynchidae)

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    An adult female of Pelecorhynchus kroeberi (Lindner, 1925) is newly recollected after more than 100 years and it is herein redescribed, including, for the first time, illustrations of genitalia. The specimen was collected in the Región de Aysén, Provincia de Aysén (46°40′11.9″S, 74°00′54.0″W), in the extreme south of Chile, and the specimen is deposited in the Entomological Collection of Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile
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